My english might certainly not express my toughts 'cause i am from a french speaking part of my country, i do apologies for.
My question is simple, if John says he was baptising with water while expecting Jesus to come and baptise with the Holy Spirit; in additional to that, the Bible says in Jesus all thinks are new and old thinks have come to pass.
Jesus never baptise and his disciples were baptised during the Pentocostal only by the Holly Spirit.
If all is then new in and with Jesus, why are we still mixing old and new practices like Baptism immertion?
For me it is just like

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Great question. Immersion into the Mikvah is commanded by Yehwah in His Torah, and it is also commanded by Yeshuah, and by the Apostles as well.
Amen James!

Jean, I understood your question perfectly!
I agree -an excellent question. I also agree with James comment.

There is also an additional thought to consider. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is the "one baptism" referred to in Ephesians 4:3-6. The reason the disciples baptized by immersion is twofold. (1) To effect the ceremonial cleansing, required of all Jews entering a religious order or undertaking a spiritual vow, and (2) a rite of passage of everyone entering into Judaism - what Christianity was a sect of until Emperor Constantine succeeded in separating the western church from its Jewish roots in the fourth century.

The requirement for water immersion is still required by the adoption ritual into the Tribe of Judea (becoming a Jew, and a brother of Jesus, Yeshua) according to Ephesians 1:3-14, and to also became a disciple of this same Yeshua according to the requirements of Matthew 28:18-20. The baptism of John was a ceremonial cleansing (repentance of sin) while the baptism "in Jesus name" is to put on the name of Jesus - to become His disciple (talmid), that is, to accept Jesus as our Rabbi (teacher).

The tevilah (ritual cleansing) in a mikvah (natural flowing baptismal water source/pool, stream, river, sea, etc) is also prescribed to be accomplished in a particular manner, which most Gentiles fail to understand or adhere to. Even so, it would also seem that God understands our Gentile problem (mindset) in understanding scripture in its historical, cultural, religious and language context, and has made some allowances for our ignorance.

I hope this quick overview helps - and not make the subject more confusing.
Phiilip babtized the ethiopian eunch(sp)
Hi all,
Thanks for your contribution. now i want us to dig further.
In most of our churches we said to take the communion, one should be baptised by immersion. Meanwhile, we are doing it in remembrance of Christ.Mark 14:12-22 relates the Easter that Jesus shared for the last time with the disciples, the Bible says he share the bread. he did not asked them if they were baptised or not by the Spirit or by immersion into water.
They were baptised only as per the bible during the Pantocostal.
Where are we taking this practice from? if common practice then it is religion...
What do you think?
Water baptism is by water and mostly symbolic to symbolize the, Baptism of christ Jesus by John the BaptistChrist Jesus did not baptize,but his disciples did [water].. The Baptism of the Holy Ghost comes about, When you accept Chrsit Jesus as Lord and saviour. Imersion is the acceptable baptism mode thu some do baptize by Sprinkling, Remember we are not saved , by baptism. The Holy Ghost could not come until Christ Jesus ascended back to Glory. That's why the HolyGhost arrived during Pentacost.
Symbolic is a perfect word for it. Now, understand that all things within the OT were symbolic of what was to manifest in the NT. Are we now to live still in the symbolism, rather than the manifestation? Paul spoke saying that he himself didn't baptize any. Paul also said that the OT was a schoolmaster that pointed to Christ.

We ARE saved by baptism my friend, but not by water baptism. We are saved by the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Water baptism is a symbolic act deriving from the O.T. practices.
Hi Brother,
Thanks for the contribution.
May god bless you.
Yes, baptism is still for today.

Peace to you :-)

But, how so, when its also a Torah practice?
It should be done like the apostles did :-)


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