God's number 1 leading lady


West Palm Beach, FL

United States

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riviera beach
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Hilltop Missionary Baptsit Church
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Palm Beach Community College
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GOD has blessed me with my very own ministry if it was not for God any of this would not be possiable
http://www.sylvia lee/facebook.com
Favorite Preachers:
Juanita Bynum Noel Jones T.D. Jakes and many others

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  • Pastor Glenn Rogers Sr.

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    Pastor Glenn A. Rogers
    First Lady April Rogers
  • Dr. Jean Howard-Hill

    Good Morning:

    I know many of you who are receiving this e-mail, already have said you would get involved from the first e-mail sent to you. But I still wanted to share with you the awesome Word of the Lord, God gave to me this morning because it brings a greater clarity to what God is asking of us and why God has made the call for us to enter politics. It also may help those who did not understand or took offense to the first e-mail.

    Love you all!

    Dr. Jean Howard-Hill

    To The Men and Women of God:

    This is the Word of the Lord, God gave me early this morning regarding the call I made to the African American clergy in regards to seeking those to wage spiritual warfare within the Republican Party through their involvement in the [NRAAC] National Republican African American Caucus . God said that this is a spiritual revival that God is igniting within politics, beginning first with setting the Republican House in order! And in every revival, God uses a preacher. This is why the call was first made to you.

    God gave this message regarding this. It is in quotes because I want to make it clear what God has said.

    “Jean, these are the instructions I give to you. Go first to the African American clergy and make the call. Those who answer, I shall use mightily, elevating them to positions of both priesthood and rulership. But if they are deaf to the call, then go outside of the pulpits and gather those of whom I will raise up to take their places. For I will place the scepter of rulership and the Word of the Lord in their mouths and they shall become the priests of the Lord, moving on My behalf. For I shall use whomever is sensitive to My Will in this hour and can understand the urgency of setting America back on course.

    I call those who are of both African and American descent because I will use this revival of politics to bring forth the final deliverance of my people from the bonds of slavery. I will loose their chains of poverty and injustice and shall bring them into positions of wealth and leadership throughout the land, so that they may invoke change and guard the Word of the Lord which has been defiled and My Name defamed. For you are a spiritual people, whose thirst and hunger for Me runs deep in the soul. You know Me like no other people. Just as I chose the Jews, so do I choose you in this hour to awaken the nation and the even the world!

    I did not allow you to be brought to America in vain, to be forever the tail and in chains. But I call you to the head of the nation, and of the states and of the cities and towns of America! Now is the hour, and I have opened paths of leadership in both parties as you have seen I miraculously did with President Obama. Pray for him that he does not lose his footing! For he is about to fall, unless the church undergirts him in prayer and unless he sees the church come forth at his back, he will NOT be strengthen to do what he knows he should do. Therefore, you must arise at his back and take a stand in the Republican Party where I AM sending you. For it is the party I birthed in times past to emancipate you and to bring you to this place of deliverance from the bondage of slavery. Look in the archives of history and you will see that I have moved from one party to another, and have used both of them to bring you to the next stages of your deliverance. So who among you can tell Me which party I can and will use? I AM God and I can use whatever and whomever I so choose, whenever and however I wish. But if you do not arise in this hour, and take a stand for what is moral, just and right, I shall hold you accountable for President Obama’s mistakes and miss-steps! For if he moves to dismantle the Divine Covenant of Marriage which I have ordained and instituted, I shall move with sure and sudden destruction upon America and the church. Because you, those who say you are called by Me, sat back quietly within your pulpits and allowed it to be so!

    President Obama’s strength will come out of your leadership within the Republican Party. America’s salvation will come out of your stand for righteousness ! It will begin in the Republican Party and then spread to your brothers and sisters within the Democratic Party, and they too shall take their places within their own party. This is why I have not called all of you to come into one party. For I will do the work in both! But first, it has to begin in the Republican Party. Then there shall come a time when those I have called from both parties will join together and stand as ONE voice to proclaim righteousness and justice over a land which I have given to them as an inheritance. For they also have an inheritance in this land of promise. Those who understand this will understand, and those who do not understand is because they do not understand that My ways are not your ways, and how I choose to do this is not according to the dictates of man! For who is man to tell Me what to do?

