Should a pastor that spends most of his time preaching and teaching get paid for what God has him to do? I know what the scriptures says about this, but would you pastor for free?

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Disciple~ First Todah Raba Thank you very much But if I have any wisdom it is not from me but more-so from the Master within ( connect to that and the Shekinah will overflow you) many years of tears paved the way Brokeness and intimacy will reveal YHVH love come forth ...
~~There is Mixture in the Message in that you are dealing with several religious concepts. I was awakened to this a while back First; The Mis-construction of Rome compilations and untruths then handed to the protestant daughters now at the helm of the modern institution known a 'church'~~Second to that Paul who choose Not to go up and learn from James/Yaakov and Peter/kepha, dealing with Hellenistic and proto agnostic theology and spending much time refuting them That is what the church is for the most part today what Paul fought against..James was ADAMENT in his teaching of Torah observance even with the watering down.. You specify Two different Rabbi's,.... who do you follow Paul or Yeshua or Apollo or Hillel or Akiba or Philo or Gamaliel or Bet Shammai or ~~Get the point! Man cannot not have two Masters therefore I choose YHVH and the Living breathing Torah filled with the Shekinah life that is intended for us The Son's of Elohim...Do as Yeshua taught you to seek out that which was lost (The connection as ONE with the master) The Shekinah Life in and through you to this sick and dying humanity... "When you cannot find a man then become the Man"~ Rabbi Hillel'~~One of his students took this to heart .You know him as J-sus or Mar Yeshua Ben Yoseph... SO the "Walk as he walked' a Torah observant Jew "Convert and be Healed, Be made whole"
Check your bloodline you are from the Tribes of Israel so go study your roots and walk the walk is my advice it is your leave all the quagmire behind...

Shalom, above all enjoy your journey "Out of Her" I can help show the way
The Apostle Paul accepted money because it was offered to him and rightly so; but I have not read where he stated that the people/church were suppose to support him.

I have found that we could never really be "paid" for what we are expected to do. Furthermore, if we do it right, we invest so much time, energy and resources into our ministry that it can never be repaid. Therefore it is imperative that the "Servant of the Lord" be accommodated in such a way that is befitting and fair. If the "Servant" is a "workman" then he/she is worthy...".

We are all servants, and as long as we are living in obedience to the Word, we will be blessed. Giving our time, energy and resources is our reasonable service. So, if we are expecting to be "paid" for doing the Lord's work, we should probably take it to the Lord; not to His other servants. After all, He made the promise to supply all our need, the other servants made no such promise.

A pastor should get paid for his services, Pastors go to school have to pay for there own tuition. A true Pastor wont to serve the people of God fulltime. He needs time to seek the lord, pray,fast and not worry about bills and everything else like that.It is not easy being a pastor it is a lot of hard work. You have to deal with people that do not wont you to have anything but they are able to have whatever they like. They will tell you, a pastor should not worry about a new car and they go by themselves a new car. People do not respect pastors like they use to. If it was not for pastors obeying God a lot of people will still be on drugs, fornicates, gossipers, adulteries, Etc. God uses man to complete his purpose.

There are many servants (non pastors) who attend school and pay their own tuition, with a heart to serve in ministry full time. None of us want to worry about bills, etc. That's why it's important that we become good stewards over what God has given us. All of us are dealing with people for whatever reason. Respect comes from knowing how to love - not paying your bills. God delivers those in bondage to drugs, fornication, etc., not pastors. "God uses man (be it pastors, teachers, ushers, deacons, etc., and even the unsaved) to complete his purpose."

Just making a statement; not looking for a debate.

Shalom, shalom aleichem...
Disciple (talmidim) stated "There have always been some in every generation that God gave this understanding to.
Very Tov(good) perception and... Some info
Segments of Judaism believe that there is the Jewish tradition of 36 righteous people whose role in life is to justify the purpose of mankind in the eyes of God. Tradition holds that their identities are unknown to each other and that, if one of them comes to a realization of his true purpose then he may die and his role is immediately assumed by another person:
The Lamed-Vav Tzaddikim are also called the Nistarim ("concealed ones"). For those who enter the shekinah ~Life get the prize so to speak it all comes from being set-apart in meditative study with the Torah /word of YHVH and the Prophets Tanya then writings of Rambam the Writings of Miramonides and the like every commentary, or even Mystical working of G-d in and through you as a set-apart servant.

Rabbi Hillel (Yeshua's Rebbe) The Life and teachings of Hillel by: Aronson ///Akiba 'Scholar saint martyr"..and the Pirkei Avos the ethics of the Fathers bring great depth to your Biblical understanding ~~
Pirkei Avos Ethics of the fathers (online)

~ It is time for us all to grow up to the Full Stature and stop the fooling around we are losing ground not gaining Look at the once great nation AmeriKa eroding because of false hope,...poor Socialist education programming, Smoke and mirrors tyranny and Bio-chemical holocausts going on to suit Agenda21[ the UN Treaty bush Sr. Signed] and we are the victims Because we lost the greater connection with the father and instead followed institutional concepts of religion.

