July 9, 2009 Prayer : What Tree are you and who is eating your fruit ?

July 9, 2009 Prayer : What Tree are you and who is eating your fruit ?
And What is your Faith Focused on ?

Prayer is the connection to Eternal Life and fellowship of the Father , Son and Holy Spirit. And thus, focused faith in the continued work of Jesus Christ as intercessor by the Holy Spirit.

If you are not being led to connect with Christ prior to your busy schedule,
then what profit a man to gain the world and lose his soul (or faculties).

If your connecting to people is for profit only and not for empowerment of others, then your Market Place experience is only as successful as your connection and motives are in Christ Jesus.

When Christ Jesus is your focused faith in the Market Place , then the
Market Place will be filled with Eternal Life and you will emerge as a fruitful tree.

What Tree are you and who is eating your fruit!

Arron Lee

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Rev.Musiya Daniel
Lead pastor at River of life community church

pray to be atree planted in the house God, grows strong, healthy, bearing fruits at each season..
and this is the sure tree, having christ in you not for you alone but for others as well, that is christ you will make him known to all,
remeber when Christ was revealed to the samaritan woman , who was uneatable, she became a wonderful tree to be eaten by the whole city. come and see the man, may be they thought she would tell them i need a man but come and see the man that has told me everything.
a sure tree


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