    Go back again Jean, and this time, tell them that it is I who made the call and that the call is urgent! What has to be done, has to be done now.

    I AM not just calling everyone. I AM only positioning those I have called and have taken through the fire, storm, and purging so that they will stand and will not bow or give in to the darkness that is covering the earth. Of these who are called, they understand how darkness covers the earth and that the darkness must be pierced. They are not all perfect, but they are and have been in the Potter’s Hands and are being and have been remolded and reshaped through many trials, and from this they have and will become experts in how to pierce the darkness, because they have dealt with their own darkness and have overcome it with light. In this same way, they shall pierce the darkness of America and usher in the Light of God – My Light which shall shine in the darkest of places and shall cause those who have been blinded to disorder and sin to see and to desire to walk in My Light. For behold this is the hour where they who sat in darkness, shall see a Bright Light that flows from those who have Me within them to bring forth the Light of God to a nation I birthed to bring Me Glory before the last days. In this land, I will spark a revival that will also be ignited from the darkest continent of Africa to usher in the new age of the Preparation of the Bride – My Darling Sweetness which is the Church I purchased with My own Blood to be My Bride! She is the Apple of My Eye, and I AM bringing her forth without spot, blemish or wrinkle.

    I AM raising up many women to enter this battle. It is not because I seek only women, but it is because the women I have called, they have become like warriors, stirred up like a fearless lioness who protects her cubs, and will quickly arise with a mind to defend that which is right, just and holy! For as it was in the days of Deborah when Israel lacked a mother, and had gone astray, so is it now. So do not take offense to this. But there also are men who are lions and are ready to give forth a mighty roar! There are men who also have developed spiritual wombs and will give birth! There are men of whom I have called, who at first will not get into this battle at the front lines. But they are still called to this task, and they are strong and will stand with those who do. I will use them to support this birth, to be watchmen, and to be in the delivery room to PUSH and to facilitate the birth. Some even will give birth themselves! But both have been called and both will share in the victory. For America has to be rebirthed by both African American males and females who carry the gospel as godly vessels to birth it forth!

    After I have impregnated this vision into the womb of those, both man and woman who are willing to allow Me to use them, then I will call many more to protect and provide a covering for that which is birthed, to nurture it into a mighty revival in America, Africa and then the world. This is the revival that will awaken the Bride to come out of her chamber and the Bridegroom from His room.

    So when I call, count it an honor to be chosen. And bring others like you with you to do this work which has to be done timely and in season. For you are the elect I have chosen, and I AM not calling anyone of whom I have not already equipped and ordained.

    For those I have called, already I have placed this in your spirit. So answer the call! For I will not make the call to you again! For there are those whose ears are tuned and will answer Me when I call them forth! If you do not answer, to them I will then call. Because they know not only My Voice, but they know the Divine Call of God for this hour that I have placed upon their lives, and are eager to be called to the front lines!"

    Amen. So be it!
  • Pastor Stephen T. Nichols

    Im doing absolutely great. God bless you!



  • Apostle Janet Brown

  • Blessed Sister

  • Dr. Jean Howard-Hill

    Good Morning:

    I know many of you who are receiving this e-mail, already have said you would get involved from the first e-mail sent to you. But I still wanted to share with you the awesome Word of the Lord, God gave to me this morning because it brings a greater clarity to what God is asking of us and why God has made the call for us to enter politics. It also may help those who did not understand or took offense to the first e-mail.

    Love you all!

    Dr. Jean Howard-Hill

    To The Men and Women of God:

    This is the Word of the Lord, God gave me early this morning regarding the call I made to the African American clergy in regards to seeking those to wage spiritual warfare within the Republican Party through their involvement in the [NRAAC] National Republican African American Caucus . God said that this is a spiritual revival that God is igniting within politics, beginning first with setting the Republican House in order! And in every revival, God uses a preacher. This is why the call was first made to you.

    God gave this message regarding this. It is in quotes because I want to make it clear what God has said.

