Holy Spirit Is Saying - "FINISH WHAT YOU STARTED!"

"Don't let the temptation to move on to something new keep you from finishing what you really need to finish." - Devotions from Dr. Gill

Has God given you a task to complete before a certain date? Has He placed you on a mission? Did He give you a certain assignment lately?

The greatest temptation that lies ahead of you is the temptation to not complete what God has assigned. The devil will come along and show you some new project to try to distract you from the old. Don't give in to it. Stay on track. Finish what you started. Complete the assignment. Obey God!

Everyone reading this message today has been given an assignment to complete. The question is - are you doing it? How far along are you in completing the task? Or have you stopped because you have gotten distracted with some new project?

Do you realize that God never changed His mind? He did not give you a new task. He had a reason for assigning the original one. You need to perform the given assignment. It will equip you for the new place that He is taking you.

There is an illustration given in the Bible which portrays this concept of not finishing what you started. It is given in Proverbs 19:24 and says - "A slothful man hideth his hand in his bosom, and will not so much as bring it to his mouth again."

Believe it or not - the Bible calls a man (or a woman) who does not complete his task - "a slothful man." He is pictured as sitting down to a meal - typically an Eastern or Oriental feast where there are no knives, forks, or spoons. In the center of the table is placed a dish from which every guest has to help himself with his own fingers.

This particular man - referred to as "a slothful man" - would much rather starve than put himself to the trouble to eat. All of his care is to save himself from any and all labor. He hugs himself in his own ease and is resolved against any exertion or hardship whatsoever.

Hence, the statement - "A slothful man hideth his hand in his bosom..." - can be explained as someone hiding his hand in the dish laid before him. What he started, he soon loses all interest in completing.

This man sat down for one reason - and that is - to eat a meal. When he saw that it would take a little effort on his part, he lost all interest. When he saw that he wasn't going to be spoon-fed but would have to do the work himself, he gave up trying.

There are many "bosoms" or "dishes" that many are stuck in today. They are "hiding their hands" - so to speak - in the "bosom" or "dish" that God has assigned. Seeing that they will have to exert some effort and do the work themselves, they are easily giving up and quitting. Like the starving man, they are now finding themselves sitting at the feasting table - totally unsatisfied, unfulfilled, confused, and seemingly lifeless.

The question you need to ask yourself is this - Which "dish" should I be reaching into to get my "food" or spiritual fulfillment?

Is it the "dish" of knowledge - for example - where you find that God is calling you back to some sort of study project? He may have assigned you the task of reading the Bible through this summer...studying a certain topic in the Bible... memorizing Scriptures...getting your degree in a certain field...learning a trade...picking up a few college courses...going on a missions' trip...supporting a ministry with your financial offerings... evangelizing and discipling your neighborhood, etc.?

Are you guilty of beginning the task that God has given you - only to then be distracted with other projects because the original one has lost its glamour?

Are you one who is always starting new projects but never finishing any of them?

Then you are just like that "slothful man" in Proverbs 19:24.

It is the sin of slothfulness that has dominion over you.

Holy Spirit is saying - "Finish What You Started."

Romans 6:14 says - "For sin shall not have dominion over you..." Recognize slothfulness as a sin - the sin that is holding you back from your blessing. Obedience brings the blessing. Disobedience bring a curse. Not finishing what God has assigned is disobedience and will rob you of your blessing.

Once again, we repeat - Holy Spirit is saying - "Finish What You Started."

It is not too late to start again!

Don't be like the man who sits down to eat a meal because he is starving but will not eat because it takes some effort on his part to feed himself.

Don't run from hard work! Throw yourself into it!

There is a blessing waiting for you at the end of your project.

Realize this - God would never have assigned you the particular task if He didn't have your "graduation" in mind. He wants to take you to the next level. However, you will never get there unless you finish what you started.

Go back to the starting line and begin again. The Grace of God is available for you. Humble yourself before God, repent of the sin of slothfulness, and ask Him for the grace to stay on track. He will help you!

We leave you with our opening words from Dr. Gill - "Don't let the temptation to move on to something new keep you from finishing what you really need to finish."

May God Bless His Word,

© COPYRIGHT Connie Giordano - All Rights Reserved

Subscribe to Daily Bible Messages at - connie@walkingintruth.org .

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