So often I do not share the comments of the atheists, agnostics, devil worshipers and others who watch the Kingdom Brunch ministry programs. I believe that all of the glory should go to the Lord. The Program is seen by what is at or near to 10,000 monthly viewers. 75% of them are men and I have no idea how many profess Christ as their Savior. I do know that the devil worshippers and atheists are not shy. I can tell that they watch because they respond directly to my statements in the programs.

Here is an example of from today. Comment on your video: Passover: The Blessed Season of God - Segment 3 "I kill and eat children. Message me if you think i should slow down the process and slowly peel off their skin before i chew on their tendons."

The Words of this clearly sick person do not frighten me because I am not ignorant to the devices of the devil and I know that he is real. Yet, I am frustrated by those of us (including myself) who profess to be Christian and do not realize that while we are worrying about houses, cars and bigger bank accounts, the devil is claiming souls to this extent. I get at least a dozen of these (most are not this sick) but all are blasphemous and equally evil. Where are the people of God? I love my FBF because it is where I can retreat from the reality of the ministry that God has given me to encounter the worst segments of our global population as well as the best of the potential harvest that He has prepared for Himself...but make no mistake the battle for the souls of the lost is REAL, this is not a rehearsal...Now I'm going to pray...amen.

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Thank you Charles, for bringing that back to my memory. I thank you for your prayers.
not a master or lord of men bu DEUS creaotr of all.
if the black church did not depend on the money god for their powers this would be no problem...
ye are what ye worship


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