Bishop Allen Richardson


Dallas, TX

United States

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Senior Pastor
Church Name:
Abundant Life Cathedral Church
College Attended (optional):
Praire View A&M Universary,Tarleton State University, Faith Evangelical Seminary, Vision University, Dallas Ft. Worth Bible Institute and Seminary
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.) <------school just for Bishops
Favorite Preachers:
Bishop Eddie L. Moton
Bishop Paul S Morton
Bishop David Martin
Pastor Ralph West
Pastor Dewey Smith
Bishop Ivory Stafford
Bishop Cedric Beard

Comment Wall:

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  • Zion's Joy

    Welcome to our page Bishop Richardson.

    God;s Blessings,
    Zion's Voice
  • Bishop A. Isaiah Jackson, Sr.

    God bless you! I am honored to be your friend. Thanks for have me to be your friend, I will be happy to share your joys as well your sorrows. I'm willing to help wherever possible. Always keep me in your prayers as I prayer for you.
  • Willard S. Burke Sr

    Bishop Allen Richardson:
    This is one of your X students @ VIU & DFW Bible Institute & Seminary,
    Dr. Willard S. Burke Sr. I just found this website and glad to see U here and a Bishop now. . .I didn't know U had been promoted to a greater degree of service. . .congratulations--U certainly will be an asset to God's work for sure.
    Again, what is the status of the website for the DFW Bible Institute & Sminary? I have not heard anything since the last board meeting? Also, I have finished my book on Sunday School and signed off on it to be in Barnes
    and Nobles book stores within two weeks or less hopefully. Call me and I'll send U a copy (hardback=$29.99 & softback=$19.99. My # is: (817)-313-9889
    Cell-phone. Book Title: "The Faith-Base-Orient Sunday School in the 21st Century." See U soon.


    Dea. Dr. Willard S. Burke Sr. DM, PhD-Th
  • Prophetess Odessa Moton

    Thank you for your patience and your support, The wait is over and you can now order on line at this temporary site. Bishop please pass this on
  • Linda Swanigan

    Amen Man of God....I look forward to the network and fellowship.

    Apostle Linda
  • Pastor Linda J. Bates

  • The Apostle

    Bishop, I would like to invite you to " The apostle doctrine Empowerment" on Oct 17th in Killeen. This is the same doctrine that Jesus himself taught The Original Apostles. It is uncut and not for the weak in heart spiritually. add me as a friend.
  • Pastor Tracey Troy

    Dear Bishop,
    Thank you for asking. I am currently under Harvest Ministries, where my bishop is Bishop Randy Borders. He preached this year for the College of Bishops. If I could be of any other service to you let me know by going to my website: or by calling my admins. (919) 656-8840. If you would like to see me minister there are some clips on You can just type my name: traceytroy. God bless you.
  • Bishop W. Anthony Richardson

    Hey cuz! Im doing a little better. Was under the weather over the weekend. Hit me back when you get this message. Are you coming to my birthday bash in October?
  • Dr. Barry R. Randall

    Grace and peace great Bishop... Thanks for the add
  • ArchBishop Bernadine Turner PhD

    I'm Co-Founder/CFO of The National Bishops Conference and would direct you to ArchBishop Jocita Williams who would be happy to answer your questions concerning the conference and thank you for asking. God's blessings be upon you in your work, my brother.
  • Dr. Barry R. Randall

    Grace and peace, Yes sir I agree with you but I would also like to add that there are 6 offices to the bIshopric and you can refer to Bishop J. Delano Ellis book about the Bishopric for that info (in short). But I am glad that I serve as an overseer 3rd in succession to the prelate behind our coadjutor. I try not to get into the theological debates concerning offices because when you log onto myspace its sad to see a lot of Bishops with no churches, pastors and or members for that matter and I cant stand to see Bishops without an educational credentials. If you are under 55 years old there is no excuse as to why you dont have at least an earned bachlors degree. I guess that's food for thought!
  • Dr. John L. Fulbright III