We need to stop being victims and become the Mature Men of G-d that Yeshua and friends were trying to get to happen to see that they were already Son's of G-d as Israel and that by study and avodah greater things/deeds shall you do.
A Baal Teshuvah movement was what it was,.. Repent and Return to G-d"...Did we listen and do as he taught No! Yeshua was teaching what his teacher Rabbi Hillel taught and His teachers before him...
We need to review the original scrolls and writings get back to the linguistic and historical walk your Rabbi taught,... separate from what Paul taught,... and Walk the Walk Mar Yeshua ben Yoseph' taught first and foremost,... if that is your preference.
IMHO I prefer Judaism as it is a religion that is not a religion as more-so it is a relationship as Son of the Divine Master,... A Spark from the sun [if you will allow] that has a mission to warm the earth" to go out and Repair the world [Tikkun Olam]. No superficial wanderings of the heart just clarity of purpose at the core.

Religion is like that in some groups they want you in line and soon if we all do not wake up like Dr.Ron Paul suggests we will be homeless on the streets if we keep following foolish wanna be leaders

Friends and readers it all starts with the children of G-d learning the Torah till it is One with you...then becoming Son's of G-d Why because Study is a given in Judaism. In Christian understanding It simply is Study to show thy-SELF Approved" to who UNTO G-D ...They did not have a New testament So they studied what,,,,Torah and the received traditions commonly known as qaballah and the more recent renditions of psychology of the Soul known as Tanya... So enjoy the Rich journey this new awakening this Paradigm shift is bringing forth...

Shalom Aleichem
Mr Talmidim writes ~~~A lot and much and off topic slightlyLOL
Really I love to help sort out of the quagmire...However first we need a foundation..right? This is the foundation: G-d is!!
There is nothing but G-d!!
G-d is in everything not that G-d is everything but that G-d is in everything...
That G-d is!!
There is nothing but G-d !
In the begining G-d Before the Begining G-d before the milta,before the manifestation of any thing we see and touch..the plan and G-d and then being the king of kings of kings that HaShem is,... G-d knew we needed instructions for a good life and so I submit~Torah was before the beginning.
There is nothing but G-d"
G-d is within us
The Kingdom of G-d is within you'
You can't stop thinking about G-d
G-d is in everything you see... as in~ "I turned to SEE the voice" ( Yochannon/ book of Revealing)...When that is within you internally realized"~ when you realize that G-d is your source for everything~ Then we can continue
There is nothing but G-d,... G-d is your lifebreath~~~ God is your consuming fire You are just a spark waiting to ignite
But first the washing:::
Some books of interest Here
Why should there be an offerings since Jesus nailed all the laws to the Cross?
Mr Israel writes :"Why should there be an offerings since J-sus nailed all the laws to the Cross?"
Personally I see no letter nor rulling to establish that statement...Arrogant and without substance,... In fact it refutes the mans own teachings which would have met Hallakah then..That he did not come to abolish the instructions ~~Given to Moshie at Sinai the Marital place for the bride Yisrael....but to walk them out ...Mattisyahu 5 V17ff

It is all about the Marriage folks, all about respect from one to another...
Most believe that Jesus nailed all the laws to the cross because they say we don't have to keep the commandments, Feasts, Dietary law, or cleanliness laws. They believe that the Lord did away with more than the animal sacrifice law, and the Levitical Priest hood. So. I asked, If Jesus nailed all the laws to the cross, why must we tithe?
Mr Israel writes:"Most believe that J-sus nailed all the laws to the cross because they say we don't have to keep the commandments, Feasts, Dietary law, or cleanliness laws.

My My ...And they wonder why they are Sick and diseased eating from the kings table of this worlds goods~
IF they 'say~~~is a big IF"...SO; I submit historical evidence and the Bath Khol, the heavenly voice for the ruling according to Chasidic and Rabbinic interpolations of the time that was all written.....way before Rome started their version would take president. That would exclude any misconstruction or even fact from the Brit Chadassah or NT bible written for the Goyim because it didn't exist~ Right?

The term Nailed to the cross' is it not more of a teaching of self-nolification..if so I submit nothing was nailed to the killing stake..What needs to be nailed is our inherent need for ego-stimulation and an endless search for truth white washed from what was the original intent...plain and simple Judaism which in a nutshell~To do a Mitzvah ( a command) is to bring Moshiac that much sooner the reverse is as well true.

