Elise Thompson, Child of G-d


Sanford, FL

United States

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Church Name:
Tikkun Olam Ministries
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
Gospel, Jazz, Classical Music/Laughing, Reading, Cooking, Power Walking, Helping Others
Favorite Preachers:
Rabbi Ralph Messer, Pastors Larry and Tiz Huch, Bishop Salamat Khokhar, Pastor Eric Hancock, Dr. N. Cindy Trimm, Bishop David G Evans

Comment Wall:

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    Hi Prophetess.I just visited to wish you the best that this season offers. I sent a mail to you some time ago but did not get your reply.
    We are presently on mission field trying to take the love of God to those who are still without the knowledge of God's word.
    I look forward to hearing from you. You are in my heart and prayers...God bless you. Shalom Your friend Dr.Cyril
  • MYBY/Moreh Yahoshua ben Yisrael

  • MYBY/Moreh Yahoshua ben Yisrael

  • Pastor Stephen T. Nichols


    Hi Prophetess Elise,I bring you greetings of good will, grace and abundant blessings from the King of Kings and Lord of Lords in the name of JESUS CHRIST. Thank you for your last mail.it is a great blessing hearing from you.How are your lovely family doing?

    I look forward to knowing about your ministry.Please visit our site at> www.ourchurch.com/member/b/bwa. Please dont forget to sign our guest book to let us know that you visit Iwill like to chat with you whenever you are on line.This is my email>drwihus@yahoo.com. God bless you
  • MYBY/Moreh Yahoshua ben Yisrael


  • Pastor Michael Samuels

    Blessings to you...

  • Pastor Michael Samuels

    Stay ready!!!!! No fear!!! The world needs your greatness!!!!
  • Evangelist Bonnie Baker

    God bless you woman of God.
  • Evangelist Bonnie Baker

    God Bless you woman of God.
  • Evangelist Bonnie Baker

    Bless you woman of God, Hold onto his hand the blessing is at the door.
  • Pastor Michael Samuels

    Amen and amen. You are on target. How is ministry/business?
  • Evangelist Sherry Lomack

    Thank u very much and I receive this.
  • Pastor Stephen T. Nichols

  • Prophet A.D Baxter

    God bless you!!
  • Pastor Glyniel Washington-Garner

    Greeting Friend!!!

    I am stopping by to say Hello!! It has been a while since I have said Hello. I have some news that I want to share with you. I have a Custom Tailored clothing website that you design the clothing the way you want. Design suits, shoes, shirts, jeans and accessories. Take a look at my site and buy a suit or shirt. The prices are great!!

    Urbane Threads www.urbnethrds.masscouture.com

    Glyniel Washington Garner
  • Herb Robertson

  • Evangelist Bonnie Baker

    God's blessing be upon all the women of God that is doing a great work for him.

    Charles Spurgeon once said, "Satan never kicks a dead horse." That means you are alive. It means you are active. Every believer is in a battle. We are in a fight! Don't be fooled by all of these commercials on T.V. from other Christian ministries depicting the Christian life as frolicking through the flowers, health and prosperity and individuals standing around with wide smiles on their faces. You have either just come out of a battle or you are now in a battle or you are headed into a battle -- because the Christian life is depicted as a battle.

    One of these days we are going to lay our weapons down and we'll be in glory and the battles will be over and we will study war no more. But until that time, you can count on it, as a born again child of God, you are in a battle!

    Rev. Arlee Turner Jr.

  • Pastor Michael Samuels

    Hello. I got your note. I closed it without getting your number. Here is my number. (336) 345-9422
  • Evangelist Bonnie Baker

    Yes I am thank you and you be bless of the lord, If you get a chance check out my books on my page they will be blessing unto you.


  • Joyce Spencer

    Hi Nabiyah, thanks for the friend request. Many blessings!
  • Eric Hancock

    Hey Stranger..I have been Ministering at Temple of Praise,,it is a Church in D.C. wich T.D,Jakes is the over seerer,,I promise to get back to Ministry here on BPN
  • Joyce Spencer

    Hello, Nabiyah, thanks for your kind words...you really bless me!!!! Please forgive me for the delay in a late reply.  I personally handle all my mail and marketing....I try real hard not to let anything get by me : ).  If you need anymore information, here is a link to my website: http://himrp.com/joyce.aspx ---- And, on this site you will find a hyperlink that will take you to my one page electronic press kit. Again thank you so much and I hope & pray God gives you the desires of your heart to reside in Dallas!!
  • Joyce Spencer

    Thanks for understanding : )

    Here is another great file with all kinds of uses. I am currently using this project template to promote a series of teachings concerning the apostasy that has taken over today's church. "The Storm" project file was made for Powerful, Epic Movie Trailers, but can also be used for new websites, promoting new product lines, commercials, etc. The music is not included...

    If you don't have After Effects or simply don't know how to use it, Then you cantact me and I will do it for you. Here are the rates:

    ■1. Simple replacement of text/media -- $ 100
    ■2. Minor modifications to the project (Incl 1.) -- $150
    ■3. Major modifications to the project (Incl 1.) -- $250
    ■4. Using the style of the project to create a completely diffirent one -- $500
    The price might very depending on your request.

    Contact me, here, on this website, if you have any questions or comments. My tutorials will be here within the next two months..

    Arlee Turner Jr.



