Often times in the life of the believer we are challenged by life circumstances, situations, trials, tribulation, joy, happiness, moments of ministry and witness, and the list goes on and on. The question is, what can give us the necessary tools, equipping, and empowerment to make sure we are well able to meet the challenges of the day and still be a vessel God can use, and manifest Himself in us? It all begins and ends with a life of devotional moments.

To understand this a little let’s look at what devotion is, as one may be asking themselves what is devotion? Are you talking about what is done at the beginning of some worship services? No that isn’t what we are talking about here. Devotion is a commitment that an individual makes to a person, a place, or a thing, that is acted out in some type of routine. Now what this means for the called of God, is that we are committed to doing something with the Lord on a consistent basis daily in our lives to be in the presence of God.

The reason we as believers should be engaged in a life of devotion is to set us in a position or posture of praise and worship that allows us to enjoy the benefit of being in relationship with God, which gives Him opportunity to disclose and reveal Himself unto us. A life of devotion sets us in position to give as well as to receive from God. What I give in devotion can be but isn’t limited to prayer, worship, praise, meditation, study, fasting, and just enjoying the presence of God knowing that He is in control of all that I am dealing with and going through.

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