

Happy Town, TN

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Seeking to empower and uplift women of God's Kingdom. Because as I offer to encourage them...I will encourage me.
Favorite Preachers:
Preacher's that preach the Gospel Truth.

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  • Tara Robinson

    thank you my sister you will do just fine as a pastors wife. You got jesus and that's all you need.
  • terrance douthard

  • T.L. Hawkins

    May God's grace and mercy be with you. Keep posting the Blogs. God is truly working through you. Be Blessed.
  • T.L. Hawkins

    The steps of a good man ARE ordered by the Lord!! I'm loving the flowers First Lady...absolutely. Much Love.
  • Margaretta Rice

    thank u and God bless you
  • Prophetess Sandra Dukes, a.m.

    Thank You True WoMan of God - May God Bless and keep you, your family and ministry; as HE takes those who are forever seeking and thirsty for HIS presence to a same yet different and higher elevation of service to HIM. Your words were God Sent in the sealing of a confirmation. May God continue to give you words of anointed salve to a travailing nation, as it is written in Psalms 67; this is my prayer this day- Amen.
  • Micah RaSun-Vann

    God is so good. He makes all things beautiful.

    Be Blessed My Sister
  • Apostle Doreen L. Malcolm

    What a Breath of Fresh Air.......... As you minister to others God shall minister to you........ Stay blessed and highly favored by God... Woman of Value and Splendor!... Continue to walk in your call with all authority, power and anointing!...... Blessings, Min. Doreen
  • Tara Robinson

    My sister i truly do have such a great love for you in my heart wanting you so much to have everything God has for you.God has placed you in my heart and i want you to know i am here fro you and i want you to have my number and e-mail for when ever you need me you can reach me. streetertara@yahoo.com 972-228-9126 anytime. Love ya sis

    Praise God First Lady!!
    You have a inner beauty that shines on the outside as well that the enemy wants to destroy but God has a covering over you as spoken in Psalm 91, for you are in the secret place. It is there that we are made and that is what he is doing for you, the word of the Lord concerning you is great and it is great because of your willing and humbled by your service. Matthew 23:12 "and whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased ; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted. Your humility will take you to high places for you and your husbands ministry. May favor rest upon you to open doors and obtain great opportunity in the name of Jesus. Be encouraged my sister and know that "the joy of the Lord is your strength" you will be strong during this hour because of your laughter that fills a room and joy and excitement about the Lord and the kingdom within.

    Evangelist Tori Johnson
  • Ricardo Miller Ministries

    As the summer quickly approaches and your church plans special events for the children, I would like you to prayerfully consider having Pastor Ricardo Miller as part of your VBS Kickoff Night, Back-To-School Revival, Summer Camp as a Guest Speaker, Parenting Workshop or Teacher's Training.
  • Pastor Patrick P. Bailey

    God Bless you First Lady. Until now, no one has looked deep into the picture to get an understanding. The only thing that they would say is they really liked the picture. Again, God Bless and keep you!!! Your Brightest Days Are Ahead of You!!!!

    Pastor Patrick Bailey
  • Ms Vee

    Praise the Lord, thank you Sis for the welcome... God Bless you and keep you in perfect peace.
  • Pastor Patrick P. Bailey

    Sure, you can borrow it. I don't think of it a personal possession. I think of it as a personal display. Anyone can feel free to share in the love of God.

    Stay Blessed

    Pastor Bailey


  • Ricardo Miller Ministries

    There are some things I just don’t understand?Why do folks want to be in leadership and don’t want to lead? Why would you want to play and not win?
    Why do some do great, others do good, and others just barely do?
    To be successful it takes skill and ability, it also takes determination and hard work but most of all it takes want to! I believe if you want something bad enough you’ll do it. I have time for everything that I want to have time for.
    The key is getting your want to where it needs to be and lined up with God’s plan for your life. There is a prize to win, how bad do you want it?
  • Michelle Fontenot

    Thank you for having something like this for encouragement, God knows everyone needs it.
  • Ulysses (Mac) Mckneely

    Good morning first lady just stopping by to show some 3rd coast love. Our prayer this morning is that the glory of God will be made manifest itself in your expirence today. Be Blessed
  • Evangelist Christy Poindexter


    Thank you for gracing my page with your presence. Have a blessed weekend.

