Angela Doreen



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Church of God
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When I first accepted Christ, I did not really know what to expect but what I found was my feet had been planted on a path and on this path I began a journey.

1. It was a journey of discovery
2. A journey that has aided me to a greater understanding
3. A journey, which has seen spiritual, groweth
4. A journey that has brought me into a closer relationship with God
5. A journey that has awoken in me an even more unquenchable desire to share my experience with others
6. A journey that no matter how long will have only just began
7. A journey of truth

Of course I could go on forever describing this journey the journey of hope, of promises of love, of fulfilment, of peace and of contentment but instead I will leave you to find out for yourself because only then could you truly appreciate that in Christ you will be brought way beyond your own expectation, it is only in Christ that you truly get to appreciate the closeness of relationship, the feeling of been truly love.

You see whatever expectation I had when I first accepted Christ as my personal Saviour has been richly exceeded beyond measure, And still, I have an overwhelming desire to know more about Him an unsurmountable need to be at His feet, to bask in His fragrance and to see Him face to face.
Favorite Preachers:
Our Lord and Saviour

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    Thank you for the add i really appreciate your ministry its been a blessing for me . When you get a chance view my ministry and join my mailing list you can also subscribe to my to view my videos and up and coming music clips
  • Minister Karen L. Ribeiro


    Publication of the February Women Of Great Faith book project is well under way and the author’s contributions were phenomenal!

    We regret you were unable to participate in this publication. However, our publishers have graciously agreed to offer another opportunity in June/2010. The deadline date to submit articles is May 31, 2010. We pray you are able to participate in this publication.

    We’re also asking that you consider financially partnering with Write The Vision Publications towards the distribution of the Women Of Great Faith (vol. I & II) to female inmates nationwide.

    As our authors submit contact information for inmates in their area, Write The Vision Publication has committed to sending a copy of the book at no cost to the inmate.

    For your generous financial contributions, in addition to our prayers:

    1. Write The Vision Publication will send you a complementary copy of
    Women Of Great Faith.
    2. You may also send us the names and contact information of incarcerated
    female in your area, we will send that individual a copy of the book as well!
    3. And as our way of saying “Thank You” please accept this special offer Coupon.

    Please make all contributions/donations payable to: Write The Vision Publications, PO Box 11154, Winston Salem, NC 27116 or you may Contribute/Donate on-line at: Books>Contributions/Donations>Checkout>Insert Amount)

    Thank you in advance for your prayers and partnership. And remember, true ministry is…connecting the God in us to the need in others!! If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at 336-997-2359.

    Be blessed in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

    In His Service,

    Minister Karen L. Ribeiro

    PS. As ‘good stewards’ of resources, Write The Vision Publications will only send the book directly to the inmate(s) at the specified facility. Thank you.
  • Daniel Baumet

  • H.H. Pierre

  • Dr. Charles Easter

    Although we try to get a word daily sometimes we run out of time to search the scriptures and sometimes we want to hear a word from a preacher and we can't.You can now go to and hear messages of inspiration from men of God.We want to enrich your spiritual experience daily through We have now added to help get the word of God out, come by and be a part of the Preachingallday family.
  • Prophetess Cecilia Polk

    Miracles and blessings!
  • rRev. kenneth W. kelley

    Red Ribbon
  • Rev. Linda Hartsfield

    Red Ribbon
  • Rev. Linda Hartsfield

  • Matanah Consulting Ministries

    Hello, Sister Angela and thank you for requesting to be a friend. I can see from your profile that you are determined and dedicated woman of God. I't's an honor to be in your company. Many Blessings
  • Kisaame David

    Hello Sister Angela
    I have been reading your blog that you write . I want to thank God for your life because you have uplifted me very much . Thanks for making me know that Ian eternally in Christ . That is what every body needs to hear . That is the Word of God Jn 3.16
    Do you have a vision to travel out side London , if so you are welcome to Uganda in our ministry . It is a registered ministry with the Government and it is called Greator Grace Ministries . We love to hear and see you preach to us .
    Let me hope that you will reply me soon with a positive response to our request
    Be blessed our Sister in the Lord . Send our regatrds to your Pastor and the church . Tell them we love them and eager to hear from them
    Pastor David
  • Ricardo Miller Ministries

    Dear Sis Angela,

    Check out our latest video and see how we are "Raising the Standard in Reaching Children"
  • Bishop Fred Ethan Harris, Jr.

    Pleased to make your acquaintance.
  • yasar

    May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

    I myself am convinced, my brothers, that you yourselves are full of goodness, complete in knowledge and competent to instruct one another. I have written to you quite boldly on some points, as if to remind you of them again, because of the grace God gave me to be a minister of Christ Jesus to the Gentiles with the priestly duty of proclaiming the gospel of God, so that the Gentiles might become an offering acceptable to God, sanctified by the Holy Spirit. Therefore I glory in Christ Jesus in my service to God. I will not venture to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me in leading the Gentiles to obey God by what I have said and done- by the power of signs and miracles, through the power of the Spirit. So from Jerusalem all the way round to Illyricum, I have fully proclaimed the gospel of Christ.

