I Guess She Was Slain In The Spirit...And the Church Rejoiced

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Churches are broken up into sections because we all do not speak one language sir
OK then, fine. What if the language barrier was broken? If you spoke their language, then you have NO EXCUSE.

Besides, you're making even more silly excuses because this was never about language.
Why would I choose to worship in a foreign environment when I could go to one that was designed for me? In nature do like creatures not stick together?

If a language barrier is broken, the culture barrier still exists sir.
The ONLY barrier that you hold is that of a segregated mentality.
Is this Under the Power of the Holy Ghost?
One Man Is Lead Around By A Leash As He Crawls Along The Floor
One Woman Howls Like A Wolf
And One Crows Like A Rooster


More like Baal worship.
It sounds like they are under the influence of satan. This is sooo not of YAH. What foolishness they attribute to the Holy Spirit.

Well my brother, if the Holy Spirit does not do those things, then you're left with no choice but to condemn it as satanic worship and possession.
The ONLY problem I have with your comment Rev. Luckett are the words "I'm close to almost saying".

Now THAT should be the new topic! "The Great Prosperity Debates"!! The battle of the Century!
Is this individual not led of the Spirit?

The above video(the one newview first posted at the beginning) is funny, yet NOT SCRIPTURAL! YAH HELP!


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