In the Bible the divine history of man is ordered within the framework of seven dispensations. It commences with the creation of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and culminates in the new heaven and earth where an eternal perfect existence will prevail. Can anyone expound on each of the dispensations:

1. Edenic Dispensation (Innocence)
2. Antediluvian Dispensation (Conscience)
3. Legal Dispensation (OT Law)
4. Ecclesiastical Dispensation (Grace/Church Age)
5. The Tribulation (Anti-Christ/Judgment)
6. Messianic Dispensation (Millennial Kingdom/Righteousness)
7. Perfect Dispensation (Holiness/Eternity)

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Great work Sister Ana, A true daughter of the Most High God.
I must confess Chaplain Harris I trully learned Something today. I am not to proud to say thanks
God bless you Pastor.

This is indeed an honor; not that I taught you anything because I am not of that caliber to teach pastors/preachers. It was no doubt the Holy Spirit because it was Him that prompted me to post this topic along with a couple of others.

There far too many topics on BPN with no substance that has encouraged a lot of competitive and combative debates.

I am drawn to this site because I am learning from men/women of God like yourself, who stand firm on the Word without wavering, but are not caught up in themselves where they are not willing to continue in their learning as well.

This is why I encourage all men/women of God, and especially pastors/preachers, etc., (because of the high calling on your life) to continue to stand strong, even in hard places.

In His Grace,
Sis. Pat
God bless you Bro. Watson, Pastor Valentine, Sis. Anna, and Sis. Caral for sharing your views, teachings, etc., thus far.


My attempt, as led by the Holy Spirit is to post a topic with substance that would encourage people to engage in constructive dialogue. I do expect there will be some disagreements, corrections, etc., and I am never above receiving constructive criticism because I will never claim to know it all. I am and will continue to learn as long as I am living here on earth.

What I do ask is that when you read any and all comments, please take the time to read them with the intent on getting an understanding of the author's intended meaning. Please do not come here with an attitude of competiveness and combativeness, looking for holes in the comments for the sake of attempting to discredit the author.

I have no doubt there may be some false information posted, and it only makes sense to want to address them with the correct information. But let us do it in the spirit of agape love. I am looking forward to reading many more comments and learning from some of them as well.

In His Service,
Gee sis - Ya sure know how to kill a thread in a hurry! LOLOLOL

You do well.
Bro. Bowman,

I am well aware there are some of you who like to pull each other's chain. :-)
And that's fine; I rather enjoy reading some of the sarcasm.

But you know as well as I do, there are a few who can be a little too dogmatic with their comments to the point of name calling.
Sister Pat -

Oops! My error. Sorry everyone, NO offense intended, especially to the ladies!

Sis, your point is well taken - and noted! Thanks.


Had to delete this post and add a word and repost it - Mercy!

My mama use to tell me, "Son, when you find that you are digging yourself into a hole, stop digging." As you can see, I am a slow learner.


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