    In His Love,

    Evg. P Delete Comment

  • Alex

    Friend, does your church have an e-mail where I can send my prayer requests to? I really need prayer support right now.
  • Kishi Franklin

    Thank you.

  • Franky-D

    I would love your Feedback on My New Album Free to Download - 1 Link - God Bless!!! TELL A FRIEND... If you get a chance check out my NEW ALBUM FREE TO DOWNLOAD WITH THE FLYER BELOW... NO GIMMICKS... REGISTRATIONS... OR HASSLES. 12 SONGS FREE WITH 1 DIRECT LINK! -CLICK HERE

    Here is a sample single from my latest Music Video called, "What It Does & Keep It Eazy" Mr. D-Note - Keep It Eazy (2009) West Coast Music to Ride To
    Mr D-Note featuring Franky-D & Krysten Ortiz-What It Does?
  • Prophetess Sandra Dukes, a.m.

  • Dr. Jean Howard-Hill

    Subject: A Need For Men and Women of God in Politics!

    Dear Preachers and Those in Ministry:

    I need some bold preachers to go with me into the lion’s den!

    I am a veteran African American Republican who in 1979, God sent into the Republican Party to bring about change and to bring down the walls of prejudice and call the party back to the place of its original birth as the Party of Lincoln.

    This has not been an easy battle. Yet I have stood against all odds, and now it is time to take it to the next level.

    What I have seen is that the racism, mean spiritedness and the foolishness that is within the Republican Party is mostly at the top. Those who rise to the top, in most cases are the perpetrators. But when you go to the grass roots level, this almost is not there or it is in lesser degrees. Many at the grass roots level are those who believe what we believe, work with us and even share sweet fellowship. However, when you begin to get involved at the party level, this is where the demons of racism rear their heads and stand as gatekeepers.

    Having taught American Government, State and Local Government and International Politics and Culture of Non-Western Countries as a political science professor at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, I understand government at all levels – even globally. I know what it will take to break the hold and to get pass the political gatekeepers. Sit-in and protests will do absolutely nothing! Even prayer alone will not suffice. But with the power of prayer, as well as the wisdom of God, we have to move into both parties and carve out a place for ourselves as Americans, if we want to share in America’s political power base. Yes, this means moving even into the Republican Party.

    As the national chair for the Black Republican Women Organization, I began back in 1987 recruiting African American women into the GOP, who were not willing to be tokens, but who could retain their blackness.

    Presently, I head the National Republican African American Caucus. It is a unique republican organization because it allows African Americans to be a part of a collective body that can and will bring about change. Our goal is 1.5 million by 2012, and 500,000 in 2010. You may ask why so many? It is because political strength is in numbers! In politics, believe it or not, it has very little to do with color. It has to do with numbers and the ability to write the check. If you can show you have a substantial number of people who can stand as a voting block, and have the ability to finance your own cause, then you become a significant player within the political landscape. This is the ONLY way that we gain and retain political power. This is how we as African Americans get to the table, have a voice and place ourselves in appointed and elected positions. This is how we stop some of the foolishness that is going on in politics.

    As an African American Republican, I proudly voted for President Obama in the general election. But his ability to win was because he was able to get beyond the gatekeepers and become a political player within the Democratic Party. Now we have to do the same thing within the Republican Party!

    Having said all of this, I need men and women of God who will join with me to fulfill this mandate, and will join the NRAAC and even begin local caucuses. I don’t want everyone! Because it is important to remain political players in both parties. We need to be in the Democratic and Republican parties. I just need a significant number of praying people, and those who are strong and can take a stand for what is right to come into the Republican fold, so that our voices are heard.

    I ask you to go to the NRAAC website at www.nraacaucus.org and see what we are all about. Then pray about this and see if you are one of the ones who God is saying, “I call you to take a stand on the other side (the Republican Party), so that you can make a difference.”

    Also see if perhaps God is calling you to serve in a leadership capacity. In November, we will be making new appointments of regional and state chairs, and advisory board and national board members. If you are interested, and decide to become a member, you may submit your name, bio/resume for consideration.

