Rev Dr Gloria Gay


Absecon, NJ

United States

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Associate Minister
Church Name:
Greater Holy Trinity Baptist Church
College Attended (optional):
Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
I am a native of Philadelphia PA where I received my BS in Chem Engr. Several years later I moved to South FL and in 1986 received my call to the ministry. I attended Seminary there earning a BRE, MRE, DRE. Many years I returned from Florida and earned my M Div from EBTS. I have previously pastored several churches in Philadelphia, NY state, and NJ. I currently serve a hospice agency as a full time chaplain and am actively ministering along the East Coast as founder/facilitator of Renewing Your Mind Ministries. I am also cirrently writing two books.
Favorite Preachers:
I do not desire to limit myself to a list

Comment Wall:

  • Prophtess Willie Mae Davis †

  • Dr. Charles Easter

    Welcome! As men and women of God there are times when we need a word from God to help you make it through the day or a certain situation. There is a website that you can now go to,

    Checkout this video please. where you can lifted up through the word of God from some of His powerful preachers/teachers. Also we have created for your spiritual fellowship, you are invited to join us. May God Bless and Keep you. New sermons have been posted.
  • M. Jones

    Just wanted to drop by and share the love of God. Hope you enjoy your day!
  • Karen Pfeifer

    I would like to nominate you to receive A Black Essence Award

    We are already working on The Black Essence Awards Ceremony for 2011

    The date is October 1, 2011 so you have plenty of time to make your plans to attend.

    The Black Essence Awards 2011 will be held in South Bend, Ind at the South Bend Century Center.

    I am also looking for individuals and groups to perform at the event so if you would like to send your video or actual cd you may do so at the address below.


    Please go to the website and join today, those of you who have not done so as of yet!


    I will be nominating people from around the globe, I am looking for you!


    If you know of someone you would like to recommend have them cotact me at


    Karen Pfeifer Ceo Black Essence Awards

    P O Box 8260

    Benton Harbor, Mi 49023

  or 269-519-2544 cell 269-925-0746



    I am interested in also having you on The Karen Show Experience


    for more information contact me at the number listed.



  • Rev Hillary Uche Nwaogu

    hi you are wonderfully bless contact me

  • Prophetess Kendria Moore

    May God continue to bless you and your family~ Have a blessed year!!
  • William J. Bass

    This is Jeff Bass, senior pastor of Praise Covenant Christian Center in Springfield, VA. We just recently launched a new 24/7 online gospel radio station. Please go to the following link to listen to it. After you check it out please e-mail me at and give me your thoughts and comments. Looking forward to hearing back from you soon.

    As I watch and pray, and I look around at what has happened over the past 25 years, and especially over the past five years, I see a pathetic and spiritually helpless population nearly void of discernment. It is a population that has been taught and conditioned to live in the realm of error while being embraced by the governance of a spiritual “big brother,” who is there with polluted religion, a controlled educational system, a false economic system, an abundance of perverted entertainment, and everything else that is needed to make sure that the people get the error right and perpetuate the clandestine plan of Satan. The sad shock of it all is that we are not seeing a dabbling interest in this global enterprise of Satan by the people he seeks to control. We are seeing a fatal embrace of damnation. It is a condition that cries out for the righteous judgment of the Almighty Creator to fall upon a creation run amok. Thankfully, there is a remnant that can see and hear, and these are but a few, which are scattered throughout the world. I have personally met over 15 of you – you know who you are. I am proud to be among that number and we are a praying people who have been called out and have broken free from the fatal embrace of the perverted system of the antichrist…

    We are now, in these last days, beginning to see the wrath of God poured out on creation, as the coming judgment of all mankind draws near. Our Lord Jesus told us to lift up our heads for our redemption draweth nigh. We find these words in Luke 21:28. We are also told that there will be signs to watch for. In Luke 21:25 we read, “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring.”



    I understand what you are saying, even though the Scriptures are quite clear.  We are constantly bombarded with how good God is and how much mercy He has and we are constantly told about the love of God without realizing that His Love and His Judgment and wrath are His twin attributes.  I was commissioned to also speak concerning the sterner side of the gospel - the other part of the gospel that very few preachers want to touch in these last days.  Thank you so much for your comment and may the Lord continue to bless you and to keep you...

  • Bishop Dr. Innocent K. Segoh

    Greeting in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    God Bless you Woman of God I pray ALL is well.
    It would by highly advantageous for you to join us on U.S.A. Network V.A.C.M.I and work on helping us building international unity through your vision.
    We would be honored to have you as a member.

     I am certain that your affiliation in partnership would be of great impact to us. So that we can share your experiences, and learn from others' experiences.

    This Organization  was created for Pastors and Missionaries around the world to meet and discuss relevant issues, as well as, missionary plan, conference and evangelistic endeavors.
    Make sure you checkout web side , www.thefieldmissionofchrist.orgTogether we can make a difference in sharing the gospel across the nations and transforming lives. So if you want to be part just click :Apply for membership
  • M. Jones

    I just wanted to drop by and say hello. I hope things have been well with you and that you have a great weekend. God bless!
  • M. Jones

    You are welcome. I will keep you in prayer, stay encouraged; indeed God is faithful!


