To have eternal salvation/ eternal life , Jesus the Christ is the ONLY Way. A person cannot enter Heaven/ New Jeruselm without Jeus the Christ . You must accept Chrsit Jesus as your Lord and saviour. There is a heaven and a hell , and yes everyone will live forever. A person cannot make it to Glory on the prayers promises , and covenants of our fore fathers and mothers. You must have a relationship with Chrsit Jesus for yourself. Time is nigh yesterday is gone , and tomorrow is not promised . all you have is today , this moment in time. In eternaity you will be with Chrsit jesus and paradise, or Burn in the lake of fire and brimestone. I pose the question, if you died right now oh where, oh where will your soul find rest.Jesus the Christ is the ONLY Way. A denominational name, church, synagoge, temple ,hall, etc. can't save you { salvation] You must have Christ Jesus and your name recorded in the Lambs Book of Life. if you went around the great wall of china. you will find buddah and confusehes dead cold and in the grave.. If you went to taj mahal you will hindu ,janism,dead cold and still in the grave. if you went around central park in New york city. You will find sweet daddy grace and father divine dead,cold, and in the grave. if you went to saudia arabia around the Black rock you will find mohamend dead cold and in the grave. YET if you went to jerusalen around a hill called calvary. YOU will find an Empty Tomb, because Chrsit jesus rose from the grave with all power in his hands. Chrsit Jesus sits at the right hand of the father making intercess for whom so ever will. Jesus the Christ is The ONLY WAY

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Hezekiah.... if your doctrine was sound you'd be able to respond to a COUNTER-ARGUMENT. Your doctrine is full of holes because it is erroneous. Have you shown a shred of evidence of the existence of 2 fathers? I have proven there is only one father. And for Yeshua to be YHWH he would have to be 1 Father. But he's not this 1 Father because he said that HIS Father was OUR Father. Do you not know the new testament? The proof is laid out before your face. You choose not to see it. You waste your time attacking me when you should be pointing out flaws in my argument. You cannot counter my argument however because you cannot find any flaws in it. Not even one. Feel free to get EVERYONE who believes as you believe, get them together, have a meeting, fast and pray, do whatever you have do to come out of that huddle with a credible counter-argument. Nothing else you say matters if you cannot prove what I am saying is false. I have already proven what you said is false. You are simply stuck in a limbo hell between admitting you are wrong and making a counter-argument.

How can I believe that Yeshua is the messiah and not the G-d of the OT? Brotha.... that is EASY. The messiah was NEVER supposed to be G-d. NEVER. Christianity told you that before you even had time to think. You have been PROGRAMMED. Do I blame you? NO! I have never blamed you for believing what you believe. I have never blamed you for being programmed. I only find fault in you that you are so resistant to waking up that you become dishonest in your dealings. If you are right then you don't have to lie nor do you have to run. The problem is that you believe you're right even though you cannot prove it. And I am supposed to overlook this and still believe you because you are just soooo convinced. But you don't realize how EASY it is to convince someone who doesn't have KNOWLEDGE. And I'm not saying you have NO knowledge or that you are stupid although that's how I feel about you at times (especially when you said Elijah was Jesus. That was just priceless). But YOU have to take responsibility for yourself and not be lazy about studying.

I can already tell about how much of the bible you know and its impressive to many Christians who know even less but its really not much more than they know. And if you have any idea of how much knowledge is actually out there then you'd know how much they are lacking. So don't be surprised or think you are led by the spirit just because others might believe you. They don't know any better than you. And the questions that you would have if your eyes were open are questions that don't come up among you and your group. There are questions your mind is even afraid to even ask. But this fear doesn't serve you well. It hinders you. You're asking about the messiah as if you don't even have any real understanding about what the title means. It literally means anointed. Have you ever read a single sentence in the Scriptures where YHWH needs to be anointed? Where YHWH needs to be sanctified? You've NEVER seen it because it DOES NOT EXIST.

See when I say things do not exist I'm certain. You on the other hand think they might and that neither of us have seen it yet. But you haven't read the whole thing so you can always keep that hope alive. As for me, not only have I read most of it but I use tools that help me find ever instance of words. The way I study the bible allows me to see more of what I need to see and come to more definitive conclusions. This is why I advocate bible study tools. I do not tell you to read x,y, z book outside the bible. I don't know where you got that idea.