    “Jean, these are the instructions I give to you. Go first to the African American clergy and make the call. Those who answer, I shall use mightily, elevating them to positions of both priesthood and rulership. But if they are deaf to the call, then go outside of the pulpits and gather those of whom I will raise up to take their places. For I will place the scepter of rulership and the Word of the Lord in their mouths and they shall become the priests of the Lord, moving on My behalf. For I shall use whomever is sensitive to My Will in this hour and can understand the urgency of setting America back on course.

    I call those who are of both African and American descent because I will use this revival of politics to bring forth the final deliverance of my people from the bonds of slavery. I will loose their chains of poverty and injustice and shall bring them into positions of wealth and leadership throughout the land, so that they may invoke change and guard the Word of the Lord which has been defiled and My Name defamed. For you are a spiritual people, whose thirst and hunger for Me runs deep in the soul. You know Me like no other people. Just as I chose the Jews, so do I choose you in this hour to awaken the nation and the even the world!

    I did not allow you to be brought to America in vain, to be forever the tail and in chains. But I call you to the head of the nation, and of the states and of the cities and towns of America! Now is the hour, and I have opened paths of leadership in both parties as you have seen I miraculously did with President Obama. Pray for him that he does not lose his footing! For he is about to fall, unless the church undergirts him in prayer and unless he sees the church come forth at his back, he will NOT be strengthen to do what he knows he should do. Therefore, you must arise at his back and take a stand in the Republican Party where I AM sending you. For it is the party I birthed in times past to emancipate you and to bring you to this place of deliverance from the bondage of slavery. Look in the archives of history and you will see that I have moved from one party to another, and have used both of them to bring you to the next stages of your deliverance. So who among you can tell Me which party I can and will use? I AM God and I can use whatever and whomever I so choose, whenever and however I wish. But if you do not arise in this hour, and take a stand for what is moral, just and right, I shall hold you accountable for President Obama’s mistakes and miss-steps! For if he moves to dismantle the Divine Covenant of Marriage which I have ordained and instituted, I shall move with sure and sudden destruction upon America and the church. Because you, those who say you are called by Me, sat back quietly within your pulpits and allowed it to be so!

    President Obama’s strength will come out of your leadership within the Republican Party. America’s salvation will come out of your stand for righteousness ! It will begin in the Republican Party and then spread to your brothers and sisters within the Democratic Party, and they too shall take their places within their own party. This is why I have not called all of you to come into one party. For I will do the work in both! But first, it has to begin in the Republican Party. Then there shall come a time when those I have called from both parties will join together and stand as ONE voice to proclaim righteousness and justice over a land which I have given to them as an inheritance. For they also have an inheritance in this land of promise. Those who understand this will understand, and those who do not understand is because they do not understand that My ways are not your ways, and how I choose to do this is not according to the dictates of man! For who is man to tell Me what to do?

    Go back again Jean, and this time, tell them that it is I who made the call and that the call is urgent! What has to be done, has to be done now.

    I AM not just calling everyone. I AM only positioning those I have called and have taken through the fire, storm, and purging so that they will stand and will not bow or give in to the darkness that is covering the earth. Of these who are called, they understand how darkness covers the earth and that the darkness must be pierced. They are not all perfect, but they are and have been in the Potter’s Hands and are being and have been remolded and reshaped through many trials, and from this they have and will become experts in how to pierce the darkness, because they have dealt with their own darkness and have overcome it with light. In this same way, they shall pierce the darkness of America and usher in the Light of God – My Light which shall shine in the darkest of places and shall cause those who have been blinded to disorder and sin to see and to desire to walk in My Light. For behold this is the hour where they who sat in darkness, shall see a Bright Light that flows from those who have Me within them to bring forth the Light of God to a nation I birthed to bring Me Glory before the last days. In this land, I will spark a revival that will also be ignited from the darkest continent of Africa to usher in the new age of the Preparation of the Bride – My Darling Sweetness which is the Church I purchased with My own Blood to be My Bride! She is the Apple of My Eye, and I AM bringing her forth without spot, blemish or wrinkle.