    It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known, so that I would not be building on someone else's foundation.
  • Darwin Ali, Health and Wellness

    Greetings Sister Angela,
    "Beloved, I wish above all things that thou prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth" 3 John 2
    If you missed the Sunday Evening Webinar you can listen in on the recording. Call 218 339-2487 access code 8013190# then record number 062710# Then take the 10-Day Challenge
  • Evang.. Felecia Spaulding

  • Dr. Jennifer Irungu

    Grace and Peace,THANKS FOR YOUR FRIENDSHIP. just stopping through to send you Kingdom Blessings!!! I pray that all is going well with you and your ministry. Stay blessed and know that you are in my prayers. Let's stay connected for the Kingdom sake.
    Remain on fire for Jesus Christ

    We cannot afford to be apathetic about the truth God has put in our trust. It is our duty to guard, proclaim, and pass that truth on to the next generation (1 Timothy 6:20:21). We who love Christ and believe the truth embodied in His teaching must awaken to the reality of the battle that is raging all around us. We are under a sacred obligation to join the battle and contend for the faith.

  • yasar



    God's Ultimate Weapon DVD Promo Spot #1

    Another promo of the upcoming God's Ultimate Weapon DVD coming on December 25, 2010. This particular video project was built using 3 seperate AE CS4 comps which have their own, seperate subcomps. These are the three, seperate comps:

    1. Incubus Logo Comp from VideoHive
    2. Halley's Twins Logo Comp containing 5 subcomps, with 2 source files, Advance 3d Plug-in and 13 effects.
    3. Nostalgic Design Comp built in Brazil by "YoCreative".

    The entire project assembled and rendered in HD 1080P using Sony Vegas 9.0. The soundtrack built by God' Ultimate Weapon ministry using ProScores by Video CoPilot...

    This is another test of various video projects built by me using Adobe After Effects CS4 and Sony Vegas 9.0. It was created by Mr. Wayman "" for Videohive and all of the place holders and text was replaced by me. The soundtrack that you hear came with the comp "

  • Senior Apostle Cauline [ETAMA]

    Just dropping by to let you know how much I appreciate your connecting with me. Hope to co-labor with you as and when Adonai permits!

    Visit ETA NEXUS
    Shaliach Cauline
    Chief Apostle, End Time Army Worldwide Ministries, Inc
  • Kanna Samuel.G

    dear sister Angela greetings in Christ...How are you...I hope that you are praying for us hear in India we all praying for you and your ministry.

    Dear one one of our church believer is suffering with cancer so dear one kindly remember her in your prayers...


    Prosperity and riches are NOT a definite sign of spirituality. I use to be one of those people that were in such “amazement”, when a famous Man of “God” would come to town. People would be breaking the elastic on their wallet, to give to him. I think it’s pathetic. You hear a sermon, shout and then the battle of the dollars begin. People get mad at me, when I say this, but I don’t care. It’s all a money scheme, and people are falling for it, like worms on a fishing hook. People are always trying to find ways to achieve more financial success. What better way to do this, but to prey on church members. Money and salvation have nothing to do with each other. The Gospel is being blinded by the love of power and dollar bills. This spirit is really taking over the church.

    False preachers, “apostles,” “Bishops,” and “evangelists” are always hitting up the poor to give more. They are always telling the people whose lights are about to be turned off that if they sow the seed that preacher is telling them to sow they will reap bountifully. Now Scripture clearly states that those who are in financial distress (as well as those who are not) are to give in a manner that is purposed within their heart. Why? Because we must take care of home first (essentials- food, shelter, clothing). Instead, these money grubbers want you to take care of their home(s) first, and if your’s is not taken then you get blamed for not having enough faith, thus allowing the devil to steal your joy (and your loot).

    A church might not get “enough” money if they don’t require tithing? Hey, maybe that church shouldn’t exist. Or perhaps the pastor should be willing to - oh, I don’t know - GET A JOB like Paul, to support himself. You don’t have a building? Rent a hall, as small a hall as the offerings will support. And if they are enough to support one at all, then maybe the group SHOULD cease to exist. - Rev. A. Turner Jr.

  • Pastor Linda J. Bates

    Greetings Sister Angela,
    Thanks for the friend request and I'm looking forward to the friendship now remember You, Your family and Your Ministry will always be in my prayers. KINGDOM BLESSING!!!.