    I would like to introduce myself as Pastor v. sureshkumar, from India the Lord has been faithful, and I praise God for His Grace and mercy. By His grace I have been witnessing Jesus to the hundreds of Hindu idol worshipers and God the Holy Spirit has led several to the Salvation. I trust my letter would present the needs in promoting the Gospel Work in India ,JESUS CHRIST& GOSPEL CHARITY ORGANIZATION ,is a faith ministry.

    Dear .thank you for your email welcome to india, please extend your help to our ministry

    “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” - Matthew 7:15 KJV

    “For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.” - 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 KJV

  • Rabbi james byers

    Shalom Nabiyah, I hope all is well

    We are having a gathering of Hebrew ministries for more info go to our web site www.melohagoyim.org

    5th Sabbath fellowship

  • Lady Apostle Dr. Zee Cobbs, Phd

  • Pastor Darryl Miller


  • Lady Apostle Dr. Zee Cobbs, Phd

  • Eric Hancock

    I am FIRST sorry that I have been out of BPN for a while BUT I miss everyone and I am glad that your getting all rhat Yah has for you
  • The Apostle

    I would enjoy the fellowship. Add me as a friend so we can chat some. Thanks and stay blessed.
  • Margaret Jackson (Psalmist)

    Thank you for making me a part of your BPN family. I was just in the Rockingham, Greenboro area about a month ago. Please stay in touch my new friend. God Bless.
  • Senior Apostle Cauline [ETAMA]



  • Senior Apostle Cauline [ETAMA]

    Praise ADONAI I look forward to all that HaShem will bring forth from this connection. Let me know where you are in the UK I was just communing with Father concerning others in the UK and here you are. You might be interested in joining the ETA Messianic Association group here on BPN. To follow what we are upto you can connect via FB or our network. Shalom Alecheim!   
  • Senior Apostle Cauline [ETAMA]

    Shalom! Shalom! There are several churches covered under the messianic apostolic mantle of ETAWMI and I look forward to door opening for me to visit. Somehow I know that when that day comes and it will be soon, we will meet face to face! More messianic voices are required in the UK I am called to all nations. Make your desire know to HaShem for HE is seeking those HE can send! Much love in HIM!
  • Ray Robinson

    THE FALSE IMAGE OF JESUS: Do you know where it came from?


    Cesare Borgia is in the book entitled Triptych of Poisoners, and is also in the book entitled Cesare Borgia His Life and Times by Sarah Bradford. Between 1502 and 1503, he employed Leonardo da Vinci as a military architect and engineer, in which he and Leonardo da Vinci became intimate instantaneously, they were lovers.

    To express his love towards Cesare, Leonardo painted many pictures of him. Cesare's Father Rodrigo Borgia, who later became Pope Alexander VI, under the authority of the Catholic Church Elite, had his son picture put up as Jesus Christ in the Western World.


    Cesare had sex with his own sister Lucrezia, and he killed his brother Giovanni in 1497, and this is the man whom the Catholic Church gave their consent to allowing his picture to be put up and portrayed as Jesus Christ to deceive the whole world to think Christ was European. See what most people don't know is, there was a competition during the time called the Renaissance period, between Leonardo da Vinci and the well known Michelangelo. The competition was to see who could impress the king by a making a new image of the King's son that would deceive the world, in which Leonardo da Vinci won the competition.


    The bible calls the devil the great deceiver!

    What a deception!

    The image of Jesus as so spread in numerous churches & homes worldwide is FALSE!


    Most Christians have not even investigated its' origin.

    Surely if they did, the image would never again be posted in the church.


    How you investigated?

    Is one of the many images of Jesus/Cesare posted in your church?






  • William J. Bass


    This is pastor William J. Bass, senior pastor of Praise Covenant Christian Center in Springfield, VA. and the CEO of a brand new 24/7 online gospel radio station called Praise 2 Go Radio. You may log on at www.praise2go.com  and check us out. I am sure you, like other listeners we have from KY, to California, to the United Kingdom and Canada will love our sound and professionalism.

    While you are there like us and friend us on Facebook. Then, please e-mail us back at ptriplec@aol.com with your thoughts and or comments. By the way, we have very, very, low and affordable advertising rates and even banner ad opportunities for you to market your products to a global audience. You may also reach me via phone at 703-675-8835. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

    In His Service,

    Pastor Jeff Bass

    CEO, Praise 2 Go Radio

  • Pastor Glyniel Washington-Garner

    Happy Holidays woman of God.  I have spent time in Sanford shopping.  Nice place. 




  • Ambassador Vanessa Ann

    God bless you Elise! It's always nice to hear from you sis. Thank you for the invite - we shall have that interview at the appointed time - God is still working with me in the business arena that requires my set focus - I will keep you in mind when I am released to speak about my testimony and my mission for the Lord! God elevate you to higher dimensions and surround you with a greater realm of His Glory in the New Year! Nothing shall hinder your purpose - pursue territory, prevail over your adversary, pronounce the King!!! Love you greatly sis!!! Vanessa Anne


    Bless  you Sister.Elise Thank you for your wondertful email This is wishing you a blessed and exciting 2012 full of fresh fires for fresh impact in all you do in JESUS NAME


  • Apostle C.D. Dixon

    "I have some exciting news to tell you. The first 100 register’s will receive a special gift from me, so don’t delay any longer."

  • Pastor Glyniel Washington-Garner

    Hello Elise,  It was good to hear from you.  Sorry to hear how life has been a whirlwind for you.  For me as well.  But we are still standing Praise God.  Hope to hear from you soon.  I am on Facebook.  You may look me up there as well. Love Glyniel