The rollercoaster of life, the daily ups and downs that test faith and when you pass the test you grow.
People talk of being closer to God, I can't get any closer but my faith can strengthen,
Matt, 8, Mark 4, Luke 8
O ye of little faith
Why is it you have no faith
How is it you have no faith.

What is the core of your belief? How do you connect with God/Jesus/Holy Ghost, faith is the connection line.

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No Trevor, please please please dont say you belive in three Gods.
We've been down this road before! I don't do the Oneness doctrine aka Sabellianism!!

And I do NOT worship 3 gods, but JESUS is not His own Father.
When will we ever learn..... the line from the song goes.

Hebrews were lacking in certain knowledge over the course of several thousand years of communication with God.

Today we live a kind of dualism, trying to function in a Hebrew/Christian mindset in today's world.

Heaven is not physically where we thought it was although some still think it is.

The concept of Me, Myself, and I is known and said by some but not really understood, ID, EGO and SUPEREGO have been excepted from psychology but not really understood by the common person. Trinity ideas aren't new. Acceptance of them on an intellectual level is hard to grasp because "tradition" is in the way. I know some very smart religious types and they have trouble grasping the energy being multiple expression format.

God in three persons, blessed Trinity.
The part that messes it all up is in the word persons, not Trinity.

We keep hooking up God with us and we ain't God, and more often than not even Godlike.

This dude Sabellius, (fl. ca. 215) was a third century priest and theologian, was like so many big headed thinkers who threw his two cents in the pot.
We keep trying to get a handle on God, God is not velcro and nothing sticks. Even within the church people keep sticking God in a box that God refuses to fit into.

There is only one God that is perceived in three ways that have been labeled Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It all depends on our approach.
Praying, then that is Jesus, the intercessor, fighting Satan then again call on the name of Jesus.
Comfort, strength, peace, solace and more is the Holy Spirit.
When All power, presence,and knowing is required we call on God.

Yet each is interchangeable in the mind of the faithful. My Lord God, Jesus and Holy Spirit with appear in prayer, sermon or other utterance without pause or clarification.

I like that.........Jesus is not his own Father.........
Yes/No Jesus is/isn't because they are one. Confusing isn't it?
Did you know that God has nine billion names?
There are monks in the high Himalayas who are saying each one and when they finish ALL will end.

The Tetragrammaton is the Hebrew representation for the name of God it is not God's name, we do not know what that is any more than the true form of this energy being is known to humans. People in their limited understanding argue such things with no way to come to any conclusion.
And who wrote what when based on oral tradition from the intermixing of cultures as they met intermarried and reformed traditions and as writings got copied, translated and redacted, boy, just have faith in Jesus and you'll be alright.
Right and wrong.

Right the trinity is not directly mentioned. The idea starts in Genesis. the Elohim are referred to by John in his gospel with the Son as the Word and nothing was made without him.
The Ruah or spirit of God is throughout the OT.

So the trinity is visible to those with eyes to see. Or not?

This thread is about faith. It takes faith to understand, to know God is not anything resembling a masculine pronoun, but the concept of the energy being that Moses dealt with is to far out for the limited minds to grasp.

Faith accepts God in three persons, Blessed Trinity. Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God almighty.

If you have faith in God does any of the other human generated nonsense matter?

I do not know where you get the understanding of "Holy Spirit is Gabriel." Scriptures never call him an arch-angel. Where do you get your information from?
I will set up a thread, and then you can see.
Okay, you are not a Christian. That is cool, believe what you will. The Trinitarian God is established in the bible. The Ruah of God is also established and is not an angel, it is a part of God tripartite being.

It does not matter what you show me it does not change my faith. I would be interested to see your 'proof' as an academic exercise. Tell me where to look and I will. As the creedal statement I quoted to the church at Corinth written by Paul states that is the core of my faith..

May God bless you.
Oh, but I am a Christian. I am not a Roman Christian, which is what the mainstream of Christianity is.
The trinity is not true. I understand that you have a set belief system. I am not trying to convert you. I am just telling you the truth. Tell you to look at what? Are you referring to the Godhead, or where Jesus got rid of the animal sacrifice law?
The word Christian means follower of Jesus Christ, not whatever you want it to be.
You have already declared you do not believe in the Trinity Father/Son/Holy Spirit, It clearly states in Matthew 28:19-20 The Christians (followers of Jesus) will
1. Spread the gospel
2. To all the earth
3. Baptize ( an outward symbol of an inward change)
4. In the name of the Trinity Father/Son/Holy Ghost.
I have no idea who taught you but you need a new teacher if you wish to be a Christian and I would like you to be that. Not to follow or believe what I say, the word is there for you to read, but take care with prayer, sharing with others, and opening to the Holy Spirit so you can understand,

To the Ephesians Paul notes;
Eph 1:15 Wherefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus, and love unto all the saints,
In your case a lack of faith but I pray for you.

Eph 1:16 Cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers;
Eph 1:17 That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him:
Eph 1:18 The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints,

The split between the church in the East (now called Orthodox) and the church in the West or Rome has nothing to do with what one should believe. The rule and regulations of people have nothing to do with God. I am a African Methodist Episcopal by denomination that has nothing to do with my faith as the rule of people are the the doctrine of the Christ.

The mainstream of Christianity is not the church in Rome, no matter what they think it is the collection of all Christians of all denominations.
The Koinonia a Greek word (κοινωνία) that means communion by intimate participation; that is the collection of all who follow the Christ (the anointed one). Denomination is nil.

You stated you could show me, what your belief is based on where is it.

Interestingly, in the Hebrew version of Matthew, a trinitarian formula does not exist. The Hebrew Matthew simply says to immerse in the name of Yeshua. This also matches with Acts 2:38, and is the reason why Peter told them to immerse in the name of Yeshua. Peter did not give them a trinitarian formula to immerse in.

Many New Testament scholars now understand that Matt 28 in our Greek bibles is simply an interpolation of Yeshua's words. He did not actually give a trinitarian formula, but simply said to immerse in HIS name.

You gave 4 things "Christians" will do if they follow Yeshua. First, we must recognize the fact that Yeshua was obedient to the father. He obeyed the Torah. So, once we repent of our Torah violations, we turn to faith in Yeshua, and then we walk on obedience to the father. by the Torah. Only by doing that, THEN, one becomes a "follower" of Yeshua. You cannot follow Him if you do not obey.

You start with the great Schism in Christianity. But, how about going all the way back to when Christianity started in Jerusalem. THAT is where we NEED to start. The first 15 bishops of the Jerusalem Church were Hebrews, and kept the Torah. Paul and the Apostles communed with them all, and most likely taught there. The reason why Christianity is the way it is now because around the second century, Rome destroyed the community of the Hebrews, and kicked them out, and the Hebrews fled to Pella, In Israel.

When the Hebrews were kicked out, that was when the Church became mostly Gentile, and they brought many of the pagan beliefs into it. Torah was no longer regarded, but only the Torah of the wicked desires of man. They have disregarded the voice of Yah for their own teachings.

You say that mainstream Christianity is not the Church in Rome. Well, children can be rebellious.. don't you know that? So, let us COMES OUT OF BABYLON, and take heed to the voice of Yah forever.

@ revz62

If you do Sunday, and don't practice the commandments, you are a Roman Christian. Roman Christianity is the daughter religion of the Roman Catholic Church. If you do Easter, Christmas, Good Friday, communion, Sunday worship. All of that is from the Roman Catholic Church.


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