I Guess She Was Slain In The Spirit...And the Church Rejoiced

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"The bible does not say judge the spirit by the spirit whether they are of God."

Technically speaking, yes it does in 1st Corinthians 2
" Well for some they are just following along. this past sunday I began to weep a little because I felt the presence of the Lord. Tears were coming out of my eyes and as Pastor was preaching, i was praying. You see, I have issues going on in my life and the Word was hitting home. On the other side of the church 2 ladies were weeping. We don't have a musician so we can't get any help from "hammond." The choir sings their 2 songs off of tracks, and after that there is no music. So when my Pastor closes, there is no music behind him. When the anointing takes over, there is nothing we can do. Just preach Jesus and the Holy Spirit will have people shouting, jumping, and running! I'm telling you, don't discount the Power of the Holy Ghost. "

What a blessing - what a blessing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You mean people were moved by the Spirit withOUT music?
The pastor preached withOUT music? And the people dug it?
You felt the movement of God withOUT some kind of entertainment going on?...

I would like to visit your church some day, Bro Luckett.

Well the truth of the matter is - I do believe saints dance and weep and even speak in tongues (of course they do because Paul had to tell them how to do it orderly).
I believe there is joy in the Lord - but I don't see there is roaring like lions...strip shows going on...women sitting/laying in mens laps...people laying on the floor and giving birth to 'spirit' babies...and not so much with the blowing on the people.

But I love sermons that make me weep because our God is so WONDERFUL and MERCIFUL.
Dont get me wrong Brother, I am not saying we should not have music - I just dont understand playing music while the man of God is preaching the WORD of God.
That gets my goat and stuffs my chicken!
Ditto Bro. Watson on the "getting happy."

It can be and sometimes it is not the move of the Holy Spirit. But, it doesn't mean that it's the work of a demonic spirit either.
All three of those guys are a joke! Bishop Bloomer used to do our revivals of my old Church when he was just Rev. Bloomer (slimmer and more hair). I watched his old tapes and MAN WAS HE OFF ON HIS DOCTRINE!!!!

I can't front though, he did hit on the money with some prophetic words concerning my old Church, which came to their embarrassment actually.

Jamaal Bryant has made preaching a fashion statement, and I'm mad at him for it! These young Pentecostal clowns are up there all trying to look and sound like him with the big knots ties and long toe shoes, all preaching part of his messages!

"I can't front though, he did hit on the money with some prophetic words concerning my old Church, which came to their embarrassment actually."

Leviticus 19:31
Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD your God.

Peace in Jesus
I know that. I never called him and authentic Prophet, I just said that he hit the money.

Accuracy of prophecy does not a Prophet make!
Tru Dat Bro. Waston.

Does any remember the late Rev. Ike?

"Brian Corny" is not what you would call a Prophet.
A lot of preaching engagements still does make one a Prophet.
Trevor, where in 1 Corinthians chap 2 does it state technically to "try the spirit by the spirit" are you speaking of verse 12?

Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit of God , THAT WE MIGHT KNOW THE THINGS THAT ARE FREELY GIVEN TO US OF GOD

This is close however, we are all on different spiritual levels, so all are not able to recieve somethings, as a babe does not understand spiritually what a seasoned saint understands, and those that neglect to feed their Spirit man would be lacking in understanding as well.


that is what was happening in the situation Sis. Harris was speaking of with the "pole dancing" the Spirit showed her sinful desire, not to pole dance, but the lust that was in her heart.

What you do in the darkness will be screamed from the rooftops, sometimes what ones do in the dark is simply those things hidden in their hearts, she was exposed.

That is why I stated I hoped ones were there to pray and minister to her instead of gawking.

When ones think in the natural, they think with a bent toward evil, it is better not to speak on things you don't understand for in ignorance you could speak against things of God and HE will chastise.

Now I apologize for the stiffnecked remark, God's church is coming together, and I look forward to the Heavenly Host singing at the feast, and seeing Watson and Harris out of character.


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