    My “God Vs Satan” Project From January 12, 2010

    This 2-part series (10 min. in length, each part) was created by me before God gifted me the ability to master After Effects CS4 and Sony Vegas 9.0. The clip was built entirely with Microsoft Vista MovieMaker with no HD properties, whatsoever. As old as it is, and as uncompleted as it was, it is the most-watched video on my You Tube Channel by unbelievers - already at 21,546 views with 197 comments. Video No.#2 is at 5,920 views. Go figure…!


    No. #2 in a series based on the January, 2010 video that I created called, "Love Me." It will be completed and uploaded here - on YouTube - on January 15th, 2010.

    The Project: Full HD resolution. After Effects Version: CS3 and CS4. File size: 52mb. Resolution: 1920x1080. Music Soundtrack by: Wayman. Images and video clips uploaded by me. Written by me.
  • Kanna Samuel.G

    Dear Sister Greetings in Christ...How are you.I hope that God is keeping you in His grace...I hope that you are praying for me and our ministry.Hear in Andhra Pradesh-India we always remember you in our prayers.Blessings

  • Kanna Samuel.G

    Wish Wish You Happy Christmas and Prosperous New Year...

    Dear and Beloved the God’s choicest Angela Madam Greetings to you in the Most precious Name of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Grace and Peace to you from God our Father and The Lord Jesus Christ…

    Hear in AP-India by the grace of God we all are well and doing better for the ministry of God. By the Grace of our God and by your precious prayers past whole year God showed His abundant grace in all our lives.

    So Dear one on behalf of me, family, children, believers and Pastors I am sending you Christmas wishes to you and your family and I pray that 2011 brings the Glory of Almighty God upon you and your fellowship. May the Lord of all move mightily in your midst that believer and unbeliever alike will marvel at His power and Grace. And May God’s shower His choicest blessings on you and your family and your ministry this Christmas and New Year…

    Yours truly In Christ,

    Pastor.Kanna Samuel.G
    Andhra Pradesh-India.

  • Paul Thomas

    Greetigns my sister have a supernatual week, filled with revelation, impacted by your devotion and made ready for your promotion
  • Apostle Nicholas Stanley

    Hi Sister Angela, how are you doing? Its been a while. Just checking on u. stay blessed

  • Joshua Anyaoha

  • ShekinahLife

    The Holy Torah and the Writings state Not to live in the house of a contentious woman

  • ShekinahLife

    Do you Ever actually crack open a Book of historical study..and labor to find truth????

  • ShekinahLife

    It is only Abusive to those who have NOT The ears to hear what the ShekinahLife is speaking into them'
    EDUCATION is the KEY to your discovery...Sadly...that is not the way for some is far easier to say He did it all for me"That my dear is EGOism at its finest hour...and ignorance defeats the meaning of Love the neighbor as thyself'
    Study does a mind good'

  • ShekinahLife

    We are currently in the period of time known in Judaism as "the Three Weeks," when we mourn the destruction of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem and pray for a world transformed (click here for more information
    ). It is our sincere hope and prayer that the dissemination of the G-dly wisdom found in His Torah will hasten the time of ultimate good, with the coming of our righteous
    , when "the earth would be filled with knowledge of G-d, as the waters cover the sea." (Isaiah 11:6-9)

  • Pastor Nathan Lennon



    The New, Official video for God's Ultimate Weapon Ministry - Version 3.  Website is online at but the site is still under construction.  Stay tuned, for more updates to the site.

  • Paul Thomas

    Sister Angela, Shake London for Jesus... from Brother Paul across the great divide.. (Wales)... Blessings

  • Paul Thomas

    The Lord bless you Sister, thanks for your response on my page.  I preached in a COG in MI some years ago, real nice folks. Have you or your church got a website?
    regards and The Lord bless you


  • Paul Thomas

    Thank you my sister i'll take a look at this!

  • mary

    My name is Sister mary,how are you and your ministry also your family?i hope all is well, if so thanks be to God almighty,I pray in this month of grace,May God pour out incredible miracles grace in your life and ministry,as i came a cross your page now on this abcpreachers.ning  So I decided to stop by an let you know that I really want to have a God fairing friendship with you. Beside i have something special i want to discuses with you, but I find it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site. I will be very happy, If you can get back to me, through my e-mail( ) So we can get to know each other better,also tell you more about myself, my e-mail id Is,( )

  • Jaja Azikiwe


  • Jaja Azikiwe

    The SO-CALLED "English" name, Jesus

    The Norman invasion of 1066 introduced the letter "j" to England but the sound of the letter did not exist in the Old English language until the early 1200's. Over the next 300 years the hard "J" sound started to replace male names that began with I or Y because it sounded so masculine. Names like Iames became "James," Iakob became Jacob, and Yohan became "John." During the time the letter J was starting to gain acceptance, John Wycliffe became the first person to translate the New Testament from Latin into English in 1384. He preserved the Latin spelling and pronunciation of IESUS but his translation was unread by the common man because only a few hand-written copies of his Bible were produced which were quickly banned by the Church.

