Excerpt from the film "Good Hair" by Chris Rock showing the inner-workings of the "human hair" weave trade. Featured is a religious ceremony called "tonsure", practiced in India. Also featured is hair stylist Elgin Charles Williams, who sought the spiritual guidance and support of Ever Increasing Faith Minister Dr. Frederick K.C. Price and received a ministry diploma from Crenshaw Christian Center Ministry Institute.

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Anyone that wishes to discuss this video and it's implications plus other subjects in a calm 'non justification for sin atmosphere', you can go to join and be apart of our family.

We help to lead people towards Yah not away from him....

You write: Anyone that wishes to discuss this video and it's implications plus other subjects in a calm 'non justification for sin atmosphere',
15000 people on here and this did not excite anyone it seems, but you<>Heart issues son, Heart issues, You must let the Ruach hakodosh rule your heart young man, not your Yetzer harah. Just because you do not hear what you want you bagger people not with historical relevance but with a Rod much like Shammai used on a gentile wanting to learn Torah while standing on one foot Rediculous But Yeshua's teacher did not chase the man away but taught him the golden rule...

Yes just what the world needs another cult following leading people astray from the Torah walk and into some form of socialized reform.. Eight Jewish sects from the time of the second Temple in the whole world VS Twenty three thousand divisions of christianity plus and growing, is not One with the father now is it?

You think people need to follow the various teachings not of the Hebrew nation then they are not following Yeshua now are they...

SRY you feel like everybody is against you...Go read my little E-Book it may help heal your heart...shalom


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