Dean E Golden


Aurora, CO

United States

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
Denver Metro
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Church Name:
Faith Family Minastreies Inlal Colorado
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
We are a startup Church here in Denver Metro I am one of the Larders in training We have yet to appoint titles like Deacon & the like.
I am Dean Golden aka Uncle Dean Business & Spiritual Life Coach. Teaching The Word of God through my understanding of Ontology the study of Being like in Human Being. The proses of transforming Be-Do-Have.
Favorite Preachers:
As a child growing up I have always like to go to tent meetings were they were doing Healing and Praising the Lord. As to a favorite I would have to say our Lord Jesus he taught through relating to the people through telling them stories that they could understand from their own world and experiences.

Comment Wall:

  • T.L. Hawkins

    WELCOME to the BPN Family! Be sure to join your local group(s). Be Blessed and remember to BE a blessing.

  • Apostle Prophet Per Einar and p

    God bless you and anoint and use you. I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name.Revelation.3.8
    Love in Christ from Apostle and Prophet Per.Einar Jensen from Norway
  • Remegio CBlanco

    Dear Sir Dean E.Golden,

    To God be all the glory!

    Sir Golden, thank you so much for accepting to be one of your friends. Amen. Sir, please visit us here in the Philippines to conduct Conference,Crusade and Revival.Love you all.

    TELEPHONE& FAX 044-25281985
    Pastor B.Stephen Devakumar. Founder President
    Postal Address:P.B. No.7432, Chennai-600 079. S.India. =============================================================== ,
    Dear Respected Pastor

    Greetings in the precioua Name of Jesus!

    I would like to introduce myself that I am the Founder and President of the above Association which is registered with the Government of India.

    We minister to the poor and needy by means of the Gospel and social services. At present, we have 50 churchess all over the state of Tamil Nadu and Kerala State. We built our own church buildings and parsonages for the pastors and their families.
    We support 50 pastors and their families each month.

    Beside this, we also run two children homes for the desstitute children. We give free boarding and housing for 100 children. We are also engaged in a literature ministry. So far, we have published more than 32 books-such as an exposition for Psalms, Joshua, Ruth and Six volumes of sermon outlines for pastors, stories for children in our regional language More than 7 million people have benefited by reading our books. We also released Six volumes of Christian music on audio cassette. Recently, we have started a free lending library with more than 3000 books and audio and video tapes for the benefit of Christian believers-irrespective of denominations.

    I have seen how Western believers are rich with an abundance of reading and teaching materials. My people are hungry for more teaching and edofying material to help them grow in the knowledge of The Lord.

    Therefore, I am requesting that you send your old, and new books and tapes for our library. If sent by "surface mail", it will cost very little, and the value to our brothers and sisters innnn christ in India would be priceless! How grateful theBelievers would be!

    I became acquainted with your esteemed ministry through various sources such as internet and magazines.

    Therefore, I also extend Welcome to visit our Churches and our cities to conduct Gospel meetings and Pastor's seminars for our people. I will arrange the meetings and seminars
    around your Schedule.

    Yours in His Services

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------
    From Darkness to Light (my personal testemony)

