When you have opportunity read Mark 8:1-8, which to some is a familiar passage of scripture that many of us know as the feeding of the 4,000. When it is read and preached individuals often celebrate how Christ took the fish and loaves of bread and created a feast for many. We see so plainly in the text that Jesus Christ (the Word Anointed) has the ability to provide the nourishment that we need when we walk with Him, and are obedient to following Him. But if you look into the fine fabric of this portion of scripture something interesting occurs in this text that deals with those of us who are disciples (followers) of Jesus Christ versus those who are just part of the crowd.

Notice how Jesus took the time to be concerned about the needs of the crowd, and not His disciples. This is the mindset that we must have as His children, not a concern for ourselves, but compassion to those who are pursuing the LORD (as many in the crowd have different motives for following, but Jesus desires to take care of all who follow no matter what their motive).

Also you can see that the disciples weren't included with the crowd (as we are the called out ones) and Jesus asked of them what they had to feed the crowd, or in other words did you B.Y.O.B (Bring Your Own Bread)? In order for those we come into contact with to be blessed and impacted by the Kingdom we must make sure that we have brought something with us in order that Jesus can present it unto the LORD so it can feed many. So the question today is how much Bread do you have? How much Word is in you to be blessed to feed those that you come into contact with? or are you just storing up food for yourself? We have a responsibility as the followers of Jesus, or People of the Way to make sure we have a Word that can be given unto God, that He may bless and increase and feed the masses through what we bring.

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