I am sorry the the other thread was closed down for replies but as Sister Williams said:

***"...Deborah did, for she was in a position of leadership..."

So is Hillary Clinton. But she can't lead men in the church.

***"...Priscilla did, for she along with her husband, was in a position of leadership..."

That was not a formal setting. They were discussing the Lord and indeed explaining for his benefit surely, but it was not a church service. I don't see where they were having services.

***"...Can a woman teach a man? A wife does. She teaches him who she is, and what the two can learn from each other. She teaches him how to love her from the inside out...."

Not in a formal setting - like during church services.
As far as a wife teaching her man how to love her from the inside out and the top down - wonderful -Have at it!

***"...Ministry is leadership, pastoring or not..."

Really? Because a person ministers to you - that means they are your leader?
Wow - tell that to Jesus.
Speaking of the women at the cross the bible says----> (Who also, when He (Jesus) was in Galilee, followed him, and ministered unto Him;) and many other women which came up with Him unto Jerusalem.
Do you really believe they were preaching to Jesus or teaching Him ANYTHING?

To minister means to be a servant, attendant, domestic, to serve, wait upon. Ministering can be serving the congregation by leading them but not in every case.
There are scriptures all day long on how the women in the Body of Christ were are to minister.
It even tells women that they are allowed to teach but with peramiters.

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Who says a female can be a Pastor (Shepherdess) of the LORD's flock? I SAY!! Its foolish to use Hillary Clinton for an example, but to discount Deborah is even more foolish. Many Teachers use Moses as the model leader, and speak of the very office that he held. I will work from the O.T. angle first:

-Miriam: Prophetess Miriam was 3rd in command under the leadership of Moses and Aaron. The combo of the three was in fact a good typology of the Holy Trinity, Moses being depicted as GOD the FATHER the supreme leader of Israel, Aaron depicted as the LORD JESUS CHRIST because he was a Prophet and High Priest answering to Moses (GOD the FATHER), then Prophetess Miriam as the HOLY SPIRIT. Why her as the HOLY SPIRIT? Miriam made her entrance into the story as a type of the living Spirit of Prophecy leading the praise and worship of the people. Her entrance was like that of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, a day of great celebration. Micah the Prophet also speaks of here saying "For I brought thee up out of the land of Egypt, and redeemed thee out of the house of servants; and I sent before thee Moses, Aaron, and Miriam" (Micah 6:4). These three were sent as leaders, and not just Moses, or the two men. Judaic traditions regard her as a great leader.

-Deborah: It is interesting that people would disregard Deborah's position in consideration for females in leadership positions. The reason why I find it interesting is because Deborah the Prophetess did not take up the position once held by Miriam, but the position held by Moses. When it came to the Apostolic (Governmental) council of Israel, Deborah sat as the presiding overseer of all Israel. This was not some mistake of her usurping authority, but GOD's hand positioning her as the governmental leader. Being that she was a Prophetess, she was regarded as the highest spiritual voice next to the High Priest. Therefore was a leader in every sense of the word. This sort of leadership was also regarded in the early Church just as well, for the Prophet(ess) was still regarded as a leader in the N.T. Church.
"Who says a female can be a Pastor (Shepherdess) of the LORD's flock? I SAY!! ..."

Oh Trevor, I would expect you to say that a woman could pastor you. Didn't you say somewhere that you sat under a woman anyway...you gloried in it I believe.
Therefore, once again - I will wink at 'why' you are of the mindset that you are.

Paul's instructions on how to govern the church would be discombobulating but they cant be ignored.
I have no problem with the apostles' directions for the NT men and women.
Yes I did say that I had a senior Pastor that was a female once. She was the wife of my Bishop. No, I didn't glory in it, I only stated that I am for anointed females. Its not because of her that I feel this way, but because of what the scriptures say. This can be proven by one thing: NEVER before did we ever discuss within the Church why a female could be a Pastor. I found out on my own!

I haven't seen a drop of Bible behind your statements as to why you believe a female is not to be a Pastor. Nothing but pure traditional misunderstandings. Well, if you want, I can wait for you to show me why you stand for such, or I can continue on to show in scripture that females can and have been anointed by GOD to operate in just about any position. Take your pick:

-I could continue with OT scripture references
-I could start with NT scripture references
-I could go through Church History references

Your choice.....
"...I could start with NT scripture references..."

Please. Have at it.
Sister newview,

Please, do not waste your time with Trevor on that issue for he is a FALSE DOCTOR!

Please, see the link below and stop this discussion with that false teacher!



Brother Germain
Bro Germain, you said on that other thread:

"...The bible said "older women teach the younger women how to love their husbands", but you have never seen a conference like that..."

And you wont see many.
Sadly, some women don't desire the roles or office the Lord has placed them in or given them.
They - like Eve - DESIRE to lead men, rule men, guide men. Which of course is a 'base instinct' from the Fall. Although if she is a new creature in Christ - she will be shooting it down everytime that DESIRE to pastor men or rule men crops up.
But the devil has been around a very long time and is good at what he does and doesnt need to use new tactics.
He gets in her ear and says things like ''even though God's Word says that you are not to usurp authority during assembly - dont even pay attention to that because you are wiser and you are free to disagree...actually you are wise to disagree.''

And whats more frightening - you get men - to actually allow themselves to be ruled and pastored by them.
Yep - just like back in the beginning. God will be coming for the men. Because He told them NOT to ALLOW it.
He told Adam - she will want to control you - RULE HER.
He told Cain - sin wants to control you - YOU GOTTA MASTER IT.
So I cant blame the women as much as the men.
Their desire is like water. It takes the paths of least resistance.
You have men of God that will stand and say "OH NO SATAN - you will not do your dirty seductive work here"
Then you have men of God that abdicate their position. They dont even stand in the gap.
And they wonder how homosexuality is growing in the church - I mean flourishing in the church.
They let it in. When they abdicated their position.
The more you see women leading the men - you will see more effeminate men. Its a dangerous frightening spirit.
But I dont blame the women like a blame the men.
I'm sorry, but Niewview, when one studies they need to address who, why, and where, these were Paul's instructions to the Corinthian church, the church in a baby stage.

I know many here to not believe that today's churches are "all that" but in Christ Jesus we can do all things, and that means in assembly as well.

In the last days God will pour out his Spirit on all flesh.... I will not go back and forth with this, because the same old scriptures NOT STUDIED will be brought up, however I will admonish ones to be careful who with their mouths they come against, if God truly called a man, woman or child to do whatever it would be best that one not be guilty of coming against God
How can I be a false doctor when I never declared myself as one??? Thats the FUNNIEST thing I ever heard!!
(2) Sue the company for discrimination and gender bias?
I'm saying this is how a woman would or should react.(shouldn't have pasted in the ? sorry) this is one subject that we agree on Watson, No church being perfect, delegates in my own are only allowed to vote at conference, reason being, if all members were allowed, guess who would have majority?,
Because the vote is split, you have women who actually believe that women are biblically not to pastor. That group along with the group that has no problem with it , but won't act because of their spouses, might be not be enough.

Now I will say that I have no problem with God's Divine order of authority, the man is the head, but any man being there at the head just because he is a man is not of God.

That is why the church finds itself hearing the rocks cry out, those that are steadfast and faithful.


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