    I look forward to those of you who are godly and truly believe in justice and compassionate, yet self-responsibility and responsible government, joining our ranks!

    …And for those of you who already are Republicans, we welcome you to the family of African American Republicans.

    Let’s ALL go forth, and make a positive difference regardless of which party we are in!

    Feel free to e-mail me at jean.howard.hill@gmail.com or jean-howard-hill@utc.edu, and to pass this e-mail on. Tennessee also has a state caucus at www.tnraacaucus.org. We welcome Tennessee members!

    Look forward to hearing from you and even seeing you at the April 9th – 10th NRAAC Conference. Our theme: Setting the Republican Agenda to Include People of Color.

    In His Service,

    Dr. Jean Howard-Hill, Nat’l Chair
  • Dr. Jean Howard-Hill

    Good Morning:

    I know many of you who are receiving this e-mail, already have said you would get involved from the first e-mail sent to you. But I still wanted to share with you the awesome Word of the Lord, God gave to me this morning because it brings a greater clarity to what God is asking of us and why God has made the call for us to enter politics. It also may help those who did not understand or took offense to the first e-mail.

    Love you all!

    Dr. Jean Howard-Hill

    To The Men and Women of God:

    This is the Word of the Lord, God gave me early this morning regarding the call I made to the African American clergy in regards to seeking those to wage spiritual warfare within the Republican Party through their involvement in the [NRAAC] National Republican African American Caucus . God said that this is a spiritual revival that God is igniting within politics, beginning first with setting the Republican House in order! And in every revival, God uses a preacher. This is why the call was first made to you.

    God gave this message regarding this. It is in quotes because I want to make it clear what God has said.

    “Jean, these are the instructions I give to you. Go first to the African American clergy and make the call. Those who answer, I shall use mightily, elevating them to positions of both priesthood and rulership. But if they are deaf to the call, then go outside of the pulpits and gather those of whom I will raise up to take their places. For I will place the scepter of rulership and the Word of the Lord in their mouths and they shall become the priests of the Lord, moving on My behalf. For I shall use whomever is sensitive to My Will in this hour and can understand the urgency of setting America back on course.

    I call those who are of both African and American descent because I will use this revival of politics to bring forth the final deliverance of my people from the bonds of slavery. I will loose their chains of poverty and injustice and shall bring them into positions of wealth and leadership throughout the land, so that they may invoke change and guard the Word of the Lord which has been defiled and My Name defamed. For you are a spiritual people, whose thirst and hunger for Me runs deep in the soul. You know Me like no other people. Just as I chose the Jews, so do I choose you in this hour to awaken the nation and the even the world!

    I did not allow you to be brought to America in vain, to be forever the tail and in chains. But I call you to the head of the nation, and of the states and of the cities and towns of America! Now is the hour, and I have opened paths of leadership in both parties as you have seen I miraculously did with President Obama. Pray for him that he does not lose his footing! For he is about to fall, unless the church undergirts him in prayer and unless he sees the church come forth at his back, he will NOT be strengthen to do what he knows he should do. Therefore, you must arise at his back and take a stand in the Republican Party where I AM sending you. For it is the party I birthed in times past to emancipate you and to bring you to this place of deliverance from the bondage of slavery. Look in the archives of history and you will see that I have moved from one party to another, and have used both of them to bring you to the next stages of your deliverance. So who among you can tell Me which party I can and will use? I AM God and I can use whatever and whomever I so choose, whenever and however I wish. But if you do not arise in this hour, and take a stand for what is moral, just and right, I shall hold you accountable for President Obama’s mistakes and miss-steps! For if he moves to dismantle the Divine Covenant of Marriage which I have ordained and instituted, I shall move with sure and sudden destruction upon America and the church. Because you, those who say you are called by Me, sat back quietly within your pulpits and allowed it to be so!

    President Obama’s strength will come out of your leadership within the Republican Party. America’s salvation will come out of your stand for righteousness ! It will begin in the Republican Party and then spread to your brothers and sisters within the Democratic Party, and they too shall take their places within their own party. This is why I have not called all of you to come into one party. For I will do the work in both! But first, it has to begin in the Republican Party. Then there shall come a time when those I have called from both parties will join together and stand as ONE voice to proclaim righteousness and justice over a land which I have given to them as an inheritance. For they also have an inheritance in this land of promise. Those who understand this will understand, and those who do not understand is because they do not understand that My ways are not your ways, and how I choose to do this is not according to the dictates of man! For who is man to tell Me what to do?