    I AM raising up many women to enter this battle. It is not because I seek only women, but it is because the women I have called, they have become like warriors, stirred up like a fearless lioness who protects her cubs, and will quickly arise with a mind to defend that which is right, just and holy! For as it was in the days of Deborah when Israel lacked a mother, and had gone astray, so is it now. So do not take offense to this. But there also are men who are lions and are ready to give forth a mighty roar! There are men who also have developed spiritual wombs and will give birth! There are men of whom I have called, who at first will not get into this battle at the front lines. But they are still called to this task, and they are strong and will stand with those who do. I will use them to support this birth, to be watchmen, and to be in the delivery room to PUSH and to facilitate the birth. Some even will give birth themselves! But both have been called and both will share in the victory. For America has to be rebirthed by both African American males and females who carry the gospel as godly vessels to birth it forth!

    After I have impregnated this vision into the womb of those, both man and woman who are willing to allow Me to use them, then I will call many more to protect and provide a covering for that which is birthed, to nurture it into a mighty revival in America, Africa and then the world. This is the revival that will awaken the Bride to come out of her chamber and the Bridegroom from His room.

    So when I call, count it an honor to be chosen. And bring others like you with you to do this work which has to be done timely and in season. For you are the elect I have chosen, and I AM not calling anyone of whom I have not already equipped and ordained.

    For those I have called, already I have placed this in your spirit. So answer the call! For I will not make the call to you again! For there are those whose ears are tuned and will answer Me when I call them forth! If you do not answer, to them I will then call. Because they know not only My Voice, but they know the Divine Call of God for this hour that I have placed upon their lives, and are eager to be called to the front lines!"

    Amen. So be it!

  • Apostle Dr. Larry Everett

  • Apostle Janet Brown

    Blessings my daughter,

    I have sent you an email.

  • Gloria Eldridge

    “Comforting others with the comfort, I myself have received from God”. 2 Cor. 1:4

    “Going Extra Mile Ministries (GEMM)
    2000 West 7th Avenue, Gary, Indiana 46404 - 219-882-2311 or 219-902-3989 - evggem@aol.com

    How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel and bring glad tidings of good news! My fellow laborers in the gospel of Christ, we are living in the last days, and they are evil ones. It is critical that we move with urgency, that we compel all that have an ear towards the sound from heaven, “TO GET RIGHT AND PREPARE FOR HOME”.

    Through the tragedy that has befallen households worldwide, including the home of Pastor Gloria, (SON LOST THROUGH VIOLENCE) God is calling for us to “To Get Right and Prepare for Home”. By whatever, and through whatever means, we that are called by His name, are to sound the alarm, cry loud, spare not, and warn the people of the danger of not being prepared for the eternal destination, for this is not our home! If God has put this kingdom message in your spirit, partner with me as we prepare a generation and not fixate on a congregation, so that they can be ready to go home, FOR REAL!!!

    Pastor Gloria was licensed in 1995, and ordained as the first female minister in 1998 by her Pastor, Rev. Asher Harris at Great Band MB. Church, Gary, IN. In 1996, Rev. Eldridge stepped out on the ministry vision that God gave her and Sister Sister “Total Body Ministry” was birthed out, and from this ministry a yearly week long “Keeping The Fire Burning” conference is held. In 2008 Bread of Heaven Kingdom Ministries came forth, where the vision is to build the kingdom, “one meal at a time, through lot’s of love all the time”.
    Hospital Chaplian 8 years, Graduating in Mortuary Science, Funeral Home Supply Minister

    Pastor Gloria Eldridge

    On August 18, 2009 my son, Lewis Eldridge Jr., (Two Ton) age 32 was shot down by what is known in this world as a drive by shooting. Needless to say that what the enemy meant for evil through this tragedy has led me and my family to “STAND” and believe even the more so, in the ever loving, tender mercies and faithfulness of God, for it is in our weakness that He is made strong. (Eph. 6:14)

