Excerpt from the film "Good Hair" by Chris Rock showing the inner-workings of the "human hair" weave trade. Featured is a religious ceremony called "tonsure", practiced in India. Also featured is hair stylist Elgin Charles Williams, who sought the spiritual guidance and support of Ever Increasing Faith Minister Dr. Frederick K.C. Price and received a ministry diploma from Crenshaw Christian Center Ministry Institute.

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I could tell you have NO idea what i'm talking about...

Is grace a tool to continue sinning? NO
Is grace a tool to keep quiet and not tell the truth? NO

ALL that you have said has nothing to do with the subject nor does it have anything to do with my statements ...again ...if you cannot speak to the subject rather than promoting your so called rabbi's please discontinue commenting...

IF you cannot address the video replies will be closed...if you have nothing to say other than carnal chit chat...move on... Those who are curious or see this as alarming and want to do what pleased Yah, then we can chat...the carnal conformers of paganism can stay out of it...

Now see that's one of the kind of answers i'm looking for...and alternative answer is good...

Todah Achotee (thank you sister)

Regina writes:" encourage women to wear their own hair and go natural and not be ashamed of the hair that they were born with."
Bingo~~Is not the womens hair Her covering
some more links here~~~
I wonder why this subject is coming up again now. I heard Rabbi Blumenkrantz talk about it over 15 years ago, saying they were a problem (the issue being that some Indian women cut their hair and donate it to the temples, and this hair supposedly gets used in some sheitels) ~~~~ There is about six or so pages on Chabad re this discussion~~~HERE

I hope that helps someone~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Good reply Sister Regina

There are also human hair wigs made here that have nothing to do with idols and such. As an Evangelist I would admonish all women to know that it is the inner beauty that God sees and never put more emphasis on the outward beauty.

And know when MEN speak on the outward appearance God sees the heart!!!! tell the Shatan to flee
so dress in short shorts because Yah sees the heart?

get drunk, because Yah sees the heart
fornicate because Yah sees the heart.....

Now i see where you are going....just live set apart free sinning all you want because Yah sees the heart...LOL
That's why Christian women dress the way they do...because they are allowed to do as they please cause their g-d sees the heart.....and there is no responsibility to dress appropriate (modest)....I speak of the heart that manifests through the outward...I guess you forgot those scriptures also correct?

Young man~~~Please go and study with the real Rabbis of notable character Please...Shalom
Brother, I do not study with any person (per se) that calls themselves please discontinue leaving such messages on my page....

Brother, I do not study with any person (per se) that calls themselves Rabbi
Ok so where do you get Hasidic and Rabbinic historical justification if not from the writings of the Rabbi's..Just pull it out of your wizbang or what? Come on there is more to the walk than what KJ gave to the gentiles to calm the storm, the writings handed down from the Rabbi's are rich with information.
First amendment of the constitution states Freedom of Speech" ...and lastly if J-sus was anything at all He was Jewish and a Rabbi and a Tzaddick and a Son of G-d because he was born Hebrew
You are blinded as well...amazing...


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