2 Timothy 3:16
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

i think we all seek the LORD //// but fail @ his righteousness /// we the people of god calling names and all sorts of thing/// this not the righteousness of God /// doctrine is 1 thing we can dis agree on that but at no point in time are we to "Not 2 Represent righteousness of YHWH"

now my question to My BPN family is where do we find the insturction in righteousness........................
also forgive and ask forgiveness for where we fall short............

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Bro Hezekiah,

Well he needs to bypass this doctrine of 'COLOR SALVATION'
Thats true.......there's no such thing!
Color salvation?

I did not see where he was teaching that.

He would not teach something like that, but if you are talking about Israel, they are a dark race of people as a whole. The reason he teaches that is because those Jews in the land now are not the Jews of the Bible. If you know the ethnicity of a people, and someone comes to you and lie to you about that people's ethnicity, you will not be decieved because you know their ethnicity.
That is all. I know that there are Hebrews out there who are against other races, but they are not the Israel of God. They are the rebels in the wilderness. I am putting together a thread on the Israelites of the Bible.
"...If you know the ethnicity of a people, and someone comes to you and lie to you about that people's ethnicity, you will not be decieved because you know their ethnicity..."

You mean like when those nappy headed gals be talking about they are INDIAN?
I hate when that happens.
lol. I guess that would be a good comparison.
Actually Indians have very coarse hair, especially Creek Indians, one definition of ethnic means actually "pagan" there is a tip of an iceberg in that

1. pertaining to or characteristic of a people, esp. a group (ethnic group) sharing a common and distinctive culture, religion, language, or the like.
2. referring to the origin, classification, characteristics, etc., of such groups.
3. being a member of an ethnic group, esp. of a group that is a minority within a larger society: ethnic Chinese in San Francisco.
4. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of members of such a group.
5. belonging to or deriving from the cultural, racial, religious, or linguistic traditions of a people or country: ethnic dances.
6. Obsolete. pagan; heathen.

Well thats one of 6 meanings. The designated meaning is not pagan.

The Hebrews in the land ARE Hebrews. Have you not read that Ephraim will become many nations?
James, he wouldn't take into consideration that the nation of Israel was to become a mixed nation.

Edomite: an inhabitant of the ancient kingdom of Edom, whose people were hostile to the Israelites in Old Testament times. The ancient Semitic language of this people, closely related to Hebrew.

Edom or Idumea: mountainous country, called also Mt. Seir. According to the Book of Genesis, it was given to Esau Esau (ē`sô) [Heb.,=hairy], in the Bible, son of Isaac, who sold his birthright to his younger twin, Jacob , for lentil stew and who
..... Click the link for more information. , also called Edom, and his descendants. It extended along the eastern border of the Arabah valley, from the Dead Sea to Elat. Edomite history was marked by continuous hostility and warfare with Jews, Assyrians, and Syrians. At the end of the 2d cent. B.C., they were subdued by Hasmonaean priest-king John Hyrcanus I, forcibly circumcised, and merged with the Jews. Herod Antipater (fl. c.65 B.C.) was founder of the family fortune. He was an Idumaean and gave refuge to Hyrcanus II (see Maccabees ), thus gaining a stronghold in Palestine. His son

Antipater (d. 43 B.C.) was favored by Julius Caesar, who made him (c.55 B.C.Herod the Great was Idumaean. The Romans grouped Idumaea with Judaea and Samaria in one procuratorship. After the destruction of Jerusalem, Idumaea was included in Arabia Petraea.

The Edomites were Semetic, but not Hebrew. These are just some facts I posted. I The Bible does not reference Edom as Hebrew. Edom was Edom or Semetic, but The Hebrews were Israelites because of God choosing them to be his chosen to speak with face to face. It started with Abraham. He was Hebrew. Edom was another manner of person, not hebrew, but Gentile. I am going to set up a thread about the Israelites.


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