What Dances Does One Do and What Drinks Does One Drink At A Christian Night Club?

I was reading about Christian Night Clubs throught out our country...

I understand that people do dances such as:
The "Sanctified Electric Slide", the "Gospel Cha Cha" and sometimes a 'booty' dance here and there.

And the drinks are:
"Pearly Gates Pina Colada," "First Lady Fizzle," "Power Packin' Preacher Punch" and "Missionary Margarita"

All of those things are sort of funny.
Theres a little dancing and laughing and the dress code is the same at most churches anyway - what could be wrong with it? Is there something wrong with the idea of Christian night clubs?
Lets just say there is to be NO cursing and the only alcohol served is wine :-) Like at the Cana wedding.

Can there be a night club in the name of Jesus?
How many Christian picnics and concerts and weddings can you go to and not become stale?
If the world has a place to let off some steam and dance with the opposite sex - would that be wrong? ----> Especially if you need a husband or a wife in a really bad way. You can go online Christian websites to find mates, you can drink at a wedding, you break it down and cha cha at church or give lap dances if you get slain in the spirit (as we know).
Wouldnt be a help to unite denominations that would otherwise never come together?
Even Black Hebrew Israelites could come get their dance on in the name of the Messiah.
Athiest could come and get saved because uhh uhh uhh...the rhythm of the reggae beat.

Any thoughts?

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I won't go to every point because i'm not really trying to get to much into it however, there is no middle ground to doctrine...you cannot be partially lined up with scripture and NOT be wrong...

How do you NOT worship the father directly? What scripture is that? Let me give you scripture....I only place video's that spoke to the acceptance of Carnal Ideas so to speak...If i have to place what part in the video's relate to this thread i will but again it does not matter if it's sports, fashion, or music...that is a past behind it...and unless it's brought to light people will continue in BONDAGE...

John 4:24 Yah is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

Who are they to worship Yah? WE ARE!!! this is NT but yet I don't see where it says to worship Yahshua as "G-d"....That is false Christian pagan doctrine (trinity like)...There is only one G-d

Yahshua's life and teachings as well as his life placed os BACK in a situation able to get back TO THE FATHER this is why Yahshua said "No man comes to the Father BUT BY ME"....It is in Following His way, understanding his truth and exemplifying His life that allows us back to Yah because HE replaced the High Priest.... The High priest was considered the way to get Yah's Forgiveness...Now It's Yahshua but it's about going TO Yah and His commands...

It's difficult to read scripture ONLY to a people who have been brainwashed with that same book...The brothers in the video were using historical accounts of what was done to Hebrews in correlation to the sports etc that our people are being ruled by now....The actual GAMES have changed but the concept is still the same...

Paganism has changed over years but do not be fooled....

I don't know if you were ever a Christian but if so I know you did not just read scripture in or out of context....in the beginning or now..the point was that you cannot JUST READ scripture and leave out History because bottom line is it is a History book....So if someone asks you a question Yes you would know chapter and verse to give but a guarantee you, you would not say I can't answer that outside (or expound) of what we read...You would carry on a conversation based on what the scripture you used says...

Dan 3:28 Then Nebuchadnezzar spake, and said, Blessed be the Elohim of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who hath sent his angel, and delivered his servants that trusted in him, and have changed the king's word, and yielded their bodies, that they might not serve nor worship any god, except their own Mighty One.

IF what you do contradicts scripture, you are serving another Mighty one...There is but ONE ELOHIM YAH!!!

You know what, you are not going to drag me into this debate because I know by the scriptures that we have never dealt with the Father directly. I have a thread on it. Read this thread, and then tell me we have dealt with the Father. It is all scripture, but it is lined up correctly, so you should be able to get some understanding. I have another friend who believes as you do, but do you know where me and him are at one accord? We are to keep the commandments of YHWH to get salvation. See it doesn't bother me to use Jesus, YHWH, Yahshuah, Yeshua, God, Elohim, Lord, God, God of Israel, God Almighty, Jehovah, Yah, I know what Spirit being I am worshiping. I also know the Godhead, and the Godhead protocol, so I don't worry with the names. We need people to understand the commandments are to be kept. Anyways, Here is the link: http://abcpreachers.ning.com/forum/topics/we-have-never-dealt-with-the
"...You were a Negro, Colored, Ni@@a, black, African american....and you don't question why YOUR description changes (or nationality) but all the other nations are still Chinese, AFRICAN, Indian etc....even though born here....But i digress again....."

Have you not heard the term Chinese Americans -like- African Americans?

Have you not heard the term Chinese Americans -like- African Americans?

Chinese Americans come from China, Africa is a continent. The Africans that migrate here in the U.S. are not called African American. They are called Kenyan American, Libyan American, South African American. Ethiopean American, but they do not call themselves African American, They are actually offended when you call them African Americans. My friend from Minnesota said there are a lot of Africans who migrated to this country there. If you call them African American, their reply is I am from South Africa, or I am from Ethiopia, or I am from Zembabwa. Ask any immigrant African.
oh..i did not see this reply ...very good...
I repeat...AA is a new name....why is it our people started out as something different than what they are called?
From they come here the nations you mention have for the most part been accepted in society....They started as chinese and all that was added is "american".....We had ALL those other names before African American....Why is that???

Why do we have the government naming us every few years?
What is you nationality....you just don't know....
I love you guys --- dont like your myth though !

However and this is the KICKER - you are in America and
you. are. free. to. be. whoever. you. want. to. be. in. your. mind. and. even. advertise. it. to. the. masses.
See how blessed you guys are?
Myth??? it's history you should try looking at it sometime...LOL...

I'm blessed to be safe in Yah in a country that does not care about you...BELIEVE ALL YOU want...my freedom is in Ha Moshiac not America...
"...I'm blessed to be safe in Yah in a country that does not care about you..."

This song is so for you guys: 50 Ways To Leave Your Lover (USA)

"The problem is all inside your head", she said to me
The answer is easy if you take it logically
I'd like to help you in your struggle to be free
There must be fifty ways to leave your lover = (this pagan country)

She said it's really not my habit to intrude
Furthermore, I hope my meaning won't be lost or misconstrued
But I'll repeat myself, at the risk of being crude
There must be fifty ways to leave your lover
Fifty ways to leave your lover

You just slip out the back, Jack
Make a new plan, Stan
You don't need to be coy, Roy
Just get yourself free
Hop on the bus, Gus
You don't need to discuss much
Just drop off the key, Lee
And get yourself free

She said it grieves me so to see you in such pain
I wish there was something I could do to make you smile again
I said I appreciate that and would you please explain
About the fifty ways to leave your lover

Newview. You just like to scrap. You are not trying to learn anything. You just want to fight, so with that, I am not replying to you anymore unless you are lying to someone.
Hezekiah, that song hit a chord - didnt it?
When you want to talk Bible. let me know.


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