I saw a post where Zealot's Avatar was called offensive and he asked what was offensive about it.

Honestly brother when I first saw it, I was concerned about why you would have chosen such. I think I saw another post where you did explain the history of your avatar, and then reading your posts(not agreeing with all of them,)

I focused more on your input into the discussions than your avatar. No we should not judge by appearance however can you candidly saw that you are not stumped by first impressions? and that you did not expect to get questioned about your appearance?

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Questioned? Sure. Because I know how people think... AND JUDGE.

Does that make it right? Is that in agreement with the bible that we judge that way? That we would not want to hear from someone because of how they look?

John 7:24 - Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.

I explained that my avatar in itself is a lesson. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Often people's perception of you may be one of ugliness because you are different from them. The unknown is often scary. People tend to hate or mistreat what they fear instead of understanding it. Those who judge me by sight, not according to the bible, tell me something about themselves and where they are spiritually. Those with greater spiritual aptitude see their mistake quickly and learn from it. My avatar then has less and less effect on them and after seeing it for awhile they get comfortable with it. The fear goes away and they can see me for what I'm saying.

You did well by focusing more on my input than my avatar.

John 7:51 - Doth our law judge any man, before it hear him, and know what he doeth?
Well said!!!! and I agree,

zeal·ot [ zéllət ] (plural zeal·ots)


zealous follower: a zealous supporter of a cause, especially a religious cause
I wish that I could say that this character design was a stroke genius on my part because if I had thought of it I would have surely done it for this reason alone. It's so important that we learn to see beyond the surface of things. That is what true understanding is about. What makes a good picture different from a bad picture? It's subjective. Your mind contains memories that it links together. I can tell people why they think this image is scary because for the same reason I originally made it, thinking it was scary. The dark eye shape has been used often by cartoonists to indicate evil and malevolence. But is that how evil shows up? Those who are the most evil are those who pose themselves to be the most righteous. None of you have ever seen a demon, nor have I. So what makes something demonic?

I had a keyboard that I had spray painted. I knew were all the keys were so I didn't really need the alpha-numerics printed on them. Then the thought occurred to me to draw symbols on the keys. I thought it would trip people out who came over and no one would be able to use my computer but me. And I was right on both accounts. A girl who knew me from child hood thought it was satanic. Why? I had pretty much made up the symbols at random and being that I have actually studied occult symbolism I avoided satanic symbols. It was merely the fact that she didn't know what the symbols were or what they meant that she connected it with evil in her mind. The symbols meant nothing.

Did you all know that the Church of Satan isn't really satanic? I thought that was interesting when I found that out. And as I studied what the Spirit revealed to me was that the devil wasn't trying to get in the church at all. He was trying to get out. I found it ironic that the person snubbing me because of my avatar was actually talking about church folk acting up. And of course I said that it was out of the abundance of their heart. You know what kind of spirit they were working with by how they BEHAVED. Evil is as evil does. Good is not how good looks but good is as good does. You have to have action to back up your belief. You have to SHOW goodness as evidence that your spirit on the inside has changed.

Paul talked about his old man of sin and how he died to sin and was reborn. Paul was born when Saul died. It's a powerful testimony. But would anyone believe Paul if he was still acting like Saul? No. How you behave is an extension of the war going on inside your mind over your soul. There are some people who aren't even fighting that battle but they still dress up and play chuch long enough to fool others who actually are fighting that battle and wanting something better. And at the end of the day, whether or not you agree with the things we say, we want something better for you. That's all. I'm not here to steal to kill, or to destroy. I want you to have something better. Does that make me evil?

Zealot X is a character that was physically made to look like a monster by a demon because THEY KNOW how we judge. And they knew that making him look like a monster would separate him from most of humanity and that humans would even do their dirty work, trying to kill him. They also wanted him to identify with the monster more than the man. And of course all this was at no risk to them because they don't look like monsters in reality. That is simply concocted out of human FEAR. And our fear gives them power. And they manipulate us using our fear and differences. Divide. Conquer. This is all spiritual warfare. The question is whether or not we are smart enough to see through it.

It is my sincere hope that posting with this avatar helps people to see beyond the surface level of things so that you can see the REAL demons around you and not imagine that the bogeyman is one dude on BPN.


Choosing this particular avatar sparked the reaction you expected, knowing that many who saw it would be startled and, yes, quick to judge. This, of course, laid your platform to preach your sermon and turn the tables at the same time, making the receiver feel guilty and ashamed. I call this manipulation my friend.

