Bishop David D. Chaney


Richardson, TX

United States

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Senior Pastor
Church Name:
Word Alive Ministries
College Attended (optional):
FGB Bible College, Harvard Divinity, Yale Divinity
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
Have been featured on TBN’s Praise The Lord, design pieces have been seen in Gospel Today, Charisma Magazine and other national and local Christian publications. Have consulted and produced both print and video pieces for companies and ministries like Pepsi, Nissan, American Airlines, Nike, Bishop TD Jakes, Dr. Juanita Bynum, Bishop Paul Morton, Dr. Myles Monroe as well many anointed smaller ministries. Today our main concentration is HD video for Web, TV and Film.

Personal Accomplishments:
-Married July 13, 1990
-3 beautiful children (David II-16yrs old, Bridjai-14yrs old and Joseph-9yrs old)

Ministry Accomplishments:
-Wife and I started our first church in 1997 Dallas, TX
-5 yr members of the Full Gospel Baptist Fellowship-New Orleans
-Consecrated as Bishop
By Presiding Bishop Dennis M. Golphin and Guest Homilist Bishop Andy C. Lewter.
-Graduated with my Th.M and my undergrad from Full Gospel Baptist Bible College-New Orleans
-Served 2yrs as dean of Admissions of the Full Gospel Baptist Bible College-New Orleans
-Attended both Harvard & Yale Divinity working on my Th.D
-Accepted into Oxford University 2-week Summer Course program.

Business Accomplishments:
-Owned 2 succesful media production companies
-Have worked on over 5,000 media projects
-Made my First Million Dollars in Dec 2008 after only 21 months of Hard Work
-Created a Multi-Million Dollar internet video technology
-Started a High-tech Motions Graphics HD television and film company

*** other dates below

In 2005 - Created a Multi-Million Dollar Patent Pending Video Technology
Vist site:

In 2007 - Featured in Black Enterprise
Visit site:

In 2008 - Launched a 3,000 sqft HD Video production company in Richardson, TX
Visit site:

2009 2nd QT - Launching a Coaching website for up and coming Business Minded Believers
Visit site:
Favorite Preachers:

Comment Wall:

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  • Bishop Moses Naibei

    Dear Dr.David
    Greetings from Kenya,thanks for your great ministry and the work your are doing.I will like to contact you just to share more a bout ministry.My
    My email;
    Bishop Moses Naibei
  • LaDonna Gher'ald Mayhew

    What a warrior for the Christian Marriage!
    Only What we do for Christ with Excellence will Last!
    Evangelist LaDonna, Proper Protocol Ministry-Charlotte,NC
  • Bishop G.L.Jones

    Blessings to you - Bishop Chaney!
  • Robert T Sells

    Hello Bishop Chaney, Thank you for your friendship. God bless you, Robert
  • Apostle Brandy Adams Bluitt

    Thank you for you encouragement i to Bishop I declare and decree by 40 that i will be a multimillionaire for the kingdom praise . It's all about the kingdom. Thank you so much for being a Father in this season to so many. God Bless.
    Apostle Brandy Adams Bluitt
  • Bishop David D. Chaney

    It's Time to Lead by Example,

    Pastors its time to be the head and stop ministering as the tail. So many pastors and their wives are contacting me because they are explaining how they’re ministering while their divorce. I just heard Dr Wanda Davis teach a message where she said she was at a hotel and she went to get something to eat so they recommended a restaurant that was in the building. When she went to the restaurant she asked the question, could she put the bill on her room and the waiter said while we’re together we are not connected. So many pastors and their wives are together in ministries but they’re not connected in the Spirit. So therefore what’s happening in the pulpit is affecting what is going on in the pews. Pastors you spend so much time ministering on Malachi where it talks about titles and offering but you don’t minister on Malachi 2:16 that says God hates divorce. If you get this CD let this message start to change your life, and you’ll begin to effectively change what happens in the pew because as the oil flows from Aaron’s beard what happens to the head will affect the body. Get this CD TODAY, it changed my marriage and it changed my ministry don’t let the devil destroy what God put together. Nobody knows that better then you. ORDER TODAY!!!