    This is my walk through the “Valley of Baca”, and God has prepared a “SHOUT” in my spirit man, that I may “raise my voice like a trumpet, cry loud and spare not”, a voice that will "break in like a fire and like a hammer" (Jer. 23:29) After watching my son "die to soon" my call has now been upgraded to go the “extra mile” beyond the pew view, “after a "generation and not a congregation", the “SHOUT” will not fall on deaf ears, as it has been prepared by God, to stir people not just to only "give" but to “live” in such a way that God gets the glory for every story, for only what we do for Christ will last. (Isa. 58:1)

    I was told earlier by a friend that I was to preach my son's eulogy, but because of what I saw happen the thought was that I might not be able to relay God’s "Kingdom Message" which must be articulated at all times, because of my inner pain. I was later told by someone attending my son’s services that I had indeed preached his funeral (“for we are living epistels read of men“), when I closed the top of the casket lid, tucked him in and told him to get his rest, for all our changes would come some day, and it is a "change that I believe in". How beautiful are the feet of them that “PREACH” the Gospel and bring glad tidings of things to come! (Rom. 10:14-15)

    There is a time and season for everything under the sun, and only God knows the real plans that He has for us, for we are the sheep of His pastures, so, “TEACH” us to number our days so we will apply our hearts unto wisdom. I am committed to go with His flow for I am His "Servant Glo" and His “GLOW” is intended to light up the hearts of men so our Father who is in heaven may be glorified. (Matt. 28:20)

    As I closed the lid of the casket, our Father will open up the eyelids, unstop deaf ears, make the dumb to talk, and the lame to leap for joy in their hearts and not in a hearse. He has opened up the flood gates of heaven and His message for me is Loud and it is Clear, STAND, SHOUT, PREACH, TEACH, AND REACH, for “I came that you might have life, and life more abundant“. (Isa. 47:7, 61:1)
  • Apostle Johanna Green

    Bless you woman of God, may all your visions and plans for the Kingdom come true in Jesus. Stay connected, stay focued and stay prayerful. God will do the rest

    Be Blessed
    Pastor Dixon
  • Prophetess Laura Cecere

    Thanks so much for the invite, Im so sorry I got in and missed it. Please invite me again I would love to join you and touch in agreement with the Power and the Will of the Kingdom. Until then girlfriend..be mightly blessed!




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  • Pastor Stephen T. Nichols

  • Tekela Pettigrew

    Bless you.Elect Lady Pettigrew
  • Apostle Janet Brown

  • Minister Terry Durham

    Thank You God Bless.....

    You have to see This...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evaQHIcGkkM
  • Cathy Rivera

    Would like to cordially invite you to this great move of God
    Time: November 16, 2009 at 7pm to November 20, 2009 at 10pm
    Location: The Ark of the Covenant Destiny Ctr
    Street: 1215 Seminola Blvd sute 101
    City/Town: Casselberry Florida
    Website or Map: http://myclarioncall.ning.com
    Phone: 727.641.9450
    Event Type: conference
    Organized By: Apostle Bryson Alexander
    Many blessings in Christ....Love Sister Cathy
  • Apostle Johanna Green

    Hey baby, I'm doing well, I'm out of town and haven't had a chance to get on the internet, but we will touch base when I get back home. Love you now.
  • Tekela Pettigrew

    Okay.You can also contact me as well but I got your number ,thank you 478 978-6213
  • First Lady Waltina E. Dade

    god bless you women of god want you to be encouraged and know that i love you with jesus joy.
  • Pastor Stephen T. Nichols

    God has warned His people that in the last days many "so called" ChristianS will have a form of Godliness denying the power thereof. We are in those days. In this powerful message Pastor Nichols shares the importance of staying in a intimate relationship with God inspite of the current world circumstances. I pray that you are blessed by the message!





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  • Pastor Arlee Turner Jr.

    To possess, to save, and to spend money are all absolutely legitimate as far as the Word of God is concerned. But when money is magnified out of proportion or becomes an obsession and distracts the believer from the plan of God, it is evidence of monetary reversionism (James 4:13-15; 1-6).

