"In worshipping God we must lift up our souls to Him. Prayer is the ascent of the soul to God; God must be eyed and the soul employed...Up with your hearts, was anciently used as a call to devotion. With a holy contempt of the world and the things of it, by a fixed thought and active faith, we must set God before us, and let out our desires towards Him as the fountain of our happiness." - Matthew Henry

Like never before, God is calling His Church to a time of sincere and earnest devotion.

As in the ancient days, the call is going forth today, saying - "Up with your hearts..."

But please notice Pastor Henry's one stipulation - "...With a holy contempt of the world and the things of it, by a fixed thought and active faith, we must set God before us, and let out our desires towards Him as the fountain of our happiness."

Nowadays many of God's people are experiencing depression and oppression. They are confused and disillusioned about many things - not knowing which way to turn.

Where can answers be found?
What is the solution to this dilemma?

We find the key in David's prayer recorded for us in Psalm 25:1 -"Unto Thee, O LORD, do I lift up my soul."

What exactly does that entail?

"Lifting up the soul" unto the Lord means offering one's best affections and services to Him... professing a great desire for Him... expressing a great dependence upon Him...turning away from earthly things and themes and lifting one's thoughts to Him...opening one's mind to lofty and holy subjects...having a submissive heart...with hands lifted up in total surrender... arousing and exerting oneself to obtain fellowship with such an Awesome Lord and Master...having all faculties bent toward Him...and desiring for Him to mold and fashion one according to His will.

That sounds absolutely majestic.

There is one problem.

Psalm 24:4 informs us that not everyone lifts up their soul unto the Lord. There are some who are setting their affections on that which is vain and false - "...who hath...lifted up his soul unto vanity..."

These are the ones who have idolatrous inclinations. They embrace...set their hearts upon...aim to secure...or have an inordinate desire for the things of this world - wealth, the praises of men, or the delights of sense - the things which can never satisfy.

Charles Spurgeon calls them the "toys of the earth" - "The soul must be delivered from delighting in the toys of the earth. The one who is born for heaven has not lifted up his soul to an idol, nor sworn deceitfully. Everyone has joys that lift their souls. The worldlings lift their souls in carnal delights that are mere empty vanities. The saints, however, love more substantial things... Those who are content with the husks will be counted with the swine. If we suck consolation from the breasts of the world, we are its home born children. Does the world satisfy you? Then you have your reward in this life. Make the most of it. You will know no other joy." (Quote from The Treasury Of David, pg. 172).

According to Spurgeon, you are either a worldling or a saint. It all depends on what you do with "the toys of the earth."

The worldling delights in them; whereas, the saint delights in the Lord. The worldling "lifts up his soul unto vanity" or idols, vain things, or pleasures of this life, while the saint "lifts up his soul unto the Lord" - offering Him his best affections and services and discounting the "toys of the earth" as things which are false, unreal, uncertain, and unsatisfying.

Remember the call of the hour - "Up with your hearts..."?

It is not just any call for the heart and soul to be lifted up.

It is a call from the Spirit of the Living God for all believers to lay aside the distracting "toys of the earth" and to single-mindedly "lift up their souls unto the LORD" - to earnestly and resolutely set their affections on things above and not on things of this earth (Colossians 3:2).

What happens when a people do so?

For one thing, God blesses His people with exuberant joy - "Rejoice the soul of Thy servant: for unto Thee, O Lord, do I lift up my soul" (Psalm 86:4).

When they reject the world's "razzle-dazzle" to vigorously pursue after God, He fills them with an inward comfort...puts gladness in their hearts...causes them to rejoice...imparts spiritual blessings to them... and delivers them from all fear and danger.

Another thing that God does for the one who arouses himself to seek Him alone is found in Psalm 143:8 - "...cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto Thee."

He blesses this one with the knowledge of His will so that he is enlightened as to which is the right or safe way to take. He gives him direction, instruction, and insight - all necessary in solving the problems of life.

Are you constantly plagued with depression, discouragement, or heaviness?
Are you confused as to which way is the Lord's will for your life at this time?

Why not do as David did in Psalm 25:1 - "Unto Thee, O LORD, do I lift up my soul..."?

Lift your thoughts and desires from earthly things and subjects to God. And lay down any "toys of the earth" which would hinder you from His very best for your life. Your heart and soul will never soar like an eagle as long as they have worldly and vain things weighing them down.

"Up with your hearts..."

Do you hear the voice of the Holy Spirit calling you to a time of devotion?

May God Bless His Word,

© COPYRIGHT Connie Giordano - All Rights Reserved

Subscribe to Daily Bible Messages at - connie@walkingintruth.org

Walking In Truth Ministry | P.O. Box 383016 | Duncanville | TX | 75138

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