    To order your CD go to, as well as join my Platinum Love Coaching Fanpage.

    Be Blessed
    Bishop Chaney
  • Preacher

    Being the head not the tail points to Jesus, and what he's done, not to anything we do...proof is,if being the head not the tail were dependent upon us, there would be no need to have a sermon on being the head not the tail.

    The reason so many pastors have to come up with so many catch phrases is because they are not teaching the true gospel,and so when what they say do not come to pass,they try and say its something that you're not doing...the truth is, if we are born again,truly born again..there is nothing we can do except tell other about Jesus...

    God handled all the rest before the creation of the world, including saving each individual,that he elected for salvation..God says in Ezekiel 36: I will do this and I will do that and I will do this and I will do that..I see nowhere where we do anything...
  • Preacher

    Ezekiel 36: 24“‘For I will take you out of the nations; I will gather you from all the countries and bring you back into your own land. 25I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your impurities and from all your idols. 26I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. 27And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws. 28You will live in the land I gave your forefathers; you will be my people, and I will be your God. 29I will save you from all your uncleanness. I will call for the grain and make it plentiful and will not bring famine upon you. 30I will increase the fruit of the trees and the crops of the field, so that you will no longer suffer disgrace among the nations because of famine. 31Then you will remember your evil ways and wicked deeds, and you will loathe yourselves for your sins and detestable practices. 32I want you to know that I am not doing this for your sake, declares the Sovereign LORD. Be ashamed and disgraced for your conduct, O house of Israel!

    ( we are nothing..its all Gods grace...)

  • Myrina K. R.


    hello man of God just wanted you to check out my site for all your Church wear needs and After five attire. the Name of my Business is Holy Garment Apparel Shoppe

    my website is
    motto : Step Into Roaylity The Royal Look
  • evangelist pastor susie houston

    iam glad to join your group thank you evangelist pastor susie houston
  • Pastor Glyniel Washington-Garner

    Greeting Friend!!!

    I am stopping by to say Hello!! It has been a while since I have said Hello. I have some news that I want to share with you. I have a Custom Tailored clothing website that you design the clothing the way you want. Design suits, shoes, shirts, jeans and accessories. Take a look at my site and buy a suit or shirt. The prices are great!!

    Urbane Threads

    Glyniel Washington Garner

    Charles Spurgeon once said, "Satan never kicks a dead horse." That means you are alive. It means you are active. Every believer is in a battle. We are in a fight! Don't be fooled by all of these commercials on T.V. from other Christian ministries depicting the Christian life as frolicking through the flowers, health and prosperity and individuals standing around with wide smiles on their faces. You have either just come out of a battle or you are now in a battle or you are headed into a battle -- because the Christian life is depicted as a battle.

    One of these days we are going to lay our weapons down and we'll be in glory and the battles will be over and we will study war no more. But until that time, you can count on it, as a born again child of God, you are in a battle!

    Rev. Arlee Turner Jr.

  • Amadi Davidson Nnamdi

    Am pastor Amadi Davidson a Nigerian by nationality,but am born and I reside in Ivory coast(Cote D'ivoire).Am 30yrs and I wish to come in contact with men and women of God that are walking with God in holiness,righteousness and in integrity.Ministers that knows the mind of God for their life and are ready to help me know the Lord the more and help me in the fresh burden God is laying my concerning the youths and children ministry.I need both physically,spiritually and financially.I will not like any to be involve if he or she is not convince that God is leading him to do so .Thanks SHALOM
    My email address:
  • Rev.Prophet.James Solomon Mensah

    Coming to Sacramento,and Orlando, Chicago. in October.Will
    spend few weeks and come back home. I need prayer support and any other
    support friends can support me towards this mission trip.Will have great Revival meeting at Chicago,you can meet me there if you are closer.will spend 14-19th Oct at Chicago.You can booked me for preaching at your Church if you want.Send me e-mail
  • Bishop O.C. Isom II

    Praise the Lord Bishop Chaney in Jesus name! I want you word from the biblical meaning of 2011. All the biblical number have a meaning I just want you spiritual advice on the meaning of 11 and what god plan for the year 2011 for His people.
  • Apostle Dr.Sunday J.Olawore.

