A new mind set has appeared on the shores of America, by the election of President Obama, white America has seen past the color line that have long dogged national elections. America, blinked! This is not the first time America blinked, when the Marches that where led by Dr. King where met by fire hoses, dogs and police night sticks came on the six o'clock new's and the then famed anchor man Walter Cronkeit, states "And that's the way it was."

The Spirit of God spoke and humanity said, "this can no longer be". The same Spirit of God spoke again in humanity and said, "Yes, this can be", after the election of President Obama. The mind set of America is being tested and the church must led the way in love as Christ has commanded us. We are going through uncharted waters, and the church must be the light house that the President and the world must see in order to avoid those dangerous rocks.

Yes, we must continue to love our brothers, but now its time to care for our neighbors. I am not speaking in the natural when I talk of brother, only as it applies to those who believe and follow the ways of Jesus Christ. The neighbor I refer to is not the one who watches our kids when we run a errand. No, our neighbor is the one who is outside the will of Christ, that person who believes in what they see, so for the church it is time for us to show them something.

We must come from behind the walls of denomination, which caused far to many stumbling blocks. My personal bias is this, yes, we where first called Christians in Antioch, for the people needed to discribe us in some way and by doing so they have placed us in a box. How can you put God in a box, that designed and built the Cosmos with a thought and a word, who knows every star by name. This same God who made us in his own image, who gave us authority over the earth and the things in it; this same God who seeks to use us the believer to build his kingdom here on earth and gives us the great honor to allow our works to glorify him.

Beloved's we must first break the yoke of what others say a Believer in Christ should be and next use the authority God has given us. What kind of modern day warrior, would dare go out on the battlefield, dressed in the right uniform, marching correctly in formation, dig a fox hole, and when the battle comes hears the order to load your weapons and be ready to fire, only to find out that when he reaches for his weapon, he doesn't have one. We have all the power of God at our disposal, we must have a mind set to use it for his glory. God Bless. Min.RLR

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