The rollercoaster of life, the daily ups and downs that test faith and when you pass the test you grow.
People talk of being closer to God, I can't get any closer but my faith can strengthen,
Matt, 8, Mark 4, Luke 8
O ye of little faith
Why is it you have no faith
How is it you have no faith.

What is the core of your belief? How do you connect with God/Jesus/Holy Ghost, faith is the connection line.

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James, you're a Torah keeping fanatic. You would be so happy to just do away with the NT epistles, and just run with the five books of Moses wouldn't you? Tell me, do you regard the Law of Moses higher than the revelations and testimonies of the Apostles?

Ask that Rabbi where did the kippah & prayer shawl originate from. Then, ask him where did the Roman halo disk over a saints head, come from? Hint: Babylon loves her children.
ha. ha, ha, LOL
@ Trevor

Matthew 7:12-14 Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets. Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
Dude, you just love pulling scripture out of context.

Exegesis....look it up
The bible does not prove our arguments, Our, properly constructed, arguments are proved by the bible.

You quote a verse and actually believe you have stated something. You have only quoted a verse or verses. Out of that section of Matthew I can write 5, 10 or more sermons, as the Holy Spirit leads me,
1. Do unto others
2. Law and Order
3. What gate was that?
4. Getting Into Jerusalem and getting into heaven..
5. On Broadway
6. Are You Riding That Handbasket?
7. Following the Crowd
That is just from a straight reading of those two verse, an outline would be developed and connected to today. Each sermon is an argument proved by the bible not the other way around.

You can not argue with the bible but the bible can prove your argument.
James Elohim is plural.
From Strong's
Plural of H433; gods in the ordinary sense; but specifically used (in the plural thus, especially with the article) of the supreme God; occasionally applied by way of deference to magistrates; and sometimes as a superlative: - angels, X exceeding, God (gods) (-dess, -ly), X (very) great, judges, X mighty.
Compare with:
From H1961; (the) self Existent or eternal; Jehovah, Jewish national name of God: - Jehovah, the Lord. Compare H3050, H3069.
And with Exodus 3:14 AM as in I Am That I Am
A primitive root (compare H1933); to exist, that is, be or become, come to pass (always emphatic, and not a mere copula or auxiliary): - beacon, X altogether, be (-come, accomplished, committed, like), break, cause, come (to pass), continue, do, faint, fall, + follow, happen, X have, last, pertain, quit (one-) self, require, X use.

His power is not separate entity from Himself at all. That in my understanding is very true and thus God/Jesus/Holy Ghost are one entity in three beings.

Indeed Elohim is plural. When Elohim is used of Angels, it is referring to the whole gathering of the Angels. If its referring to Judges, then its referring to the whole gathering of Hebrew Judges. But, one must ask,"When it comes to Yah, what is His pluralty?" Its known that Hebrews never believed in a triune Elohim. So, what is the background of saying that "Elohim is one?" Again, it has to do with the understanding of the gods around the Israelites.

Contrary to the many Elohims of the pagan world in ancient times, YAH is one. In babylon, there were MANY cosmic gods. There was a god of the wind, winter, and all the seasonal elements(see enuma elish: babylonian story). In Biblical Judaism, that is not YAH. Yah is one in all power. This is, what I believe, the Shema, and "Elohim is one" is actually saying. Elohim being one has nothing to do with "father, son, spirit."
To put an 's' on the elohim is like saying sheeps, the word is already plural.

It never refers to judges or angels.
From an unused root meaning to despatch as a deputy; a messenger; specifically of God, that is, an angel (also a prophet, priest or teacher): - ambassador, angel, king, messenger.

Israel could not get it together so...........
Jdg 2:15 WhithersoeverH3605 H834 they went out,H3318 the handH3027 of the LORDH3068 wasH1961 against them for evil,H7451 asH834 the LORDH3068 had said,H1696 and asH834 the LORDH3068 had swornH7650 unto them: and they were greatlyH3966 distressed.H3334
Jdg 2:16 Nevertheless the LORDH3068 raised upH6965 judges,H8199 which deliveredH3467 them out of the handH4480 H3027 of those that spoiledH8154 them.

Judge nor Angel is not a name for God
A primitive root; to judge, that is, pronounce sentence (for or against); by implication to vindicate or punish; by extension to govern; passively to litigate (literally or figuratively): - + avenge, X that condemn, contend, defend, execute (judgment), (be a) judge (-ment), X needs, plead, reason, rule.
"...The Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit is the Arch angel Gabriel..."

Hez, the Messiah told us:
"God is a Spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth."
So if God is a Spirit - wouldnt that be -----> the Holy Spirit?
God is the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit is God - correct?
Acts 5:3-4 "But Peter said, Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit, and to keep back part of the price of the land? While it remained, was it not your own? and after it was sold, was it not in your own power? why have you conceived this thing in your heart? you have not lied unto men, but unto God."
Great scripture Bro Trev
Why is it a great scripture?
In what context?
In meaning or interpretation?
To explain what?
And more. Think.


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