

Oregon City ,...Oregon

United States

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Oregon City~~
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Senior Pastor
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Hard Knocks @ Hebron Mountain
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
From an inner-city ministry background where the rubber/Truth' Meets the road, come innumerable experiences of testimony that may awe you.
Unexpectedly, the call was "reach and teach my children".
Mr Hamilton was thrust into pain and anguish, poverty and desperation,Among-between and amidst the people with His word... yet favor was at every intersection.
HaShem, molded and shaped His Sagan Priest for the work ahead paving the way with a SHOFAR"shout.

"A person without knowledge is surely not good; He who moves hurriedly blunders; Proverbs (Mishle) 19:2
SHALOM;...Meeting Me is insignificant compared to the voice of Adonai" calling You Son/Daughter.
However if you must know:...The Stories of James-Lee-Hamilton,as a servant,whose ministry teaching of faith-Emunah, revelation and hands on service as a youth/Gang minister, Pastor/Rabbi', Priest unto Adonai', Prophet, Asst. Chaplain, Entrepreneur,.. Biblical Mentor,.. Torah-Teacher, ..Humanitarian, ..Motivational Speaker, ..Published Author, ..Philanthropist,.. City Council Honoree for disaster assistance,.. Food distribution coordinator to tens of thousands may leave you in awe. [James]/Ya'akov made a conscious determined decision early on in his life to dedicate his life to philanthropy....helping of people to succeed in business and outreach endeavors. Three decades of front-line experience gives him a broad base to teach from. James/Ya'akov calls it being a first Partaker" Friend,..."If you haven't walked in it, you cannot teach it...Nor should you even try without true scriptural maturity.... Simply stated::: Maturity in HIM' is the Key***

He also consults on Advisory Boards when asked,.. and is a frequent public speaker of Biblical Re-formation.
Office # 503-557-4441 Oregon state USA

Along with living a lifestyle based upon Tzedakah' [Acts of Charitable giving' and helping people,... James and Hadassah Terry believe in being "Among between and amidst the people with HaShem's Covenant Word"

Love at it's finest from one to another



LET US CONTINUALLY PRAY *** Forgiveness is the Key to ALL healing and walking in the protection of the Almighty. This Nation needs Healing,... Friend, It Is TIME for TeSHUVA” = Return to G-D and foremost the Biblical mandate of His commandments

YAHweh Heals today

"Whoever mourns the destruction of Jerusalem will merit to see it's rebuilding..."

Ya’aKov and and His Beautiful Hadassah Terry have a burning passion to see churches, cities, regions and whole nations completely transformed by the power of study in Adonai's /G-d Torah basics.

Ya’aKov releases the Manifestation and glory of Adonai'/G-d everywhere he is sent with a strong prophetic and miracle-healing authority.
When the spontaneous meeting of those who are sounding their
"Heart Cry", mesh with the creative desire of Adonai' to heal and Love His children all the more.
Many are instantly healed and delivered in those meetings.
Simply because HaShem loves you.

Ya'aKov also has a unique abiding understanding of the Character of the Master, thereby proclaiming and declaring the directives of the L-rd in the prophetic stream of gifts of revelation by decades immersed in the well of the Masters unfailing love.

Image hosted by Shekinah-Life

Favorite Preachers:
YAH, ~~YeshaYAHu,~~ YirmeYAH,~~ EliYAHu,~and YaaKov...

What say the Prophet? Jeremiah 8:8 How can you say, we are wise, and we have the written law of the Lord [and are learned in its language and teachings]? Behold, the truth is, the lying pen of the scribes has made of the law a falsehood (a mere code of ceremonial observances). Cross-reference: Mark 7:13 “Thus you are nullifying and making void and of no effect [the authority of] the Word of God/ELELyon through your tradition, which you [in turn] hand on. And, many things of this kind you are doing

For those who take the KJV for face value and do not understand the Historical view of these statements.
Yeshua was in Conflict with Bet Shammai' ~This was the House of Shammai a major yeshiva [ school of rabbinic teaching] at the time of the second Temple and were in Control of the Temple grounds...
Yeshua was from the opposing House of Hillel which believed along with the Essene's and other factions at the time that if they could get the Gentiles to observe the Seven Noahide laws they would then have a part in the world to come..
.House of Shammai Disagreed. "Anger without a cause" or anger against the gentiles was the reason the temple was destroyed as the Priests of Shammai refused to take an offering from the Roman Emperor and so Now you know the rest of the story....Please study and learn what Yeshua was really talking about IF you do the scriptures will have so much more meaning..