    Go back again Jean, and this time, tell them that it is I who made the call and that the call is urgent! What has to be done, has to be done now.

    I AM not just calling everyone. I AM only positioning those I have called and have taken through the fire, storm, and purging so that they will stand and will not bow or give in to the darkness that is covering the earth. Of these who are called, they understand how darkness covers the earth and that the darkness must be pierced. They are not all perfect, but they are and have been in the Potter’s Hands and are being and have been remolded and reshaped through many trials, and from this they have and will become experts in how to pierce the darkness, because they have dealt with their own darkness and have overcome it with light. In this same way, they shall pierce the darkness of America and usher in the Light of God – My Light which shall shine in the darkest of places and shall cause those who have been blinded to disorder and sin to see and to desire to walk in My Light. For behold this is the hour where they who sat in darkness, shall see a Bright Light that flows from those who have Me within them to bring forth the Light of God to a nation I birthed to bring Me Glory before the last days. In this land, I will spark a revival that will also be ignited from the darkest continent of Africa to usher in the new age of the Preparation of the Bride – My Darling Sweetness which is the Church I purchased with My own Blood to be My Bride! She is the Apple of My Eye, and I AM bringing her forth without spot, blemish or wrinkle.

    I AM raising up many women to enter this battle. It is not because I seek only women, but it is because the women I have called, they have become like warriors, stirred up like a fearless lioness who protects her cubs, and will quickly arise with a mind to defend that which is right, just and holy! For as it was in the days of Deborah when Israel lacked a mother, and had gone astray, so is it now. So do not take offense to this. But there also are men who are lions and are ready to give forth a mighty roar! There are men who also have developed spiritual wombs and will give birth! There are men of whom I have called, who at first will not get into this battle at the front lines. But they are still called to this task, and they are strong and will stand with those who do. I will use them to support this birth, to be watchmen, and to be in the delivery room to PUSH and to facilitate the birth. Some even will give birth themselves! But both have been called and both will share in the victory. For America has to be rebirthed by both African American males and females who carry the gospel as godly vessels to birth it forth!

    After I have impregnated this vision into the womb of those, both man and woman who are willing to allow Me to use them, then I will call many more to protect and provide a covering for that which is birthed, to nurture it into a mighty revival in America, Africa and then the world. This is the revival that will awaken the Bride to come out of her chamber and the Bridegroom from His room.

    So when I call, count it an honor to be chosen. And bring others like you with you to do this work which has to be done timely and in season. For you are the elect I have chosen, and I AM not calling anyone of whom I have not already equipped and ordained.

    For those I have called, already I have placed this in your spirit. So answer the call! For I will not make the call to you again! For there are those whose ears are tuned and will answer Me when I call them forth! If you do not answer, to them I will then call. Because they know not only My Voice, but they know the Divine Call of God for this hour that I have placed upon their lives, and are eager to be called to the front lines!"

    Amen. So be it!
  • Abraham Israel

    Shalom, My Good Dear Brother & Sister! I Love You As My Wonderful HEBREW Brother & Sister! In Fact All So Call Black People Are The Hebrew People Of The Holy Bible Read(Genesis 14:13) Here We Fine Abraham Is A Hebrew; And If He Is Your Forefather What Are You?. When You Study The So Call Black People History And Hebrews History It Is The Same; The Names Was Just Change, You Can Make A List Of All The Names We Been Call And Answer To; You Have To Wake Up And Study The Truth About Our Real Name Of The Most High God "YHWH" Which Means YAHWEH; That Was Taking From Us As His People, We Where Cut Off By Yahweh Himself; (Read Gen 15:13, 1kings 9:6-9 Acts 7:6) Really Read And Study What I Am Saying Am Telling The Truth. He Is Waking You And I Up To Wake Up Our Love ONES!

