So many have reduced Pastoring to the above statement. Declaring, if I can’t get paid, I will not Pastor God’s people. It should be an honor to BE CHOSEN to lead God’s flock. My guess is that many who pastor or seek to Pastor were not called by God at all and have simply sought to have a meal ticket in the name of religion. I have heard many on this site say that they would not Pastor for free. Jesus freely gave his life for our sins yet, some would not freely give service to his flock.

How could any so called child of God fix their mouths to say that they would not pastor for free. I have seen both brothers and sisters declaring this. Has the Lord not proven that he would take care of his servants. Also, no one seems to be willing to set up a church in the way that the Lord had the Apostles set up his church to begin with. People are just too greedy to do things the way the Apostles did. Everyone is so busy saying gimme, gimme, gimme and ignoring the scripture that says, it is more blessed to give than it is too receive.

The church assemblies are looking less and less like anything that the Lord had established and more and more like the businesses of man. I don’t want ANY PARTS OF MAN’S INSTITUTIONS. That you can take and shove it.

This is said in love for all of those who are loading up your religious pistols. Can we try going back to the old land mark. LOL

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Who's judging anyone?

You are right, I have never Pastored because I believe that's a calling for a man unless you have a 100% female congregation.

Secondly, I keep telling you that I am not opposed to Pastors being compensated, what I am opposed to is someone saying that they would not Pastor God's flock without pay. After all this is a calling not a job as some would say.

Just like Donnie McClurkin, our Ministry is 100% financed by God through the blessings he has bestowed upon us. Our convictions do not allow us to take an offering when we assemble together with others. I am not saying that a Pastor shouldn't get anything, especially if the church can afford it, I just think we need to remember our position's in Christ.

Would you tell Jesus that you couldn't pastor for free if he called you to a community of poor people who couldn't afford to pay you?
EW, with all due respect and love, we are discussing here, so don't get offensive,I truly feel you are not qualified to speak on this, those are YOUR convictions and how God convicts YOU has nothing to do with anyone else. There is a reason you have that conviction, compensation is a monetary offering for services rendered,the pastorage of a flock is a God callled job.

HE may convict some to do it free, and HE may free others to accept the compensation, and if they decide that at a time in their life they can't pastor for free that is between them and God. Charity begins at home and they have first a responsibility to their families
Are you qualified to speak on this Evangelist? Have you ever been a Pastor? You must not have read my whole post because I am not opposed to Pastors being compensated, what I am opposed to is someone saying that they would not Pastor God's flock without pay.

It may come down to that someday, so do we walk away and leave the sheep alone? Don't we have to trust God in every situation of Life?
You don't know WHY they are saying that! it is between them and God.

I am an undershepherd, Shepherding is at various levels, in the church, being an Evangelist Missionary in my church brings a responsibility of tending to the welfare of the flock,I assist my Pastor in helping ones become more Christ like and bear fruit.

Do I need compensation, no, but as I stated earlier my tenure is nothing compared to my pastors and I feel he doesn't get enough, if asked to do what he does without pay, I would have to say, no and God would know why
I heard a testimony years ago from Kenneth Hagin, I am going to give you the short version. He was invited to go and minister some place and didn't even have the money for gas to make the journey. He said out of obedience to God, he got ready for the trip any way.

The day he was suppose to leave, the Lord had a ram in the bush. A sister came and put $10,000 in his hand and said the Lord instructed her to do this and she walked away. This man's obedience to the call of God, yielded a huge blessing for him.

This is all I am trying to say. God will bless his true servants, if they trust him. Keith Green had a similar story and so do my husband and I. Is there anything wrong with teaching people how to simply trust the Lord?
I heard that testimony, I like Hagin, and we travel over 100s of mls in Texas to minister to the inmates, sometimes we don't know how we are going to pay for our rooms or get gas, HE always makes a way.
So I know what you are talking about.

but Hagin or my testimony does not address pastorage, that's a different ballgame
"...what I am opposed to is someone saying that they would not Pastor God's flock without pay..."

I hope a person would never SAY that - maybe get doubtful and THINK it but - NOT SAY IT.

I know that the scriptures say that you must not muzzle the ox that treadeth the field (something like that). But I would be afraid for some one to say that and the Lord has already laid it on their heart to lead a flock and they make a statment like that.

It could be that some people THINK they are called to lead a flock and they really are not - so when the situation comes up that they would have to pastor the flock for no money - they CANT do it. It does not make them a bad person. It just means they are not the person for the job.

That being said - the flock should compensate the pastor if they have it and if thats his full time job. I mean if he's running around helping the body and preaching in dangerous areas and always about the Lords business - then they should be compensated.

And then again - I believe alot of these guys are not called to be pastors. Maybe they should be deacons or something.
Also, Evangelist, I don't mean to be offensive if I do, maybe, I'll have to through in a lot of LOL's when I reply. With the absence of those people think you are flying off the handle and all I'm doing is sitting at my desk typing.
Don't worry about that , I know you have precious baby inside you, and I just don't want you trying to come through the computer on me (smack)
I have been rather calm with this pregnancy so I wouldn't want to come through the computer screen on you. Although, I was a roaring tiger with fangs and claws with our 3rd child. That being said, people will always disagree but it must be without sin.

The bible says "Be ye angry and sin not, let not the sun go down upon your wrath." Not that any of us get angry but that we all tend to disagree at times.
Speaketh for thyself! There have been comments here on BPN that I have taken to heart because the offense was meant from the heart. I don't hold grudges, and I let a lot role off. But my GOD! The way some people come at you, if they were right in front of you, you know good and well they would speak in such a way face to face.
Unlike Donnie McClurkin however, you are not a millionaire by selling countless Gospel albums. Those of "mega-church/mega-money" status don't often get paid by their Church simply because they got it like that!


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