    Bishop, i went through your profile and was so inspired about all that God is doing through you in this generation.I will be so glad to work with you and for you here in my country Nigeria and possibly serve as your Fellowship Ambassador for my country.You are lifted.Kindly,reply to my email address and i will stay in contact relationship with you there.

    Apostle Dr.Sunday Olawore

  • Evangelist DeAnn Kelly

    Looking forward to the friendship!!! Take care and may God Bless!!! Pray that I get a chance to visit with you and your congregation one day and lift up the name of Jesus!!!
  • Prophet/Author Shawn D Lipscomb

  • Evangelist DeAnn Kelly

    Nat3ddesign Graphics
    Guardians Tag Ministry Pray that you and your family have a glorious and fun fill Thanksgiving!!! May the presence of the Lord fill the room in which you are are gathered in!!! Love to all!!!
  • Jackqueline Bennett


    "happy holidays"
  • Evangelist DeAnn Kelly

  • Jackqueline Bennett

    Thank you so much blessings to you always
  • lukisha sept / heavenlykeys

  • Bishop Dr. Innocent K. Segoh

    Greeting in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    God Bless you Man of God I pray ALL is well.
    It would by highly advantageous for you to join us on U.S.A. Network V.A.C.M.I and work on helping us building international unity through your vision.
    We would be honored to have you as a member.

     I am certain that your affiliation in partnership would be of great impact to us. So that we can share your experiences, and learn from others' experiences.

    This Organization  was created for Pastors and Missionaries around the world to meet and discuss relevant issues, as well as, missionary plan, conference and evangelistic endeavors.
    Make sure you checkout web side , www.thefieldmissionofchrist.orgTogether we can make a difference in sharing the gospel across the nations and transforming lives. So if you want to be part just click :Apply for membership
  • Kevin A. Vaughan

    Expanding in all major global markets using online video broadcasting services....I would like to know if you have some interest in setting up your own global video talk services using professional products and services.  The goal is to help others in business, ministry, non-profit, organizations, groups, associations; helping our youth and much, much more...let's talk!!  Thank you for your time and have your own Video Broadcasting Network!
  • Bishop Edward Brink

    The First Black Owned African-American Christian Television Station has been Launched. This Television Network will reach 28 Million Households in the USA via Dish Network Satelite. Very Low Program Rates are Available to Spread the Gospel. People like John Hagee, Joyce Meyers, Bill Winston, Bishop W. T Jackson etc. Call Bishop Edward Brink (513) 442-0035            (513) 442-0035      
  • Minister Sena Pearson

    God bless you Bishop
  • atrice hubbard

    BISHOP YOU ARE WALKING IN A SEASON OF OPEN DOORS,JESUS Wants you to be encourged and know that he have not forgotten abut you,you have no more time to train all that is connected to you have to line up are they must go god has called you to the nations and you are going no where but up be bless man of god and stand still and know that he is god,,,,,its you time and it is your season,,,,
  • To God Be the Glory

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  • Prophetess Delorise Jones

    Wow this is so awesome I love seeing the bessings and favor of God upon the lives of His people just to see His hands I get so excited.
  • Pastors Mrs. Peter Hook

    We are world love outreach in United Kingdom, we were introduced here by one of or most honored member of our church to apply for help.

    We want to establish new branch in West Africa, Nigeria to be precisely, we need up to $300,000 for the establishment because we will need to buy a new site and build structures.

    Our aim of opening our branch over there is to help, less privilege families, handicapped people, new convert and mostly spread the word of God to people.