  • First Lady Waltina E. Dade

    women of god i would like to invite you to total deliverance church of god inc., af to our prayer line everyday during the week at 5am please feel free to call 1-218-895-4447 and the password is 2009#.
  • Evangelist Regina B. Howard


    you look good and blessed,would like us to be partners in the ministry and probably if you do not mind invite each other to tour our respective countries for any Gospel mission of our choice and for further bonding.

    your photos are excellent,i like them
  • Pastor Katrina Robinson

    God bless sis....Thanks for stopping by. Let me know what you're up to. I booking revivals for 2010 so let me know if your church needs a refreshing. PK
  • First Lady Waltina E. Dade

    god bless you women of god im looking forward to you coming apart of the prayer line. it was something that god has allowed us to start.
  • First Lady Waltina E. Dade

    yes elect lady sylvia lee. women of god i want you to be encouraged to continue to do what the lord has called you to do. no matter what people say you are qualifed for the blessing even if they don't think that you are. love you with jesus joy hope to talk to you on the prayer line on monday.
  • First Lady Waltina E. Dade

    well god bless you women of god. i want to wish you a blessed holidays and new year. i hope to hear back from you soon love ya sis.
  • God's number 1 leading lady

  • karen d washington

    God bless you
  • Apostle Johanna Green

  • Myrina K. R.

    Red Ribbon
  • First Lady Waltina E. Dade

    god bless you women of god. have not forgotten about you. we have been missing you on the prayer line. may god bless you during this holiday season. love ya.
  • Prophetess Sandra Dukes, a.m.

  • Pastor Maureen Chen

    New Year Myspace Comments
  • Pastor Stephen T. Nichols

  • Minister Karen L. Ribeiro

    Praise the Lord Mighty Woman of God! Happy New Year to you all!
    I am grateful that the Lord allowed us all to enter in 2010!
    2009 wasn’t the easiest of years, but through the eyes of faith, I see great things awaiting all of us in 2010. The reason I’m sending this email... the Lord blessed my publishing ministry with an awesome door of opportunity and we are looking to do even greater works on this year!
    Years ago, I wrote a book titled I Will Do A New Thing In You. A local ministry asked if I would allow them to include the book as a gift to women incarcerated. We want to do the same next year.
    Write The Vision Publications www.writethevisionpublications.com, is looking to publish a book titled: Women Of Great Faith. I need your group’s participation. The book will be comprised of messages by women of great faith.
    The process is simple. With your permission, we would publish a message of your choosing. All you would need to do is submit your message (500 words or more) along with your contact information, in word format to info@writethevisionpublications.com. We anticipate having the project completed by the end of February 2010.
    Although we are not in position to offer monetarily compensation, once the project is complete, we will send you a complementary copy of the book. The ownership of your message will remain your property.
    We are sure the Lord will richly bless you as together we bless His people. One thing I can promise you for sure…books have a way of going places many of us may never get to go.
    If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 336-997-2359. God bless you and thank you in advance.
    Minister Karen Ribeiro
  • Prophet G. Carter

    Praise the Lord , Daughter, I apologize for tardiness getting back with u me and your mother being doing a lot of traveling where are u located at ? WE love ya,
    Blessing on YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Pastor Arlee Turner Jr.

    New God's Ultimate Weapon Promo In HD. The first half of the clip is a video promotion of my YouTube channel - the second half of the clip is a video promotion of the God's Ultimate Weapon DVD coming 18 June 2010...

  • Prophetess GayNelle

  • Purposely Anointed Mime Ministry

    Hello. I havent been on in awhile...how have you been?
  • Rev. Rhonda

    Red Ribbon
  • William J. Bass

    This is Jeff Bass, senior pastor of Praise Covenant Christian Center in Springfield, VA. We just recently launched a new 24/7 online gospel radio station. Please go to the following link to listen to it. www.praise2go.com After you check it out please e-mail me at ptriplec@aol.com and give me your thoughts
    Be Blessed.
  • Pastor Darlene Pittman

    I'm writing to you because I just came across a business that
    I think has great potential. It lets you save money on almost
    everything, make money from almost everything, Including home
    loans, when you shop, you actually make money, plus, it even operates
    as a tax shelter to lower your taxes--- best of all-- it requires
    absolutely no investment.
    I thought this was something that you might be interested in.

    To check it out just click here. http://allsolutionsnetwork.com/DP/DP62859