(He) HaShem wants us all nailed to the cross ( to use the term) Nailed to the marital Covenant at Sinai..No questions.! ( None should perish all should come to Teshuvah)

To ask your mate to violate your trust, your fidelity for even a moment is nonsense, To pervert that Decree of Marriage to the Set-apart Jewish nation [and the Gentiles that were part of the exodus] from Hashem and look for carnal substance ( eg: tithing arguments) to be a contention is ludicrous IMHO.
Tzedakah is a lifestyle of giving Not to an institution but to those in need in the community as the Master directs you too.

I wrote about years ago in the E-book'The Cork in the Bottle" found free here on our profile page
To begin with alot of people knows the scriptures says, If God has placed you as Pastor then he will take care of you as well. When we look at it some of the other people either that the Lord has spoken too give to the church they either don't obey or they hear and then blame it on the devil telling them to give to the church. It has to be on the people to obey the Lord in giving of their thites & offerings. God bless You all.
Mr Blackburn writes: "To begin with alot of people knows the scriptures says,"
Do They????.....Really,.. They really know...? Son if that were the case they would long ago have left the tenants of Xianism for the most part as it is a religion like the Muslim religion built upon the very basics of 'The Ethics of the Fathers'
Like the referred New Age mysticism which is a take off of most deeper teachings called 'received traditions ' or in common terms (k) qaballah, Israel Rabbi's deeper psychology of the mind and heart studies which includes the studies of the Adam Qadmon the blueprint of the messiah which is in everyone of us If it were the time'
Then We [who are of the thirty six born in every generation~*See earlier posting] would arise.
Sadly we are not one ..too many spots and blemishes on this generations offereings too much blood on it's hands~K.Daveed could not build the Temple because of innocent blood on his hands

Until we beat our swords into plowshares we will never see the redemption.

Until we become One/Echad in One/Echad we will not see Moshiach come.

The Barometer for my statement is threads like these, there source of answer(s) is small compared to the sea of great writings and historical documents that are available therefore we see Superficial reasoning's/answers for the most part( I am not trying to be contentious) ...but more-so Not the Knowing' that comes with 'deep calleth unto deep" study where you have a DeepWell of wisdom to draw from and it is evident in your speech and writings.

There are many enemies between you and the heart meshed as one with your divine Father/ABBA and those enemies are in my opinion mental laziness' in that it is easier to follow the Socialized norm get my feel good and then go after leaving my Temple offering { I was just as guilty}
And where do we go?...We go out and face the reality alone, while others live in luxury counting your toil...planning more butts in the seats next conference...(In his name of course)

The three billion dollar infrastructure of the amerikan church could alleviate hunger from the streets If it were biblically redirected IMHO...we just need to see real men of g-d direct the People instead of the titles and position grabbing Egocentrick look at me stuff going on.

Folks the out-of-align, Un-constitutional, greedy government already steals from you because people do not study history and see that the whole tax issue, That is your Give to g-d money is a Sham and totally illegal but because of our Enabling through being raped of 72% or more of our hard earned bucks every year to enable the controllers and their welfare constituents therefore I submit we cannot do the Will of G-d~ Giving from one to another (not the institution)in this Diaspora in this pivotal time.
Why because it is easier to follow the crowd...than go and spend some time in the learning Cave with The Ruach haKodosh while she guides you into all revelation so that the answers you need to overcome in this life are one with you,... they become your answers then you will find Shalom with G-d. Then you will understand the prayer of a famous rabbi who told his Talmidim/disciples "I pray you become One with ABBA as I am One/echad with ABBA" how did he do it??The answer is within deep calleth unto deep' personal study.

That Oneness, that part of your Neshema/ your soul that connects to the Divine the place we all want to obtain, But first the washing of the heart. Ezekiel 36:9 is a good start.

That is found in the Tanya studies and the qaballah studies and alluded to in the book of Enoch and Tobit and I believe the book of Jasher has references let alone the deeper psychology studies and really pales in comparison of the deeper study.

Religion Controls people,... Keeps them in Order" and High Chair Tyrants that ascend to leadership' know that.. Look around,..who is controlling your good intentions the system of mere men or the G-d of your heart?

This week pray for wisdom knowledge and understanding, /Chabad . Then do what people do not stand for anymore 'Integrity and Holiness' of the Torah foundation first and foremost instead of following the talking heads.

Just my two Mites today~~Shavuah Tov// Have a good week
I was talking about Pastor Lorenzo Edwards when he asked the question "Should a Pastor, Pastor a church for free"? As for your answer not bad reading, I don't believe Jesus done away with the commandments. With what you say to me and I only speak for myself - You write g-d which could mean anything. So do you beieve in God or Jesus. Just a small question that only needs a yes or no. You don't need to talk in circles just so people may think your higher than they are. Have a great day week.


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