New Pastors: Advice for the New Pastors: The what "to do's" and not "to do's" on Day One

I remeber my first comments on the BPN was under Min. Lockett discussion regarding "My First Sermon." At that time I was like him "An associate minister, faithful, patience, prayerful, hard working, and preparing for the day when God's will would allow me to pastor a church. You hear the discussion all the time, "When I am a Pastor, I will do this and that. We dont covete the position but we see ourselves preparing for the opportunity. Well, my season is here. After prayer/fasting/listening I recently accepted the Letter from a church to Psator. Words can't describe how I have been feeling. I'm careful to request to stay in God's mercy, remain humble, listen twice before speaking once, trying not to fix things that are not broken, (that is another discussion) learning names, praying frequently, and teaching/preaching. Every Pastor who I know has called, emailed, & texted congrats but I'm looking for advice from some of the experience members of BPN to begin a discussion of advice to new Pastors. I would rather learn from others mistakes than make them. School can prepare you but on day one, life experinces re-train you. by the way, all those ideas you had racing through your mind before you became a Pastor seem to exit on day one. I would like to hear your advice to New Pastors. I have always been one to recieve advice and learn from it.

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Amen Sister!!! I have to agree with you whole heartily, I have seen so many Leaders so caught up into there ministries and can"t see that it is there ministry to develop and pour into and raise up leaders and be a mentor for the others so they can go out and in. Listen if Jesus purchased us and he did and we are not our own then how is it we say my ministry. Its all GOD'S !! It"s his people, it"s his anointing , It"s his choice to call whoever he wills, but it"s our choice to obey!!! Some times we get into a cookie cutters mindset that everything has to be done the same exact way or somehow its not God. Then I have seen where denomination policies and tradition of men have been substituted for the Holy Ghost"s leading and Guidance.I have seen a gross misunderstanding of so called credentials needed for ministry. Does going to seminary make you ready? What about having hands laid on by a famous preacher? What about so called membership a mega church? The truth is not any of these in and of themselves will give you credentials and or power/ anointing. Yes I believe in growing before going, yes I believe in God ordained leadership, but none of all the other stuff matters if an individual is not anointed of The Holy Ghost there will no be yokes destroyed or burdens removed and that"s what it is about!! Sometimes some of us as leaders think it is our church, and that is so dangerous we must always be sensitive to the truth that it is not our church in the sense of ownership, but Stewardship and Mentorship!!
Hi I know you was giving a word to our brother, But truely I do recivie that word for myself because I know for sure God had choosen me to pastor. And now I have excepted it and now I have to go and talk to my pastor about it.I'm Assoc. Pastor at my church.I just wanted to tell you that was an encourageing word.
Amen Pastor Doretta L Lee. You better preach.
That was excellence because God does confirm destiny on both ends.
Just ask Paul. I love that. Thank you for that.
Amen, just Preach the Word. Best advice one can give to another!
thx so much i accept you wise
Wow, what a great topic. I actually have written a book on this subject. Did God Send You, or Did the Members Call You? Now that you are there whats next? I recommend this material for every new pastor and seasoned pastor as a refresher. If you, it may be order offline - winepress publishing, barnes and noble, amazon. etc. (isbn 1-57921-667-6) And be for you do - email me -,and I will be happy to send a few excerpts. Love you all like a play cousin.

Pastor Marc L. Neal

My husband and I just started a ministry. The question I have is, "is it harder to pastor an established church?" My husband and I started two months ago with thirty people in a house. Now God has blessed us with a building. It is a blessing to serve God's people, however, it would seem much harder to set vision in an already established ministry.
Yes, it is much easier to establish vision in a new ministry, but it also is a lot of work to start a ministry as well. Vision planting in an established church can take quite a bit of time, especially if the church is stagnant in growth and leadership is set on things being status quo (the way they've been or used to be). Older established churches are treated as "Second Homes". In some cases, it is the only thing that they feel ownership in, and they don't want anyone "sitting on the plastic covered couch".

On the other hand, new churches go through changes similar to child growing up. They are cute as infants, but soon you will have to go through potty training, crawling, walking (with many painful falls), running, first day at school (discipline), puberty, peer pressure, terrible teens, and young adulthood. The ministry will finally get to procreation stage (growth stage). This is a challenge not just for the congregation, but also for the leader, as the whole style of leadership changes. The more souls that come to Christ, the more delegation of authority must happen or you will find the ministry stagnate and eventually shrink back to what only you as pastor can actuall handle. The average church in America has an attendance of 75 or less, because 1 good man or woman can only pour themselves into about 60 people at a time.
Wow! Since starting our church I have prayed daily for some kind of information to help me through the process. I live in the Christian Bookstores and have yet to find on book on Pastoring 101. I kept telling all my friends to write the book - somebody needs to tell the "real deal" .So this advice is so refresing and uplifting.

I am also glad to find this network. It is a blessing just to hear what others are experiencing - it helps all of us!
i like the purpose driven church book by Pastor rick warren and his web site
Pastor Young,

I read your comments and your thoughts on the above topic, they are insightful, realistic, and powerful. I made note of some of your points.

Be encouraged and continue to share your seasoned wisdom.



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