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    Where will we be when the last bell sound?
    As we all know, every student needs to be examine. Have you ever examine yourself with the word of God before? Apostle Paul said in the book of Philippians 3:14 that “I press on towards the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenwards in Christ Jesus”. Meaning that he was sure that one day, he will be part of the kingdom of God if only he continue to do the will of God. Have you ever sat down and think about where you will be when Christ comes?
    Only the victorious runners in the Lord Jesus will receive the reward. Apostle Paul said in one of his books that “don’t you know that in a race, all the runners run, but only one get the prize? Run in such away as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to receive a crown that will not last; but we do it to receive a crown that will last forever”. Please it is good for us to prepare ourselves for his coming so that we can receive the crown that will last forever. Remember that we are warriors; warriors are ever ready for every battle. We have to make ourselves ready for the Lord coming because the hour is unknown. Read the story about the ten virgin in the bible (matt.25:1-13). In the book of Philippians 3:13 says “Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: forgetting what is behind and straining towards what is ahead”. Permit me to tell you this, what is ahead of us is greater than anything on this earth. It is written that all things shall pass away but the word of God lives forever. So let us not allow things of this world to drive us from the kingdom of God. Forget about the pass and press on towards the goal to win the prize.
    I want to give you a typical example about chasing things of the world. My father is a pagan and he really loves things of this world. The marine spirit took him away into the sea for seven good years. When the spirit brought him back, he became rich and even used some of the money to sew dresses (pants).To be frank, the spirit deceived him and now he is nothing before men. I can say, sometimes what he have to eat is a problem for him. At first he hate to see us because we are Christian but now the Lord is touching his heart. Listen to this carefully, we went to him to preach for repentance and this is what he said: My children, i have pass through a lot of things, I have tested all spirit but I have now release that there is power above all powers and that power is the name Jesus Christ, and He is Lord of lords. I know one day I will accept him before I die”. So you see , there is nothing good in this world than in heaven. The bible says we should not love the world or any thing in the world, anyone that love the world the love of the father is not in him. so called Christian are carried by the world, they seek other powers to get rich and enjoy their life. Jesus said not everyone that say Lord, lord shall enter into the kingdom of God.
    Most of us are following miracle today but the bible says in Mark 16:17 and this sign will accompany those who believe: ………………… but not we following the signs. I don’t know whether the same thing is happen in your country. In Africa this time, people are really following miracles but not miracles following them. Instead of given their life to Christ fully, so that at due time God will bless them. We move from one church to other seeking miracles to be rich and to live luxury life without thinking about the greatest things in heaven.
    So called pastors join other medium to do miracles to be rich. Please beware, don’t follow miracles and signs but if you believe in Jesus miracles and signs will follow us.
    Miracle is real but seeks God and use only Jesus name in every thing that you do. Walk through the narrow gate to receive the crown.
    Please don’t let suffering separate you and your God. Apostle Paul said “I am convinced that either death or life, neither angels nor demons neither the present nor the future, nor any powers. Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Roman 8:38). He made a firmed decision that nothing can separate him from Jesus our Lord and what about you. So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.Dont stand against the will of God, walk in his plan to win the prize.
    Please I want you to test yourself if truly you love the Lord and your neighbor with this verse in the book of 1corithians 13:4 Love is patience, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. it is not rude, it is not self- seeking it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects always trusts, always perseveres.
    This is what I want you to do, use your name to replace “it” in the verse. For instead Derrick is patience. Please examine yourself whether you are patience, kind, does not envy etc.Let me remind you that the bible says that the kingdom of God is full of love and without love will you be there?
    Please I have a question for us; where will we be when the last bell sound that Jesus is coming? Keep your answer to yourself.