    Note: Now Yahweh Is Bring You And I Back Onto Himself, Thats Why His Name Is Being Talk About More And More And More! It Will Not Go Away, It Will Only Get Biger And Greater In The Thy Earth. I appreciate you giving me your time to touch on Biblical thoughts and then also to share with you some of my study and research. Moreover, I want to mentioned to you the type of books that would be a must have in considering to formulate your Biblical Library. Moreover, these are some of the books that would cause one to move from a comfort zone, to an intense Biblical High! Praise Yahweh! Now these are some of the books that are recommended:

    1. Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible
    2. King James Hebrew/Greek Key Word Study Bible
    3. Inter perter Bible Dictionary(set of 5)
    4. Vine's Complete Expository Dictionary of the Bible
    5. Webster's Collegiate or Random House Dictionary
    6. Synonym Finder by J.I. Rodale
    7. Guinness Book of World Records, copyright 1985
    8. Jerusalem Bible
    As a Note: The Guinness Book of World Records talks about the letters "J' and "V" as being the newest letters added to English Alphabet, which is post Shakespearean 1630. So the letters "J" and "V" are only 379 years old. Also In The Hebrew /Greek There Is No Letter "J" Take These Bible Tools And Look And See; All "J"s Are a "Y" And All "V" Are a "W" In The Hebrew: Praise Yahweh! We Can Do All Things In Yahweh! It Is A Wonderful Time For Us To Be Here This Day! Note: Most Rev, Preachers, Evangelist, Churches, Artists, Ministries, Prophets, Prophetess, Men And Woman Who Say They Have Been Call By The Most High God Yahweh, Don't Even Call Him By His Real Holy Name; And On Top Of That, Those Who Know Want Even Tell Those Who Don't Know, His Real Holy Name Is YHWH Which Is YUD-HAY-WAW-HAY That Saids "YAHWEH". Look It Up: For Yourself "YHWH" And Then Tell The Truth, If You Are From The God Yahweh Of The Hebrews And Bible, Ex 5:3, Ex 9:1, Ex 9:13, When You Know The Truth Tell It And It Will Set You Free! Praise Yahweh! Great Are U! Note: Gather as Many Different Bibles and Dictionaries to HELP Build Your Library. Praise Yahweh!
    Blessing! Your Brother Abraham
  • Ricardo Miller Ministries


    The Children's Ministry event of events will hit the DFW area. The 2009 Children's Ministry Symposium Friday November 13 - Saturday November 14, 2009. The Children's Ministry Symposium will feature some of the most renowned Children's Ministry Leaders in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Taking place at Pathway of Life Church 8510 Military Pkwy, Dallas, Texas, this symposium will renew passion and ignite a fire of excitement in your children's department like never before.

    Here is a Sneak Peak at some of the topics we have lined up for you:

    Volunteers - How to Get 'Em, How to Keep 'Em
    Creative Classroom Discipline and Managment
    When Wild Kids Show Up
    Involving Kids In Worship
    Predator – Proof Your Children’s Ministry....and much more

    With speakers: Connie McKenzie of Christ for the Nations Institute, Cynthia Hunt of The Potter's House Church, Susan Rutledge of Hillcrest Church, Gail Miller of North Dallas Community Bible Fellowship Church, Carol Crockett, Pathway of Life Church and hosted by one of the nation's leading children's ministry evangelists and consultants, Ricardo Miller, you don't want to miss it!

    Registration will include a Symposium T-Shirt, Information Packet and Lunch along with access to all sessions.

    If you are part of a children's department looking for an event that will equip you to take new territory in reaching children for the Kingdom, this is the event for you! For more information or to register, call 214-275-7284, ext. 109 or visit us online at www.ricardomiller.com.
  • Sis. E

    Bless your heart dear sister in Christ. Thank you. I appreciate your comments.
  • Prophetess Sandra Dukes, a.m.

