Wolette Selassie

Chicago, IL

United States

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
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Church Status:
Senior Pastor
Church Name:
Nation of Judah Ministries
College Attended (optional):
Chicago State University/Radio-Television Productions/Investigative Research and Reporting
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
Anointed by the Holy Spirit to conduct years of investigative research to learn the origin of 'Cush" of Genesis 2:13 and the origins of the Old Testament, forty-five years of investigative research. We are publishing the results of the inspired research which we believe fulfills Colossians 1:25-26.

..we are calling on men and women of the Cloth of African descent to review our research that offers impeccable prove that KUSH was the first advanced theocratic and scientific civilization established by an Advanced Black Race. In fact, the name "Cush" is listed in 41 out of 50 different versions of the Old Testament. This is evidence to reveal to you that what has been hidden for the last 2,000 is now being revealed...and we can prove it .

KUSH ("Cush" is calling out since the days of slavery, but was ignored because our people did now know her name (our ancient theocratic civilization---the first on earth---KUSH (Cush) is calling out to her people to know who she is...and the Ministers know and have refused to tell the People about KUSH of Genesis 2:13.

13 The name of the second river is Gihon; it is the one which goes around the whole land of Cush, spelled KUSH in ancient times. New King James Version (NKJV)

The history of KUSH ("Cush") was omitted from the first translation of the Old Testament by Greeks living in Alexandria, Egypt in 322 B.C, in so doing they deleted all evidence of the Black Presence in the Bible, from the beginning of time as we know it (the book of the beginnings: genesis).

When we introduced a Prince of the Solomon Dynasty from Ethiopia to ministers in Chicago, many exclaimed they know about KUSH, but do not teach it to their congregations because they would loose them. We responded, "what kind of man of God would know the Truth, but teach a lie?"

If you know this truth but is not sharing it with your congregation you are not walking the Path of God...what was once hidden has now come to light ....based on God inspired research...for more information you may contact us woletteselassie@queenofshebaresearch.org
Favorite Preachers:
Bishop Alfred G. Dunston, Jr.; Reverand Sterland Means,

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  • June Dune

    Thank you for your continued prayers and support. We will remember you in our prayers as well.


    Rev. Elton Young, MA

  • Rev. Jacob Vadlapati

    Thank you for your love and prayers to us. Praying for you all. With much love, Rev. Jacob Vadlapati

  • Rev. Jacob Vadlapati