I am sorry the the other thread was closed down for replies but as Sister Williams said:

***"...Deborah did, for she was in a position of leadership..."

So is Hillary Clinton. But she can't lead men in the church.

***"...Priscilla did, for she along with her husband, was in a position of leadership..."

That was not a formal setting. They were discussing the Lord and indeed explaining for his benefit surely, but it was not a church service. I don't see where they were having services.

***"...Can a woman teach a man? A wife does. She teaches him who she is, and what the two can learn from each other. She teaches him how to love her from the inside out...."

Not in a formal setting - like during church services.
As far as a wife teaching her man how to love her from the inside out and the top down - wonderful -Have at it!

***"...Ministry is leadership, pastoring or not..."

Really? Because a person ministers to you - that means they are your leader?
Wow - tell that to Jesus.
Speaking of the women at the cross the bible says----> (Who also, when He (Jesus) was in Galilee, followed him, and ministered unto Him;) and many other women which came up with Him unto Jerusalem.
Do you really believe they were preaching to Jesus or teaching Him ANYTHING?

To minister means to be a servant, attendant, domestic, to serve, wait upon. Ministering can be serving the congregation by leading them but not in every case.
There are scriptures all day long on how the women in the Body of Christ were are to minister.
It even tells women that they are allowed to teach but with peramiters.

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James Pierce said:

"...I am overly fascinated by women WHO CAN ACTUALLY TEACH THE WORD OF YAHUAH IN ALL TRUTH!..."



Bro. Germain
"...Women cannot become Priests because Torah states that it is the sons of Aaron that are to be Priests..."

Oh , Bro James. Torah Torah Torah, Anyway...

Women cannot speak when during assembly because the New Testament states it...However Paul did make reference to the TORAH when he gave instructions - via the Holy Ghost:

Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law.
Yes Paul had no problem with the Torah.

Show me in the TORAH where it states that women are to keep silent in the Church?????
I didnt see it. Paul did.

Do YOU even read Torah? If so, then show me.
No. I read the comics.

Ok, well, FYI, Torah does not say anything about women being silent in Churches, or any assemblies.
Do tell - what was the wonderful apostle Paul speaking of?

From what I have heard, there was much confusion and arguing in the Church on part of the women, or whatever. I have not really looked into it, but for sure, Torah is silent on the fact. So, there most likely was a situation that Paul wanted to solve.
"...From what I have heard, there was much confusion and arguing in the Church on part of the women, or whatever. I have not really looked into it, but for sure, Torah is silent on the fact. So, there most likely was a situation that Paul wanted to solve..."

Then you can't say what is what because you have not looked into it.
So please read what the apostle wrote then get back to me on it but until then...
Sister Newview is right. Paul did say it. She read it, and if you need the scripture let me know Sister.
He said it to a particular church, NOT the body of Christ....... please study


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