    I think a lot of the time men have forgotten that there is an order to all things just as GOD and Christ had order. However, men who dont want to wiat for their proper appointment, or who get ticked off because they have to wait normally want to go and do things their way. Thats why we have one church name Emmanuel for example and then there is another church called Greater Emmanuel because someone got mad and anxious and decided to do things there way instead of GOD's way. I would rather be recognized and appointed by a group of my peers rather than being a Lone Ranger with no true agenda from GOD. I agree with you Bishop Richardson if there is an order that should be followed then all should have to follow that order without biased or prejudiced of stature or of placement. We far too often want to change what works in order to bend the rules to our own downfall in most cases. If there is a sacred and proven track to follow then I think we should stay on that track and improve the track not side step the track to start a new one. One day we as men and women of GOD will learn that staying together is a proven form of long term survival rather than going off and being destroyed individually.
  • Prophetess Stephanie Saunders.

    Thanks for the request of friendship....I know the Lord has great things in store for us as we seek GOd"s face to continue to establish His kingdom in the earth.
  • Prophet Christopher Burton

    Grace and Peace Bishop, This is Prophet Christopher Burton from Atlanta ga just sending you Kingdom Greeting. I believe it's not by chance we have cross path. I believe that this is the season of Divine Connections and God is linking up people from all across the world that has the heartbeat of the Kingdom. I would like to fellowship with you and your ministry. Looking forward to sharing with you soon. Until we speak, Grace to You and your Family!!!
  • Prophet Christopher Burton

    Bless you Bishop, I totally agree with the comment you made regarding bishops and education because im not a bishop but i believe regardless of what office you hold you can not function in any office ignorant. One thing I know about God is he never sends you out without the knowledge and wisdom you need to be successful in the place He calls you too but in order to get the knowledge you have to go to school but to get the wisdom you receive that though prayer! I look forward to sharing with you more soon
  • Apostle Dr. Larry Everett

    Well happy birthday Man of God.
    the conceration is coming soon by apostles and Bishops
  • Ms. Georgina Williams

    Bishop I thoght the blog about Apostoles was awesome. I often wondered how a person became an Apostle. My other question is how does a woman get into this ans as well the office of a Bishop? You are a well of info and i have my dipper ready to dip.
  • Ms. Georgina Williams

    The article on tongues is wonderful.It actually gives me a clear conscise understanding about speaking in tongues.
  • Pastor Linda J. Bates

  • Pastor di

    Hey Bishop I just keep finding you everywhere I go! lol so does that mean I am tied to you in some shape form or fashion.

  • E. Marcel Jones

    From Condoms to Colossians - An interactive Bible study for Singles

    From the Author of The Naked Truth: The Gospel According to Singles
  • Prophetess Latonya Leonard

    God Morning bishop what will you love see take place for you today.........
  • Prophetess, Estella King

  • Bishop Michael B. Nesby

    Grace and Peace to you Bishop. Thank you for the invitation and I really look forward to sharing with you and your ministry in the future. Keep me abreast of events that you're having at your church and ministry.

    Grace & Peace,
    Bishop Michael B. Nesby
    Abundant Faith Covenant Fellowship
    Presiding Bishop





    "Excellence is to do a common thing in and uncommon way"

    "Human excellence means nothing unless it works with the consent of God"


    VISIT US @



  • Rev. Jacob Vadlapati

    Dear Bishop Richardson,
    Greetings from India in Jesus name.
    Praise to be Him alone and happy to know about you & your blessed work in Him. Praying for the same and would like to join with you to complete the great commission of Lord Jesus Christ.

    Please consider us in Him

    In His grace
    Rev. Jacob Vadlapati
  • Rev. Jacob Vadlapati

    Dear Bishop, Greetings in Jesus name. I have the opportunity to view the web site of the and tried to join with you but I am unable to submitted the details. Kindly help me out to submit our church details to join with you to pray & grow together for the expansion of Lord's Kingdom.

