What's wrong with the name of Jesus? Please tell me bible scholars.

Can all of those that oppose the use of the name of Jesus please explain to me the following:

Why was I healed in that name if it has no power or authority?
Why do demons flee at that name if it has no power?
Why was my life spared when I called on that name if it has no power?
Why was I filled with the Holy Ghost when I called on that name if it has no power?
Why does he even bother to answer my prayers if the name Jesus has no power and authority?

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Nothing if you know who he is from Genesis to Revelation. Lo, he comes in the volume of a book, it is written of him.
I know who he is. He's the same yesterday, today and forever.
um.... that's not the name of the Messiah. That may not be a problem for you though. It's more of a problem for me because when I learn that I am wrong I try to correct myself. If I mispronounce your name but not on purpose and you correct me, telling me your name, no longer is there any accident. If I keep mispronouncing your name I do it on purpose because I don't really care what your name is or I'm so stuck on myself that I only care about what I want to use not what your name actually is and how you would like to be treated. I have never had someone mispronounce my name on purpose and I would not mispronounce someone's name on purpose either. So for me, using the name "Jesus" would have to fall into one of those categories of either not caring or just not caring enough to change what I do or say. And to me that's sad. This man died for me. You mean to tell me I'm going to be so selfish that I will not even try to correctly pronounce his name??

You may already know how the name breaks down into English. If you need me to go over why its not "Jesus" I can do that but I would think that most people should no by now. And at this point it is more about people and their traditions and not wanting to change.

Why were you healed? You were healed because YOU believed. Demons fled because you BELIEVED (assuming they did). Your life was spared because you BELIEVED. YHWH is not a hater with a whip who smacks everyone down even though we don't know 1% of what he knows. He understands that we are ignorant children. The wisest among us knows the depths of how stupid and foolish we really are. All of our knowledge is his foolishness. We know relatively nothing compared to his infinite knowledge and wisdom. So he helps you according to what you know and where you're at. Once you know more then you should act like you know more. If an 8th grader acts like a 3rd grader on a test she will FAIL that test. I would suggest you not get defensive because of what you didn't know in times past. Either his name is "Jesus" or its not. There is no middle ground of it being "Jesus" for you and all the 3rd graders who have only heard that name before. In the 4th grade you learn more. That's how life works. Don't be afraid of knowledge. YHWH sees where we are AND where we're going. And it is not his will for those with a 3rd grade education to suffer just because they haven't been taught better. But once you are taught then you are responsible for what you have been taught. And this is where it becomes clear whether you want to pronounce his name correctly or whether you just don't care enough to try.

p.s. - You've probably not used G-d's name either, probably not at all, but does that mean he wont help you?

Not defensive at all. But guess what, the language of heaven is not Hebrew.
Who said the language of Heaven was Hebrew?? The language of heaven is also not English transliterated from Greek/Latin transliterated from Aramaic transliterated from Hebrew. So what is your point? That it doesn't matter?

"Jesus" is not a Hebrew to English translation or transliteration. It is completely dependent on Greek. This is not how transliteration is done. Do you need a break down of how Yeshua or Yahoshua got turned into Jesus?

Thats true, but it is right and exact to depend upon the Greek, because the Apostles used the Greek. That you cannot dispute. It does not robe the name of the Son of GOD in any way at all. Tell me, did you ever study the name of Yeshua from the Japanese language? How about the Chinese dialects? What about Russian? Native Inuit? It was GOD Himself that divided the tongues, and therefore if you have an issue with the name of GOD in the many languages, then take it up with HIM.
O my goodness!!!!!!
Hows the family and the littlest one?

It is so good to see you post, Sis.
God bless your house indeed!!
Hello Dear sister in Christ. We are doing fine and Grace is wonderful. I am just enjoying this new baby time because they grow so fast. She is already a month old as of December 20th so things are moving fast.
One month already - unblievable.
Sis the Messiah's Name is pronounced ALL kinds of ways - depending on what language you speak.

Yahwehoshua, Yeshua, Joshua, Jesu, Jesus, Isa..........
I thank God for dwelling among us by every pronounciation of His wonderful name.
No problem with the name of JESUS at all. A name that commands authority!!

I would have to ask this question, in all fairness: "Whats wrong with the name of YHWH?? Please tell me Bible Scholars"

".....every knee shall bow.....and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of GOD the Father."


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