YHWH IS HOLY. He doesn't need any rite or ritual to designate him as holy or sacred. He is the ONLY ENTITY that can say this. He is the one who makes holy, who sets things apart. He is NEVER not holy. Do you understand that? Does that make sense to you? For G-d to be a "messiah", and there were many messiahs if you are true bible student, this means that he is anointed for some purpose. When has YHWH ever sought any anointing or sanctification from someone else?

John 10:36 - Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of elohim(G-d)?

What was he before he was sanctified, Hezekiah? See these are the questions you dare not ask, questions you do not even see. When Yeshua speaks, I listen. I listen hard and I listen well and I pay attention to exactly what is being said. There is no such thing as a messiah G-d. If you said a savior that would be different. Messiah? NO. No one thought the messiah was going to be god. The Israelites and all the disciples expected Yeshua to lead them to victory against Rome and for him to sit on the throne of his forefather David. That is who the messiah was believed to be. But you do not even know this much. Do you think Judas betrayed Yeshua believing that he was G-d?? One would have to be on vacation from the looney bin. Judas was a zealot. He wanted the leaders of Israel to accept Yeshua as king. And he was certain that if they met him and if he could force a confrontation in which Yeshua would reveal his identity then they would be forced to make him King and he would be forced to lead the Israelites to victory against Roman occupation. You need to know this stuff. And this is just the basics. Has nothing to do with language either.

The irony here is that I am the one who believes Yeshua. YOU DO NOT!

Where does Yeshua say that he is the G_d of the OT? You are putting words in his mouth and believing them.




I can understand your points very well. And your understanding of Yah's Word is highly profound. As a former baptist preacher, I am now studying the Hebrew language.


Dealing with people is like being on highway 95. If I am on highway 95 in Florida and another person is on highway 95 in New York. And if I were to describe (by phone) something to him or her that I see in Florida; he or she would not be able to see it because of being so far away. Straight and narrow is the way and few be there to find.


When our people came out of slavery; they did not control any printed scripture. Our people just continued with the religion of the enslavers. And its sad to say that we are still believing lies; deceived and being deceived.  







Still waiting on Pastor Valentine to show the "wicked ways" in my posts and web links...
God is a spirit not a symbol and we must worship him in spirit and in truth. The bible says that anyone who denies that Christ Jesus came in the flesh is the antichrist.I bekieve in the trinity. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. I hold no doctrine of my own . The docrine I follow is that of Jesus the Chrsit, the only Begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. Jesus the Chrsit is Lord and Saviour of whom so ever will. I invite you my brother to read the Word of God. [Bible] Let God speak to your heart,soul, mind, and body. I pray that you and like minded will come to Know Chrsit Jesus as lord and Saviour.
You are trying very hard to cover yourself from scrutiny by using the words of the bible so that no one thinks you are against it. But you have twisted them because you do not understand them. Neither do you understand me. Feel free to try and prove that your trinitarian doctrine is in line with the warning of the anti-christ. I assure you, you do not know what you're talking about. You only believe you do. And that belief keeps you in a delusion.

still waiting for you to prove my evil ways through "posts" and "web links".

I speak not of myself , I speak of my Lord and Saviour Jesus the Christ. I speak what i know and that is the word of God. you are an agent of the anti-christ . All because you deny the Deity of Christ Jesus. you will find the trintarian doctrine in Matthew 28:19. Go ye therefore and teach all nations , baptizing them in the name of the father, the son, and the Holy Ghost. I know what and whom I believe in that is Christ Jesus and I know him . In the power of his resurrection. Question: where oh where will your soul spend eternity? are you saved/ have eternal salvation? Jesus the Chrsit is the only way. ALL others ways are evil, demon.evil, and the work of satan. Which leads to eternal Damnation.
Brother the Bible does not support you last post Brother Valentine.
The bible is with our err or erorr, I speak what thus saith the Lord.
Where does the bible say that one who denies the "deity of Christ" is the anti-Christ. If you can find this, I will write you a blank check.

I see I will have to treat you as a novice bible student. What do you know of the Trinity? Do you know the history? Did you even know there was a debate? What do you ACTUALLY know about the origins of this doctrine. Take your time pastor. I will make no attempt to embarrass you. I am a lover of the truth and I can trace your Trinity back into the arms of the devil himself from whence it came. You don't believe me. I know you don't. And even after I explain it to you there is little chance for you to accept it because the truth is stranger than the fiction that you have embraced as reality. But show me how much you know about the Trinity and take your time.

And I will give you this vow. If you are able to prove to me that your belief is correct I will join whatever denomination you are apart of. All you have to do is prove it.




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