Shamika Adams-Morgan

48, Female


United States

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Church Name:
Praise Temple Church of God/ Detroit World Outreach
College Attended (optional):
University of Detroit Mercy
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
I am married with three wonderful children. I own a catering service...S.K. Morgan Catering Service, LLC. I am currently a grad student at the University of Detroit Mercy. When I graduate I aspire to go into Family Development, to help build more strong happier marriages and families. I love to sing as i am currently an active member of the Praise and Worship Team at my church and a active member in the GMWA youth Detroit Chapter.
Favorite Preachers:
My Pastor of course (Bishop Anthony Johnson & Bishop Benjamin Gibert) Joel Osteen TD Jakes, Bishop Merrit, Creflo Dollar, Joyce Meyer, Bishop Ellis. Just to name a few.

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  • Prophetess Sandra Dukes, a.m.

  • Minister Karen L. Ribeiro

    Praise the Lord Mighty Woman of God! Happy New Year to you all!
    I am grateful that the Lord allowed us all to enter in 2010!
    2009 wasn’t the easiest of years, but through the eyes of faith, I see great things awaiting all of us in 2010. The reason I’m sending this email... the Lord blessed my publishing ministry with an awesome door of opportunity and we are looking to do even greater works on this year!
    Years ago, I wrote a book titled I Will Do A New Thing In You. A local ministry asked if I would allow them to include the book as a gift to women incarcerated. We want to do the same next year.
    Write The Vision Publications, is looking to publish a book titled: Women Of Great Faith. I need your group’s participation. The book will be comprised of messages by women of great faith.
    The process is simple. With your permission, we would publish a message of your choosing. All you would need to do is submit your message (500 words or more) along with your contact information, in word format to We anticipate having the project completed by the end of February 2010.
    Although we are not in position to offer monetarily compensation, once the project is complete, we will send you a complementary copy of the book. The ownership of your message will remain your property.
    We are sure the Lord will richly bless you as together we bless His people. One thing I can promise you for sure…books have a way of going places many of us may never get to go.
    If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 336-997-2359. God bless you and thank you in advance.
    Minister Karen Ribeiro
  • William J. Bass

    This is Pastor William Bass, senior pastor of Praise Covenant Christian Center in Springfield, VA. I am inviting you to ck out our new 24/7 online gospel radio station. Go to After you have checked it out please e-mail me bk with your comments and thoughts at looking to hear from you soon. Have a blessed day.