The rollercoaster of life, the daily ups and downs that test faith and when you pass the test you grow.
People talk of being closer to God, I can't get any closer but my faith can strengthen,
Matt, 8, Mark 4, Luke 8
O ye of little faith
Why is it you have no faith
How is it you have no faith.

What is the core of your belief? How do you connect with God/Jesus/Holy Ghost, faith is the connection line.

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All I can say is WRONG!
You got a woody for Catholics with no real understand of church history.
Why are you talking to me in that fashion? You show me that you are indeed a catholic because of this post. You have no real understanding of the Bible, and the church history and prophesy. I would never use that kind of language to you, and I would hope you will never use that kind of language to me again.

I'd like to say that we must read the bible from its very own Hebrew perspective. First, Yah was never, and never will be "trinitarian." Ancient Hebrews, and modern day Hebrews never held to such belief. Trinitarianism is primarily a Christian concept. The Shema(Deut 6:4) shatters the concept of a trinitarian god. When the word says Yah is one, it is not referring to the Son, and neither the Holy Spirit. It is referring to His power.

Nations around ancient Israel were polytheists, and there were cosmic gods, and gods for everything--- similar to Hinduism. Yah our Elohim is ONE, and not many. His power is not separate entity from Himself at all. Yah is one. We must worship Him in spirit and in truth, and not hold to pagan beliefs that sprang up every which way.

Whats funny is that the ENTIRE Body of Christ truly believes within the Trinity, including the Church of Jerusalem, a Church that was never influenced by the Church of Rome. I have even fellow-shipped with Messianic Jew who believe in the Triune GOD. So where are you coming from with your doctrine?

The Church of Jerusalem are not Messianics, Nazarenes(Hebrews), or even Ebionites. The Church of Jerusalem is just like the Church of the Nazarene... they are all daughters of Rome. I agree that there are Messianics that believe in trinity, but that does not make it valid. They are caught up in Rome's doctrine in that part.
How are they daughters of Rome when they were established BEFORE Peter and Paul went there?!?!


The Church of Jerusalem is the FIRST Church, originated by the Twelve Apostles, and first headed by Apostle James. Its leader right now is "the Patriarch of the Holy City of Jerusalem and all Palestine, Syria, beyond the Jordan River, Cana of Galilee, and Holy Zion Theophilos III." It is officially regarded by Eastern Orthodox Churches as "The Mother Church of all Christendom".


Yes, but teach correctly based on deep and spiritual research.
Which is not say I don't miss a point here and there.
Read about the Holy Inquisition
Small correction:
It is one of the first. The first churches were house churches were also in many cases headed by women, kinda like today, more women than men are faithful.
Yes James was the big dog in J-town but he had family connections.
The Mother of Christendom rightly should should be a woman and real mother in a house church, the Church of God In Christ is not a building or organization. That is how people have to roll, Jesus just called us to believe and obey and you do not need an organization to do that to ....Love your neighbor as yourself.....
Do Ya!
And your correction was where?

If the current Church in Jerusalem was started by James, then why did they discontinue Torah keeping?


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