    Please if you have any comment or suggestion, you can contact me:
    EMAIL: ; Mobile phone numbers:
    Togo: 002289529228
    Ghana: 00233243613286
  • barbara a pope

    i like the page it is nice god bless you welcome
    MyHotComments thanks for the friendship i know god placed you in my life for a reason and i thank god for you and the love that you share from your heart god bless you always have a blessed wonderful safe awesome beautiful week in the lord welcome to september great things comming your way look unto jesus the auther and finisher of your faith what god has for you it is for you.blessing in jesus name.much love...barbara....

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  • N'ZI Amani Germain


    Thanks for your comment!

    However, Jahweh of the old Testament is Jesus in The New Testament. Jesus Christ is the Almighty God. AMEN!

    Wait and see...


    Bro. Germain
  • N'ZI Amani Germain

    Hi brother YaaKov and Hadassah Terry !

    Please, go to the forum. Take time to read my message line by line and answer my questions...

    Then, we will start a new discussion about the Rapture.


    Brother Germain!
  • Bishop Craig T. Campbell


    It is a pleasure to greet one who is connected to the Tree of Life.

    May Hashem, The Elohim of Israel continue to keep you.

    Grace and Peace man of God, just want to say thank you for commenting my page i was off line for about a month the spirit of the lord had me on a fast. stay bless
  • Selena

    Today's Promise from the Bible Job 11:6
    And that he would shew thee the secrets of wisdom, that [they are] double to that which is! Know therefore that God exacteth of thee [less] than thine iniquity [deserveth].


    How fortunate are we who have embraced the cross by faith! The mercy of the Lord is ever on our side. Through flood and fire, the mercy of the Maker of Heaven will make our road safe—neither righteous wrath nor villainous treachery shall stay our path, for the Lord has made it sure against such opposition. Rejoice that your way to heaven is guarded, O believer!

  • Selena

    I want to invite you to join me in Bible Study each Satruday Night on Paltalk in the Fire and Rain Room or by calling 712 580-1100 access code 10101965# 9:00 P.M. Eastern Time, 8:00 P.M. Central Time and 6:00 P.M. Pacific Time

    This is your personal invitation to join me For Saturday Night Alive In Him Bible Study with Prophetess Allison J. Cross as she teaches the Word of God in love and simplicity.

    For more information concerning the ministry of Prophetess Allison J. Cross, my Pastor and mentor, please visit or write

  • ShekinahLife

    The cost of ignorance remains higher than any man is willing to pay compared to the value of learning and listening to almighty G-D which is valued as 'Freely receive, freely give'./J.L.Hamilton
    ~~Shalom~~ "James & Terry"
  • bridgette

    Happy Birthday and may the Lord continue to bless you with many more years.

  • Dr.Tony V Lewis

    I would suppose we would have just as much in common as you do with the people on this network.
  • Dr.Tony V Lewis

    In what connotation or you using the word Goyiim? Although it is a word used by some Jews to refer to Gentiles (non-Jews). The word can have derogatory connotations, such as the word black when used to refer to a persons of African descent. It can be neutral or negative depending on the context and the intent of the speaker. Why would you even be a part of a Black Preaching Network if you disagree with just about everyone on here? Why not start your own network with people who believe like you do? I sent you an invitation to join a network not to engage in debate with you concerning what I believe or don't believe. You made a statement about me needing to study. Studying has never been an issue for me as I am the president of Theological Seminary and I myself hold several degrees. I apologize for contacting you my brother I will remove you from my mailing list. By all means please feel free to decline my invitation. I'm not looking to debate what I believe or to be a part of anything that will bring confusion.