    Thanks, Pastor Jacob Vadlapati
  • Apostle Akeleish Ramjust

  • Pastor Darryl Miller

    Finally a way that Churches, Non-profits, and other organizations can raise the needed dollars to operate. What if you can earn money by searching the internet? No obligation to buy anything or sell anything. How about earning .05 cent every time you and group click on a web site. If you had 50 members the made 5 click or searches a day in 30 days you made $ 375 dollars that month and if those member had 2 family member or friends help them you mad $1,125.
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    But it a limited time call 828-238-5268 or click here

    “Knowing that whatsoever good thing any man doeth,
    the same shall he receive of the Lord, whether he be bond or free.”
    Ephesians 6:8 (KJV)
  • Linda Swanigan

    Hello Bishop,
    Greetings and Blessing into a new year, how is the fellowship?

    Apostle Linda
  • Pastor Linda J. Bates

  • Chaundria Zeigler

    I Am Good!... I AM Great!... I AM Wonderful! Thanks for asking. How are you?
  • Evangelist Cheryll Wells

    Praise the Lord! Early registration for the Women On Fire Empowerment Conference is going on Now. Registration is only $35.00! This conference is designed to empower, equip and educate women and provide them with the resources to live a more abundant life! Please share this information with your congregation. To Learn More please visit us at!


    Bishop Rchardson, Praise God, and I hope all is well in your ministry. I need to know how you download a flyer for an event to this site? Any advice you can give me will be most helpful!!!

    Bishop "DD" Hayes
    Presiding Bishop
    G.I.F.T Ministries
  • Pastor Linda J. Bates

  • Pastor Linda J. Bates

  • favour 44

    Hello, hope everything is oky by the grace of GOD im fine.its attractive yr profile ,i wanna talk to u,have a little time for yahoo id is:
    thank,s favour
  • Ambassador Vanessa Ann

    THANK YOU ~ I am thoroughly encouraged!!!!! God bless you entirely.
  • Prophet Christopher Burton

    Grace and Peace, This is Prophet Christopher Burton from Atlanta ga just send you Kingdom Greeting. I believe that God has allowed us to cross path for such a time as this to Advance His Kingdom in the earth. I look forward to sharing with you and connecting when the season permits. Until we speak, Grace to You & Stay tune, This Chapter of blessing has just begin!!!
  • Davida C. Tandy

  • Co Pastor Jonie Williams

    Grace and Peace Bishop
    Looking forward to seeing you all at Kingdom Fest 2010.....
  • Krishunna Pearson

    Hello, I just got your last comment! Although I am not sure what to make of it, I appreciate it very much. I found it to be encouraging. Thank you
  • Apostle Ken & Robyn Coats

    Keep your eyes on the finish line
    1. Ecclesiastes 9:11 declares I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all

    Philippians 3:14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
    I am reminded of John the Baptist running his race I can imagine how hard it must have been to be an outcast no one to encourage him but yet determined to run the race that God set before him, he than past the baton to Jesus John 1 24-34 and Jesus through persecution beating being disrespected bruised for our iniquity took it all and yet forgave Luke 23:34 Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots. And yet through persecution Christ endured it all by keeping his eyes on the finish line I can imagine him running the baton all the way to the cross with His arms stretched out like a runner winning the race saying” It is finished “I am writing this to all believers to stay encouraged love you all with the Agape love of God stay encouraged we need each other no matter what denomination you are in we are all His lets finish this race strong, lets finish clean Love you all stay encouraged
    Forever indebted to the King
    Pastor Ken Coats
  • Psalmist Angela White-Carter

    Hey Bishop how are you?
  • Elder Michele L. Godfrey

  • Tracey Strother

    Visit Gospel316 GOSPEL316.COM; home of the new TV show, “Gospel316.” Join us in a celebration of faith and independence; as we launch the “Gospel316” Showcase Series! Gospel316 features independent gospel singers from around the world; and this weekly program will start airing this fall. Check the Gospel316.Com site or your local cable listings for program times and details.
  • Evang. Sandra D Jones

    Man of God! All is wll with me. Thank u for the invite. I do yet have a covering. Bless God. Continue in HIS SERVICE!
  • The Apostle

    Bishop, would love to have you sit on our famous " Men Summit Panel " at, The Essence of a Woman Summit this Saturday in Dallas at 5pm. Let me know if you are available?
    Add me as a friend.