    I was born in an orthodox Hindu Family. I was brought up in an atmosphere of much piety. As a result I took pains to learn a good number of the Hindu Ethics. I was growing up in the fear of Hindu Gods. My sins also abounded in proportion to my piety. Sin prevailed upon me. In this way I completed my seventeenth year. If anybody chose to argue with me about Christ I gave them strong answers and dismiss them quite easily by hushing them into silence. One day a close friend of mine began to talk to me about the love of God. But I argued with him and boldly refused his claim that Jesus Christ alone is the real living God. I gave my assent to the fact that there is only one God but gave emphatic "No" to his claim about Jesus Christ. In this way, I whield away a few more months. The Lord began to speak to me in manyways. I was indifferent to it. He spoke to me through proverbs 28:13. But I turned a deaf ear to the divine talk too and was continuing to waste my life. Many time the Lord made this gracious intervention in my life. Finally the Lord unmistakably spoke to me by getting me involved a dreadful bus accident. At this stage I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour. I commited my whole life into His blessed hands of protection and confessed all my sins sincerely. The Lord pardoned all my sins, and I was quite convinced to His matchless Grace. From that day, He has enabled me toenjoy heavenly joy and peace of mind which the world can never give me nor can take away. He also gave me triumph over sin. He delivered me from all the sins to whichI have been miserrably subjected till then. Then the Lord spoke to me through Acts.22:16 and in obedience to His voice, I took water Baptism on 30th August 1970, afterwards, I encounted much oppositions in my own Home. The whole of my house, my own kith and kin began totear and set fire to my Bible. They put me to countless sufferings’ and hardships and did their best to win me back to my former Hindu faith. But the Lord Jesus confirmed His word in accordance with Isa 54:17. In this way the gracious Lord is keeping me in His precious way be actually bearing me up against innumerable difficulties. The burden of taking this precious Salvation is still in my heart and I am praying that God would strengthen me physically as well as spiritually to carry His word to the hundreds and --thousands of young souls like me who perish in darkness not seeing the precious light of Salvation. At present we are having more than 50 Churches in Tamil Nadu and in Kerala State. We have sent more than 700 Orphan children trained in our Children's home. We minister to the poor and needy by means of the Gospel and Social Services. At present we have 50 churches all over the State of Tamilnadu. We build our own church buildings and parsonages for the pastors and their families. We support 40 pastors and their family each month. Beside this, we also run two children's home for destitute children, we are free boarding the housing for 100 children. We also run three English schools for the public for a moderatefee. Through these schools, we introduce the Living Christ to the children. We are also engaged in a literature ministry, so far, we have published more than 25 books such as an exposition for Psalms, Joshua and Ruth and five volumes of sermon outlines for Pastors, stories for children, etc., in our regional languaes. More than 7 million people have benefited by reading our books. We also reieased five volumes of Christian Music on audio cassettes. Recently, we have started a free lending library, with more than 2000 books and audio and video tapes for the benefit of chrisitian Believers - irrespective of denominations. India ua a ripened harvest field. The last few years, the spiritual climate has changed dramatically. People are open to the Gospel as never before. The hour of God's visitation land. India is searching for a Guiding star, looking for a sure foundation, crying out for a Saviour - it is time to take action.

    Therefore, Please take time to consider it and put it before The Lord. "THIS IS A CITY THAT NEEDS JESUS."

    As I close may Jesus keep you and guide you in whatever way for you to become a part of OPEN DOOR MINISTRIES.
    With love and prayers.

    Covet the prayers of one and all on my behalf.
    B. stephen Devakumar
    Founder & President.

    YOU CAN CONTACT PASTOR IAN 01924 362671 (U.K.) FOR MORE ABOUT ME AND MY MINISTRY he visited India. Or you can contact Bishop Fraizer 910 324 3574 U.S.A.
  • Ricardo Miller Ministries

    Well, it's about that time...the Children's Ministry Symposium is coming soon to Dallas/Fort Worth. November 12-14, 2009...2 1/2 days that will equip those who serve in Children's Ministry. More information coming soon.

  • Franky-D

    Thank you for the love back and I look forward to staying connected with you. TELL A FRIEND... If you get a chance check out my NEW ALBUM FREE TO DOWNLOAD WITH THE FLYER BELOW... NO GIMMICKS... REGISTRATIONS... OR HASSLES. 12 SONGS FREE WITH 1 DIRECT LINK! -CLICK HERE

    Here is a sample single from my latest Music Video called, "What It Does?" Mr D-Note featuring Franky-D & Krysten Ortiz-What It Does?
  • Prophetess Sandra Dukes, a.m.

  • Jackqueline Bennett

  • Eugene M. Bouie

  • Pastor Darryl Miller

  • Tracey Strother

    Visit Gospel316 GOSPEL316.COM; home of the new TV show, “Gospel316.” Join us in a celebration of faith and independence; as we launch the “Gospel316” Showcase Series! Gospel316 features independent gospel singers from around the world; and this weekly program will start airing this fall. Check the Gospel316.Com site or your local cable listings for program times and details.
  • Joshua Anyaoha

    Hello Brother Dean E. Golden

    Have a Blessed Day

    Join us Today At

    From Evangelist Joshua

    Join us at