    The KJV was legally the only "authorized" version allowed in England, and was produced to stamp out the Geneva translation (The Geneva "Bible" contained many footnotes, reference helps, and conveyed a high level of general information for people to learn).

    When Gutenburg invented the printing press the Latin Vulgate "Bible" became the first book ever printed in 1455. The first printed bible in a foreign tongue was the German Mentel Bible of 1466 followed by the Martin Luther bible of 1522.
    After William Tyndale was denied permission to print an English bible he went to visit Martin Luther and completed his translation of the New Testament in 1525. Tyndale had 18,000 copies printed at Worms and smuggled into England of which only two copies survive. After printing his revised edition of 1534 he was captured in Belgium, tried for heresy by order of the pope, and put to death in 1536 by strangulation after which his body was burned at the stake.

    By the year 1611 the letter "J" was officially part of the English language and the King James Bible was printed along with pronunciation guides for all proper names like Jesus, Jew, Jeremiah, Jerusalem, Judah, and John. The name "Jesus" has been in use ever since.


  • Jaja Azikiwe


    At Acts 4:12, we learn that there is only ONE NAME under heaven, given among men by which we may be saved, yet we see that the true Name has been under constant change over the centuries. Originally, it was spelled yod-hay-uau-shin-ayin.

    The true Name of the Mashiach can be proven by deduction; and you should know that we cannot trust the Greek to explain the Hebrew. But, when we see that the Greek text uses the same letters (IESOUS) when referring to the men that translators spell as "Joshua" and "Jesus", then we know these letters refer to not just a similar name, but the same name; the Greek alphabet simply corrupted the Name for us. We can fix that easily. The Mashiach of Israel certainly never had a Greek name, so let's hunt-down His real, Hebrew Name!

    At Hebrews 4 and Acts 7 (Hebrews written by Sha'ul, and Acts by Luke), we discover from the Greek that the Savior's Name is spelled IESOUS. I'm not saying these two men wrote the text in Greek, but the Greek is what we have received. The name "JESUS" isn't even in the original Scriptures - and you can check out the way it looked back in 1599 by clicking on this: 1599 Geneva Translation. Hebrews 4 and Acts 7 refer to "Joshua" (Yahusha more accurately), using the same Greek letters, IESOUS. Now think very hard; could the successor of Mosheh and the Mashiach of Israel possibly have the same NAME in the original Hebrew? Scholars don't doubt it for a second that they did indeed.

    To learn the real name of your Savior, go look at the Hebrew letters for the spelling of "Joshua": yod-hay-uau-shin-ayin (It isn't rocket surgery you know). Both had the Hebrew name: YAHUSHA (spelled twice in the TaNaK as YAHUSHUA). The Greek alphabet cannot transliterate this word, and "Latinizing" the Greek form only makes it freakier. The Name of our Savior contains the Name of our Creator, because He is our Creator, and His Name is His identification (His identity is wrapped-up in His Name.

    YAH = "I am" . . . so, Yahusha (or Yahushua) literally means "I am your salvation" as well as "Yah is our salvation". He is the everlasting Father, and El Shaddai (Is. 6:9, Rev. 1).

    The Savior is in fact the Being that revealed His Name as Yahuah -- there's no argument there in the least (He is the "Alef and the Tau"). We use the spelling Yahusha or Yahushua because it states the Name and function or role the messenger Gabri'el provided. We find that Scripture records the practice of giving names, and commonly the chosen name will provide a description or attribute of the individual. Because Gabriel included the phrase, "for he shall save his people from their sins", it is obvious that there was a distinctive meaning in the Name carrying the idea of salvation, from the root yasha. Also, the Name chosen aligns with the meaning of the name of the man that brought Israel into the promised land (called Joshua by tradition).

    The Greek texts at Hebrews 4 and Acts 7 both indicate the spelling to be identical for both the Mashiach and the successor of Mosheh: IESOUS (in the Greek letters).

    Therefore, all we have to do is go to the Hebrew texts, find the spelling of the name of the man that succeeded Mosheh, and we have found the Savior's Name perfectly preserved ~ and based on the texts of Shemoth (Exodus). Logical deduction brings this out. The Name "Yahushua" describes the FUNCTION or ROLE that our Creator has become.

    To ignore this function/role, we have to overlook the phrase included by Gabriel when the Name was given:

    "But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of (Yahuah) appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Yoseph, you son of David, fear not to take unto you Miryam your wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the (Ruach haQodesh). And she shall bring forth a son, and you shall call His Name (Yahushua): for he shall save (DELIVER) his people from their sins. Now all this was done, that it might be fulfi