  • Minister Karen L. Ribeiro

    Praise the Lord Mighty Woman of God! Happy New Year to you all!
    I am grateful that the Lord allowed us all to enter in 2010!
    2009 wasn’t the easiest of years, but through the eyes of faith, I see great things awaiting all of us in 2010. The reason I’m sending this email... the Lord blessed my publishing ministry with an awesome door of opportunity and we are looking to do even greater works on this year!
    Years ago, I wrote a book titled I Will Do A New Thing In You. A local ministry asked if I would allow them to include the book as a gift to women incarcerated. We want to do the same next year.
    Write The Vision Publications www.writethevisionpublications.com, is looking to publish a book titled: Women Of Great Faith. I need your group’s participation. The book will be comprised of messages by women of great faith.
    The process is simple. With your permission, we would publish a message of your choosing. All you would need to do is submit your message (500 words or more) along with your contact information, in word format to info@writethevisionpublications.com. We anticipate having the project completed by the end of February 2010.
    Although we are not in position to offer monetarily compensation, once the project is complete, we will send you a complementary copy of the book. The ownership of your message will remain your property.
    We are sure the Lord will richly bless you as together we bless His people. One thing I can promise you for sure…books have a way of going places many of us may never get to go.
    If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 336-997-2359. God bless you and thank you in advance.
    Minister Karen Ribeiro
  • Minister Coylette James

    There are far too many quotes about laughter to name them all; suffice it to say that laughter is the best and cheapest medicine for what ails you. On April 23, 2010 your prescription will be filled at the TPAC’S James K Polk Theater, Nashville TN when four of today’s funniest comedians take the stage.

    A night of clean fun to uplift your soul is what you will experience when Stephon Raickett, Hen Sap, D L Henry and Willie Brown & Woody share their gifts with you.

    For tickets log onto www.tpac.org

    Healing For the Soul - Comedy Show
  • Ricardo Miller Ministries

    Dear First Lady,

    Check out our latest video and see how we are "Raising the Standard in Reaching Children"
  • evangelist pastor susie houston

    iam bless to join your group thank you evangelist pastor susie houston
  • saadia Jones

    okay, thanks!!
  • Rev. Tajuan Johnson Kyles

    Have a wonderful week!!
  • Lavittia

    Good Afternoon,

    Thank you for the invitation. I accept. Looking forward to your response.
  • Pastor M.Truss-Barber

  • Pastor M.Truss-Barber

    Red Ribbon
  • rRev. kenneth W. kelley

    Red Ribbon
  • M. Jones

    Thanks for the friend request! :)
  • James Franklyn Everett

    My heart is breaking right now Im so saddened because of the way I allowed the devil to decieve me and use me. I wasted so much of my life. And I really love God and let Him down so. I spent so much of my life looking to belong somewhere. Never had a real family, Dont know what real love feels like. It always hurts so. Looking at other people and there families makes me sad. I wish I had what they have. No Im not coveting which is to wish I had it and they didn't. But I wish I had the love and togethernes they seem to enjoy. Someone who loved me when I was a growing up. ( a family) I spent my life trying to fit into other peoples families. My mom and dad weren't there. My brother and sister suffered from the same brokenness i did. He's been in jail from child hood till now, and my sister contracted aids trying to fit in somewhere. Its hard to be sucessful at something when your filled with rejection. Im sorry I dont mean to burden you, I just had to get it out and there's no one else to talk to. Now look at me, Opressed by demons, I"m praying that this oppression isn't unto death. What a waste. sometimes we grow up so alone and try to be so brave about it because of shame we never tell anyone. We just suffer alone in silence. Its not Good for the man to be alone. You know you can be in a crowd of a miilon people and still be all alone without some one to love you. and Im not just talking about the opposite sex. I mean just someone there who cares and understands. That really gets you and its ok. I foud no rest for my heart so i drowned it in drugs and alcohol. I didnt know at the time that it would make me into a slave. I was dead for 25 years and now that im awake (not using anymore) my heart is breaking under the weight of my sins and for what my life has been, I made so many mistakes. Please pray for me I am truely sorry for my sins.
    God Bless you.
  • James Franklyn Everett

  • Apostle David George

    More Blessings Spirit

    Greetings, in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,

    One of many videos created by me using Adobe After Effects CS4 and Sony Vegas 9.0 and rendered in HD 1080P.

  • M. Jones

    Just wanted to say hey and I hope you have a nice day! :) God bless.


  • M. Jones

    Thanks! :)
  • Vanessa Armstrong

    Hi, look forward to speaking with, getting into non-profit email: email: armstrong.vanessa@hopebroadcastingnetwork.com
  • katie

    just wanted to say thank you for the words of encouragement..it was well needed.god bless