  • ShekinahLife

    A Hitler did this then took over a nation But that is a dictatorship you say...well yes ours is different in that they pass the Baton to those who embrace their Order'


  • Judith Phillips

    Thanks for accepting my friendship. I hope it's ok to ask: Were you born Jewish, or are you a proselyte?
  • Pastor Nathan Lennon

    Brother YahsNiviim is teaching that God’s name is YHWH.
    Brother James Pierce is teaching that God’s name is Yeshua.
    Brother Abraham Israel is teaching that God’s name is Yahweh.
    Jamie and Sara Church is teaching that God’s name is Yahuah.
    Brother Trevor T. Greene is teaching that God’s name is Yahweh.
    REV.DAVID AMOH –ASANTE teaches that God’s name is Yeshua.
    Dr. Brenice Aliyah Fireangel teaches that God is Yahshua Ha Machiach.

  • James Pierce


    I have no ties with anyone. We can learn from both sides of the fences.

  • Pastor Nathan Lennon

    Brother YahsNiviim is teaching that God’s name is YHWH.
    Brother James Pierce is teaching that God’s name is Yeshua.
    Brother Abraham Israel is teaching that God’s name is Yahweh.
    Jamie and Sara Church is teaching that God’s name is Yahuah.
    Brother Trevor T. Greene is teaching that God’s name is Yahweh.
    REV.DAVID AMOH –ASANTE teaches that God’s name is Yeshua.
    Dr. Brenice Aliyah Fireangel teaches that God is Yahshua Ha Machiach.
    Apostle Ted Quinichette Williams call God Yodh He Waw He.

  • bridgette

    I am good thank you for having me in your thoughts and prayers. The journey that I am on is a very good one. I have learned so many things.
    May the Lord continue to bless you.

  • John

    Thanks for the info you sent to my page.
  • Pastors Romero&Cherron Phillips

    Thank you sir. Refer me to some books that might be useful.
  • Pastors Romero&Cherron Phillips

    I apologize for the break up in the audio. we have resolved that issue.
  • Servant J. A. C. Majors

    What comment are you referring to in particular, so that I can put your words into prespective? At the present I'm lost to why you had to remind a servant of YHWH to remember to only preach Him (in the name of his son Yahshuah)?
  • Servant J. A. C. Majors

    What you are saying is noteworthy, but he comment is not exactly according to the scriptures. As you know, we have 2 testaments, one is the "shadow" and the other is the "image." The shadow is the old testament, it was way laid out for man to live, but the image is his son Yahshuah Christ the Messiah. This image is no longer casting a "shadow" but it is standing full and complete. Now instead of trying to follow his word from without, we can now follow it from within by accepting the death and ressurrection of Yahshuah Christ. 1 John 5:5
  • Servant J. A. C. Majors

    I live, preach and teach according to faith. The scriptures (as it has been translated in KJ) says "...If we receive the witness of men, the witness of Yahweh is greater: for this is the witness of Yahweh which he hath testified of his Son. He that beliveth on the Son of Yahweh hath the witness in himself: he that beliveth not Yahweh hath made him a liar; because he beliveth not the record that Yahweh gave of his Son. And this is the record that Yahweh gave of his Son. He that hath the Son hat life, and he that hath not he Song of Yahweh hath not life..." This is my faith and it cannot be shaken
  • Servant J. A. C. Majors

    All that you have submitted to me is great to read, but YHWH is a Spirit and they that worship Him (worship means worthy-ship between you and Yahweh) must do it in the Spirit. That means even if my natual understanding is lacking, because I have been been endowed with the Holy Ghost, I cannot be led the wrong way. The Spirit teacheth all things and is capable of leading one in the right path of understanding and knowledge. There will alwasy be certain truths and understandings that the Spirit reserves to pour out into someone at an appointed time. You cannot rush the Holy Ghost. If the truths that you have researched and studied are indeed of YHWH, they will be revealed to me through his Spirit at the right time for the right reason to accomplish a specific goal either in my life or someone's life that is affected by mine.
  • ShekinahLife

    Toda Rabah...for joining, reading and contributing to the success of YHVH's group~Your Rich heritage...