Peace in Jesus
I call this manipulation my friend. The Lord said be wise as serpents, but harmless as doves. You sometimes have to manipulate the manipulators to get the truth out. I personally choose not to. I will show you from the Bible, and tell a person straight out, "you are a liar if you are not keeping the commandments, period!" I don't engage in tactics to get the receiver to hear. You can hear or forbear, but you are going to get this truth whether you like it or not. I don't think manipulation was Brother Zealot's aim at all, not to mention we are talking about an avatar, I mean, come on man, are we not more intelligent then that?
I'm sure that in your mind that makes sense. If that is what you want to believe about me, that I am manipulating you, then you'll figure out some way to see that. We see what we want to see. You are assuming that it wouldn't be a hundred times easier if I simply used a real photo as my avatar. Do you have any idea how psychologically effective it is for pastors to wear a suit when addressing their congregation? Did you know that many pastors and speaking elders have read books on persuasive speaking? Do you know the psychology behind getting the congregation to say "amen" in unison? Fortunately, you have not had my experience to know that what you are suggesting doesn't work that way.

People don't listen because they feel guilty. People listen because I say things that make sense and challenge them with a different perspective and present information they may not have known. I don't have any need to manipulate people. I don't have a quota. I don't get paid. I don't have a following. Do you think the truth is pretty? People accept lies because they come in pretty packages. The truth hurts. The truth is ugly when it is against what you believe.... just like this avatar.

Like I said.... the avatar is a lesson in itself. Learn how to judge.

Nothing I have said on this forum would go down smoother just because someone feels "guilty" or "ashamed" that they misjudged me. My aim is not to make anyone feel guilty. If you feel guilty because you judged me based on an image, stop. That's human nature. Human nature is exposed so that you can improve on it. I'm disappointed if you come away still judging things by the way they look. And did I pull you aside after YOU judged me and started preaching by beliefs to you? No. I share OPENLY with this forum. If I speak to people privately it is because I have a genuine interest in that person. If they ask me private questions I'll answer privately but I have never tried to take advantage of anyone's reaction to my avatar. I have only responded by exposing that fault and admonishing the person not to judge by sight. YOU are really the only one on this forum of 15,000 members who has judged me that way AND reached out to me personally. If it was out of guilt then this is my first time hearing it.

But never did I turn any tables on you and our interactions have only been genuine and based on your actions. Do I have this avatar knowing that people will misjudge me? But to say that is manipulation is like saying G-d manipulates people by allowing bad things to happen to them as a result of sin in order to manipulate people into recognizing that they need him. That's like saying that G-d manipulated Adam and Eve, knowing they were going to eat the fruit, just so that he could punish them for it and watch them die like the ant under a magnifying glass.

Now are you being manipulated? Yes. But not by me.


Nice sermon.
I rest my case.
sermon? That? It's a curious charge but I think you're making reference to my long-winded writing style in which case you should visit this link where you will see that the long lengths of my posts are entirely normal (for me) and not indicative of trying to "preach".


I also use my avatar here as well and to my recollection I have never had to explain my avatar on this forum.

One sister said this in response to the length of my post:
"ROFL ... Zealot, if you don't mind me asking, How old are you? When you make such long posts you remind me of the elderly men I used to listen to when I was younger. At times, I would be fascinated by the passion of their conversation. At other times, I would be like, can I get the short version this time?"

Another sister said this:
"Zealot, keep the responses a legnthy as you like, becasue everything you post is full of wisdom!! Todah for everything you share."

I simply write how I write and love the fact that on forums I get to say as much as my spirit feels to say without interruption. It's expression to me, not just communication. I can understand if that comes off to you as a sermon but to me its just...

Matthew 10:20 - For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you.

And I don't think length qualifies as a sermon according to Webster.

But you are, as always, just as entitled to your opinion as I am to mine. Thank you for the challenge and opportunity for self-reflection.

Pat, I told you before that you would have a choice to make. That choice is getting closer.

Don't take this personal. My comment was strictly political. My respect for you has not changed.
I still esteem you as a well learned man of God, and very wise in your young years.

If you were personally offended by my comments, then please accept my sincere apology. I would hope that in time, you will get to know me well enough to know if I was making a personal attack (which I wouldn't) or not. And if it ever came to that point, I certainly wouldn't do it on a public forum.

I battle with James and Hezekiah in a strange kinda way, but it doesn't mean that I don't like them or respect them. I still consider them to be my friends even though they rattle my nerves at times.

Pat, I told you before that you would have a choice to make. That choice is getting closer.

Now, if this statement above means an end to our friendship, then there is nothing more I can say because you would have already made the choice for me.

Peace in Jesus
"Now, if this statement above means an end to our friendship, then there is nothing more I can say because you would have already made the choice for me."

I'm curious as to why you would think that was a possibility for what it meant. Would it ease your mind if I said your choice has nothing to do with me? I am not hear for myself at all even though if I gain your friendship then I gain much. At the same time I have no delusions of grandeur even though others might become jealous and speculate otherwise. No, I mentioned to you before that you have a personal decision. Only you can make this decision. My senses are simply telling me that it is getting closer. I have never held anything against you and it is not in my nature to start.


I guess you are beginning to know me quite well. (LOL)

There is a sense (or pressure) to make a choice in due time. I have to admit, I am not all too certain what exactly that choice or choices will be. But, I am confident God will make it plain and clear at that time.



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