Evanglist Graham


Durham, NC

United States

Profile Information:

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Church Status:
Associate Minister
Church Name:
Ledge Rock Baptist church
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
There is a ministry that is going fourth in the season serenity who is SERENITY . A dynmic women an evangelist, singer,songwriter, Bible instructure, And a fireball for GOD she has the heart to minister to families that are broken and young people SERENITY has a special way with youth and their family. Her creativity, quick wit, and humor keep them laughing has she preaches behide the prison
Favorite Preachers:
Juanita Bynum

Comment Wall:

  • William J. Bass

    This is pastor William J. Bass, senior pastor of Praise Covenant Christian Center in Springfield, VA. Please ck out our all new 24/7 online gospel radio station called Praise 2 Go Radio you may log on at www.praise2go.com
    After you ck it out, please e-mail me bk at ptriplec@aol.com with your thoughts and or comments. Be Blessed
  • Herb Robertson

  • Joshua Anyaoha

    Welcome and if desired visit us at www.christianfellowshipworldwide.com

    free glitter text and family website at FamilyLobby.com

    free glitter text and family website at FamilyLobby.com free glitter text and family website at FamilyLobby.com

    Matt 28:18-20

    18And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.19Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

  • romeo kwasi adjei

    Romans 7:18

    18 For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not.
  • Evang. Sandra D Jones

    Bless You Women of God!!!! Continue in HIS SERVICE!
  • William J. Bass

    This is pastor William J. Bass, senior pastor of Praise Covenant Christian Center in Springfield, VA. Please ck out our all new 24/7 online gospel radio station called Praise 2 Go Radio you may log on at www.praise2go.com
    After you ck it out, please e-mail me bk at ptriplec@aol.com with your thoughts and or comments. Be Blessed

  • Evang. Sandra D Jones

    Thank You!!
  • Apostle Spencer Uzoma Ibe

    It is well you
  • Evang. Sandra D Jones

    Thank you Woman of God! And may that peace reach you at your point of need through the Holy Ghost!
  • Herb Robertson

  • Tameka Riley

    Thank you so much for the gift woman of God. May the Lord richly bless you in all you do for Him. In Jesus' name.

    When you really look at it, the church has become a “business operation”. We have all of these conferences, where you have to pay all of this money to attend. You hear more about wealth, than you hear about trying to build a Christian spirit…

    It makes me sad to think of so-called leaders in the black community talking about repositioning yourself, empowerment this and empowerment that and folks is dying spiritually and physically. How about we empower ourselves to preach the gospel! Instead of another seminar on how to have a successful business, how about we have a seminar on how to get saved!

    I was looking at Jeremiah 23 this morning: ”But if they [these false prophets] had stood in My council, then they would have announced My words [not their words] to My people, and would have turned them back from their evil way and from the evil of their deeds.” Jer. 23:22 That’s interesting, because it seems as if history had already begun to repeat itself!

    Rev. A. Turner Jr.

    I want to personally thank all of you for your comments on my latest statement concerning the fact that the church of today has become a “business operation.” I want you to all know - including those who continue to stubbornly disagree with me - that I wouldn’t be making such statements in my sermons, unless they were Holy Spirit-inspired and backed up by Scripture…

    For the gentleman who commented, “My brother it is our job as brethren, not to be focus on what other is [are] doing, but to stay true our calling and mandate,” I say, that this IS my calling and mandate - as well as ever Christian. Jude 3 and 4 is quite specific: that we must contend (fight) for the faith which was once and for all delivered to the saints. I am not focused on what “other’s” are doing. I am exposing false doctrine and other corruption in the Body of Christ that will have long-range and damaging affects on the spiritual growth of those who are still babes in Christ. That is why the church is in the pitiful and sad shape it is in now - because of Christians who would rather stick their heads in the sand and say nothing, then to stand on the Word of God and defend it against those who continue to preach and teach false doctrine. Like it or not, God specifically called a remnant of believers in the Body of Christ for this purpose and they are here to stay.
  • Guardian

    Thank you my Sister in Christ .

  • Guardian

    Hello my Friend
    Have a Blessed Day
    From Guardian

    Nat3ddesign Graphics
    Guardians Tag Ministry

    Nat3ddesign Graphics
    Guardians Tag Ministry

    Nat3ddesign Graphics
    Guardians Tag Ministry

  • Tom-Louis W. Gray, Sr.

    I am now in the process of starting up a new church here in Chicago. I have been preaching the Gospel since 1987. I spent all of those years assisting pastors and being loyal to the church that I raised in. When a vacancy arose, I got shafted. No hard feelings though. I learned a lot about life, people, and the world. I am currently working on my dissertation in pastoral counseling. My ministry is holistic, and I believe we must serve the entire family not just a mother or sister or brother but the entire clan, I specialize in youth ministry, I've spent the last 26 years as a clinician providing therapy and counseling to behavior disordered youth
  • Tom-Louis W. Gray, Sr.

    uploaded pictures coming soon

  • hilda

  • Evangelist Tabitha S. George

    Praise the Lord Evangelist Graham... thank you for the friendship and your message; God bless you my sister, love ya... Evangelist Tabitha

  • Benjamin Okoroma

    God's will perfect everything that concerns u.i invite u to come and preach in my conference in feb in Nigeria.let me know if u will be coming
  • Herb Robertson

  • Elvin Mcshaw

    Evangelist Graham's,

    I 'm justing getting to my page. So sorry I missed those dates. God's will, another time.


    "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world." - I John 4:1 KJV

    "I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars." - Revelation 2:2 KJV

  • Guardian

    Hello my Friend
    Have a Blessed Day
    From Guardian

    Nat3ddesign Graphics
    Guardians Tag Ministry

    Nat3ddesign Graphics
    Guardians Tag Ministry

    Nat3ddesign Graphics
    Guardians Tag Ministry

  • Pastor Darryl Miller

    Two Single Moms go from Broke to Being a Blessings

    Ebony Jordan and Nikki Stevens interview by FHTM58