Excerpt from the film "Good Hair" by Chris Rock showing the inner-workings of the "human hair" weave trade. Featured is a religious ceremony called "tonsure", practiced in India. Also featured is hair stylist Elgin Charles Williams, who sought the spiritual guidance and support of Ever Increasing Faith Minister Dr. Frederick K.C. Price and received a ministry diploma from Crenshaw Christian Center Ministry Institute.

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He's not against weaves...I dont think he is.

And to be quite honest - I think Paul pointed out that certain people would be uptight about using things offered to idols.
It seems to me that because we know that there are no other gods but God - that the only problem would be in offending people weak in their faith.
Here is the problem with your theory....scripture speaks on many occasions about "other g-ds",

Does the Most High know there are not other g-ds or was he ignorant when he said to not have "other g-ds" but him?

or when they worshiped "other gods" in the temple and he called it an abomination? You say there are none, however, scripture records the words of the Most high through his prophets speaking of the fact that they do exists....IN fact he also stated that his children would be taken to another land where they would worship "other g-ds"..

do you believe scripture or not?

Whose report do you believe?
Explain what Paul meant.
it's so hard for people to answer a question...I wonder why...
I did not say it AWAYS leads to that...if you notice the questions was if those who wear them knew what was being done for them to have their weave...

besides as i stated it does not have to always lead to it however, if it does do they stop wearing it?

Just like if you found out that most meats have been found to `contain fragments of human flesh would you stop eating it?
Simply watch the video..I think I reviewed this subject a few years back.
But it is all in the Maker of the thing and the original intent~~Who-ever is interested ( and most as you have seen will not care) just need to Google(let your fingers do the walking) on the subject Then review the facts, weigh it out with your /or who-ever's understanding and make it one with them..Truth always recognizes itself If you are one with the that not so?
ACTUALLY I HAVE...I check food to make sure there are no pork bi products in what i eat...I check my clothes for the material they are made from etc etc.........NEXT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But why would the attention be turned towards me?
How about the fact that this is going on? and you nor many women have no idea what your putting on YOUR HEAD!!

MYBY & TRUREVOLUTION. writes:"But why would the attention be turned towards me?"
well we first must deal with our own house before we can do Tikkun Olam is that not so. PS Yaakov/James is the one writing.
My hadassah Terry chooses not to deal with the goy and look for those who are I do...but the door is soon closing.
Sensitivity of flesh is not a emotion of a Tzaddick now is it.
Yes, I have watched you for a few years young man..truly you want to help but truly you need a better mentor..When you were at ShekinahLife I tried to get you to learn, but you went your own way into the black isrealite neo karite position it seems..very judgemental group missing the greater understanding of the heart...

May shalom come upon you..the contension shows young man, the contension shows all the time...but i keep hoping for you to "come out of Her"

You still have my Phone # when you are ready.
When I was on your site I said all of seek attention that you do not deserve..

You `could not be watching me because I belong to none of the groups you mentioned...your facts are usual....Your number I do not have...My teachers are doing just fine brother, thanks but no thanks...

Quite frankly I don't think this is worth all the hoopla, If those women offered their hair to the gods/idols, it was THEIR OFFERING!

that offering has nothing to do with the hair, or the woman stricken with cancer that buys a wig to cover her head, or the woman that enhances her looks in her eyes with a weave.

It's like saying money that has been offered to the idol crack for a high is bad money, no the idol crack is wrong not the money
That is still not the answer to the question...which is ARE YOU WEARING ONE THAT WAS OFFERED....This is how we know who Israel is...they cannot speak the the issue which is just what the video spoke about....

You would not eat meat if you knew people were offering it to their g-d in the back room
Does Shauls letter state that you are not to eat meat that YOU offer to idols? NO he said not to eat ANY meat offered up to does not have to be YOU Offering it up...

That's why people are lost now because they worship g-ds they do not know....if it's not worth the hoopla then do not respond..simple as that...
" That is still not the answer to the question...which is ARE YOU WEARING ONE THAT WAS OFFERED...."

Why dont you just suggest to the sisters on the board to read the packaging to find out where the weaves are from?
Its not that deep.


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