    Always remember the Master creator never misses a is best to be on your best behavior with Neighbors as well as friends~even better learn to love yourself so that the Master (HaShem) can love you all the more.

    ABBA once spoke to me regarding that very issue and stated a person who has never experienced personal Love will never know the fullness of My Love for them.

  • Herb Robertson

    Band press kitsQuantcast
  • Apostle Robert L. Mitchell III


    Praise the Lord
  • Pastor Olori Godwin

    I don't understand the meaning of the word YIM KUPPER. What does it mean?
  • Pastor Olori Godwin

    YOM KIPPUR what does it mean?
  • Apostle Robert L. Mitchell III

    Shalom Yacoov,

    Todah Rabbah, I had a Blessed Yom Kippur and Feast of Teruah. I hope yours was as abundant.

    No, I do not have a copy. How may I obtain it?
  • Senior Apostle Cauline [ETAMA]

    Just dropping by to let you know how much I appreciate your connecting with me. Hope to co-labor with you as and when Adonai permits!

    Visit ETA NEXUS
    Shaliach Cauline
    Chief Apostle, End Time Army Worldwide Ministries, Inc
  • Bernice Jones

    Shalom, I am delighted to find your page.
  • Bernice Jones

    Red Ribbon
  • Bernice Jones

    Aleichem Shalom
  • Bernice Jones

    to you as well

  • Bernice Jones

    Toda raba, Shalom uvracha

  • Senior Apostle Cauline [ETAMA]

    Shavuah Tov~

    Let us connect and let Iron Sharpen Iron!


    Shaliach Cauline

    Chief Apostle [Mrs] Cauline E Thomas-Brown

    End Time Army Worldwide Ministries, Inc


  • Minister Laurent Marchal

  • Apostle Robert L. Mitchell III

    shalom, you know that you are too righrt as long as we search we will find.


    Todah Rabbah for being a light in the dark.

  • Apostle Robert L. Mitchell III

    Shalom Ya'acov

    I would like to have a coversation with you if you are able. My number is 215-465-2739

  • OregonShout News and Views

    Take 60 seconds sign up-join in @ OregonShout news and views..and 'Add your Value'

    OregonShout news and views' gives you the place to engage and create a greater community of family and friends.

    Hello neighbor, we are hoping you will take some time and address the current issues

    Time is of the essence...feel free to add your value.

    Invite your friends and lets get rock-in atOregonShout news and views


  • OregonShout News and Views

    OregonShout news and views' gives you the place to engage and create a greater community of family and friends.


    Come and join in ....time 2 Shout-out some good stuff... 

  • OregonShout News and Views

    hello WE see your in Oregon state...

  • Ramon

    What is the true origin of the "Star of David" that you have on your page? Where is it found in the Torah or the Testimonies of the Prophets? Is it found anywhere in scripture at all? I have found scripture about a "Star" that Israel adopted but it has nothing to do with Davin, Solomon or Yahweh himself.

  • Ramon

    All due repsect. I would assume that if something is posted to your page you could explain it to me. If you dont know i can respect that but would warn you o research it objectively. Using historical sources WITH Scripture since that is what we live by. You know.

  • Angela Doreen

    Shinahlife I am sorry my dear if the teachng of your Rabinal study taught you to become arguementative and abusive when you do not get your own way.  I am afraid you have not sold me on that one I opt to stick with the Holy Bible which teaches us to love not war.

  • Angela Doreen

    Shinaklife. in the friendliess term my brother seen as you are so eager to teach why not find someone who wants to learn what you want to teach. To be honest I personally prevents God's truth I am really not interested in the sub standard teaching of men. Now I don't say that to be rude but my dear you appear to take no notice of a gentle and polite no, you want to dictate your teaching on those that have no interest inknowing your version. You also become abusive so why dont you please wander off to find someone eager to learn and stop being avusive to those who do not want to know what you know