    Please if you are touched to help, feel free to contact us via mail:

    Thanks and may God Bless You.
    Pastors Mrs. Peter Hook
  • Pastor.Eladu michael

    The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer;
    My God, my strength, in whom I will trust;
    My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
    I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised;
    so shall I be saved from my enemies." Psalm 18:1-3

    "... we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us. We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed— always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body. For we who live are always delivered to death for Jesus’ sake, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh. " 2 Corinthians 4:7-11
  • E-Church Connection - Directory

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  • Jomo K. Johnson


    My name is Jomo K. Johnson. I am the Pastor of Philly Open Air Church. I have written a new book titled, Deadest Rapper Alive: The Rise of Lil' Wayne and the Fall of Urban Youth. The Book is an in-depth study of the life, image, music and lyrics of popular Rap Star: Lil' Wayne.


    In this book I make a dire plea of warning. I propose that the music of Wayne is actually much more than beats and lyrics, but it is an amoral philosophy that when followed will lead to extremely dangerous consequences in the lives of Urban Youth. I was motivated to write this book after seeing Lil' Wayne's effects on urban youth in North Philadelphia.


    I want to let you know that I am offering this book for FREE to all Pastors and Ministry leaders. It is my hope that this book will equip leaders to deal with the rise of amoral philosophy as it is being promoted through music.

    To receive you free copy visit:


    And please spread the word.

    Thank you.


    Jomo K. Johnson

    Philly Open Air Church

  • Elder Kevin Strawder

    Air Your Ministry on The GMAP Broadcast Network - New Preach The word Channel coming soon -  WOW New GMAP Live Facebook Fan page: ~ take a Look - See what God is doing

  • divine

    Good day dear ordained,

    Greeting in the name of Jesus Christ,I'm very delighted to write you msg via, I am Elizabeth George. I am single and God fearing lady, and optimistic approach to life. I do love to travel to new and exciting places!“ Distance, Age, or Religion is not a Problem for me: I'm very open minded person, not a spiritual blinded. I also enjoy all aspects of nature and I also love the work of ministry, singing, writing and my favorite music is gospel! Kindly reply to my same personal email below ( ),  so i can send you my photos and share more important issue with you in details. I hope to hear from you soonest, Thanks and Cheers.


    Kind Regard,

  • Elder Kevin Strawder

    we are seeking preaching ministries to air on our Broadcast Networks Preaching The Word Channel {Ch. 5} GMAP Broadcast Network:  *Please Stop by our Network, Take a Look - Be a Member, Be a Friend, Submitt your Ministry Today..

  • Cee Cee H. Caldwell

    God bless Bishop David,

    If you need funds for ministry join us tonight at 8:25pm sharp and find out how you can get what you need to serve the Body of Christ.             218-936-7999       pin 6784131# Don't miss your blessing. Hope to see you there~

    Evangelist Cee Cee H. Caldwell-Miller, MA, CLC 

  • Kingdom Connections

    Kingdom Connections

    Let God Blow Your Ministry Up in the earth realm for His Glory

    Kingdom Connections Has the tools to help you reach your purpose and Destiny. Take your ministry to next level we offer:

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  • Daryl McGirt

    Credit Repair Education Services Radio Show
    Daryl McGirt Executive Director/Founder

  • Mistah Wilson

    Blessings upon you! My name is Mistah Wilson and I am a public figure who acknowledges the importance of the messages we send out to the masses. Feel free to connect with me. All glory to God.

    "Do It For God" by Bing Bing (Music & Me mixtape) by Bing Bing

  • Universal Disciple

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    Пожалуйста, молитесь за нас также сделать вашу опоры для служения Господа в Индии

  • Demetria E. Bass


    Please check out our 24/7 online gospel radio station Praise 2 Go Radio and like us.

    Our website is  E-mail me back at


    Pastor Demetria Bass

    The River Christian Center

  • Felton Brown

    This is One of The Most Devastating New Christian E-Books you will ever come across online.  Visit   You will not be disappointed. Every Pastor, and Minister of The Gospel will agree, this is impressive.