Heaven's Disciples


Twinsburg, OH

United States

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The WORD Church
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
Rodney Burutsa is the founder of Heaven's Disciples, a multimedia entertainment company featuring music, books, comics, films, games, merchandise, and clothing.
Favorite Preachers:
Jesus Christ and Joseph Prince

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    God's Ultimate Weapon Media And Graphics Ministry

    A video presentation of some of my Adobe AE CS4 animated graphics for video/film presentations and ministry promotion.

    For information contact me on my Facebook page or inbox me here, on BPN.  My Facebook page URL is: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=736080109

    May the Lord continue to bless you and to keep you!

    Rev. Arlee Turner Jr.; God's Ultimate Weapon Ministry

  • Maxwell Kobina Acquah,

    Maxwell Kobina Acquah (PhD) has a pen name YEFULKAY. His full name is Maxwell Kobina Acquah Yeful. He is a devoted Christian whose love for GOD and mankind has inspired him to come out with great gospel novels, which do not provide only vision but the knowledge, desire to seek God and discover the truth about His creation.
    Despite his strong engagement to church activities, spreading the gospel and teaching the youth on how to keep away from crime, hard drugs, and all forms of immoral lifestyle, he has participated in many international Bible courses, providing him numerous religious and Christian Theological certificates. He also has qualifications in General Agricultural Science, Human Resource Development, Basic Computing, and others.
    His books are available in major bookstores worldwide and on the internet amazon, lulu, createspace, and many other online bookstores.
    He is strongly recommended to readers, the book industry, professionals and anyone who needs a humble, respectful and God fearing person to work with.
    Check out these:
  • Maxwell Kobina Acquah,

    I really appreciate your compliment, thank you very much. I want to introduce and extend a warm hand of support for my organisation to you.

    Below is the organisation:

    The Christ Centered Counseling Network (CCCN), CCCN is a non-denominational, non-profit and integrated social welfare organization that works with organizations and individuals, and people of all races with the sole purpose of creating suitable environment, restoring hope and opportunities in people.

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     We exist to support and serve.

     Please help us by introducing us to donors, volunteers, philanthropists, humanitarians, and support from the general public.