  • Apostle, Dr.Thelma D.R. Brown

    Red Ribbon

    Good morning, Saints;

    There are many of you who have been asking about the software that I have been utilizing to created the many video projects that I have been posting on your pages for the last 6 months and how to use it to create your own projects for your ministry. I have received your requests and - due to popular demand - I am now building a series of video tutorials that will introduce you to Adobe After Effects CS4 and CS5 and will show you - step by step - how to take a pre-rendered AE template, replace the placeholders, footage and sound and create your own spectacular video presentation. These tutorials will only show you how to utilize pre-rendered AE templates and they will not show you how to build these animated projects from scratch. It took me over 2 years to completely master Adobe AE CS3, CS4 and CS5 and I did this with a High School Diploma, God’s Holy Spirit as a divine guide, and little else…

    I understand the need to want to build your own video project because of the cost of having someone else to do it for you is too great. But you will also need to understand that you will have to shell out some money just to get started and have a tremendous amount of patience in undertaking this rewarding adventure into visual animation…

    You will need: 1) Adobe AE CS4 - $999.00 dollars from Adobe Systems Inc. (the updated version - CS5 - costs $1,755 dollars; 2) A computer with - at least - 2 GB of RAM; 3) Pro Scores by Video Copilot - $99.00 dollars; 4) Sound Design by Video Copilot - $99.00; 5) and Sony Vegas Pro 9.0 - $699.00 dollars. This will get you started…

    Stay tuned for the upcoming tutorials and if you have any questions, drop me a comment or e-mail me. I can also build a video presentation for you at a very, low cost that undercuts the competition’s listed prices by hundreds of dollars. May the Lord continue to bless you and to keep you! - Rev. Arlee Turner Jr


  • Ladyjd721

    Red Ribbon
  • Prophetess Latrice Johnson

    Red Ribbon

  • Pastor Tony C. Evans, Sr.

    Thank you indeed for that warm welcome.

    Here is another great file with all kinds of uses. I am currently using this project template to promote a series of teachings concerning the apostasy that has taken over today's church. "The Storm" project file was made for Powerful, Epic Movie Trailers, but can also be used for new websites, promoting new product lines, commercials, etc. The music is not included...

    If you don't have After Effects or simply don't know how to use it, Then you cantact me and I will do it for you. Here are the rates:

    ■1. Simple replacement of text/media -- $ 100
    ■2. Minor modifications to the project (Incl 1.) -- $150
    ■3. Major modifications to the project (Incl 1.) -- $250
    ■4. Using the style of the project to create a completely diffirent one -- $500
    The price might very depending on your request.

    Contact me, here, on this website, if you have any questions or comments. My tutorials will be here within the next two months..

    Arlee Turner Jr.



    This is the first test of the voice-over speech library by Sonokinectic - a company in the Netherlands that produces Voice over cues for promos, trailers, event introductions, dvd and cd presentations, sports events, launches, epic entries,teasers, world premiers, song enhancement and many, many more impressive narrative moments.

    The announcer's voice on this trailer belongs to Aaron E. Tucker who has been doing voice overs for over fifteen years. He's been featured on dozens of radio stations from New York to L.A., including syndicated shows like Ryan Seacrest and Rick Dee's. He's been a character voice for countless characters for animatedmovies, spokesperson for ad campaigns in several different industry's, and dozens of audio books
  • Chaplain Dr.Gabriel Ogunjobi

  • Denny Jenkins

    With Blessings,
    Mike & Denny Jenkins/Spirit2Spirit


  • Pastor Darryl Miller

    Two Single Moms go from Broke to Being a Blessings

    Ebony Jordan and Nikki Stevens interview by FHTM58

  • To God Be the Glory

    Raising Funds for the Church




    Or call (404)663-7535



    I would like to request your help by donating your recorded prayers and material such as e-books, teachings, sermons, etc. about prayer for UltimatePrayerCDsGod’s Living word Ministries is doing all possible to find support. for widows, fatherless children, feed the hungry, cloth the naked, visit the sick and imprisoned, and help  crusades to  advance the work of God.

    These prayer centers will win souls, pray for the household of faith, and those who are unsaved around the world.

    This is a huge mandate by God, but I can’t do it alone. Will you be a blessed help to reach nations around the world with us?

    Evangelist Yofes Mwesige +256701868347

  • Success

    Greeting to you in the name of jesus christ,

    It's my pleasure to meet you. I'm Liza, I am nice, friendly,

    Honest, reliable and optimistic. I wish to have you as a positive

    friend. Feel free to In box me  ( )

    for more communication. I look forward to have you as a friend.

    Have a wonderful sunday, God bless you.

    Thank You, Take Care, Until then!

    Kind Regards


  • lucia abdul

    My name is Lucia  I am a single girl, I saw your profile on
     and my spirit ask me to contact you about this important issue so please, I would like you to send me mail here ( so that i will tell you about the important issue and also give you my sweet picture.
    I am waiting for your urgent and immediate reply to my email.
    Thank you
    Miss Lucia