What do you tell a homosexual?..................................

what do you tell a homosexual or lesbian who asks you if practicing such a lifestyle is wrong, when they see all these denominations alllow such practices?.... .

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well said but what if they say ok i believe you but why are mainstream denominations are allowing it. one person told me. i understand your telling me im going against GODs word, and i will be judged by GOD, but im confussed because if the church is telling me im wrong and i need to change why then are churches allowing this behavior. you see i think the churches are sending the wrong message to the world by allowing such practices, and then turning around and telling the sinner hes a sinner. dont make no sense. also we who know the truth are to be ambassadores for CHRIST, not chickens who back down all in the name of peace. yes there is a proper way to address such matters regarding churches or denominations who allow such practices, but the people who are in charge of such denominations should be told there wrong, and they should not practice such behavior. its funny how money buys your way into television, radio, or many other medias. they sit and laugh all in the name of GOD but there life style doesnt match up with it. im tired of seeing all these so called pillars in the church talking and preaching about sow a seed, claim and name it, all the while allowing such practices in the church, or they allow preachers who claim a certian religious affiliation and allow them to get up there and preach there so called sermon. they lie steal and cheat the bride of CHRIST and smile doing it. when GOD opens the door for me to go to different churches to minister i will uphold the truth, and i wont need to get paid to do it like all these other pastors want to be. id tell the truth for free. the only thing is most churhces dont want the truth. they want the show, and the circus instead of JESUS.
well said. GOD bless.
well said. very simple yet understanderble. i appreciate the response, and am happy there are other strong christians out still. its true, money changes people, but we must keep the course for our salvation and for the church which is the bride of CHRIST. not all who are called can carry the persecution they recieve for teaching, preaching, and living the WORD out in our christian lives. so with that being said to all who hold it down, and walk the walk of real faith GOD bless you and stay encouraged. GOD has your life in his hands, and wants to see you used for his glory, so stay prayed up, and fasted up for the coming battles we as christians will face in the end days. GOD BLESS, your brother in CHRIST, pastor Hildo.
iam bless to join your group thank you evangelist pastor susie houston
The Apostle Paul tells us in Romans 1 that when we trade God for our lustfull desires we become confused about who we are and we "trade" God's righteousness for other behaviors (Rom. 1:23-28). Homosexuality is no more a sin then adultery is and it should never be condoned or accepted. Whenever sin is present we should confront it and resolve it, not overlook it or turn our head, regardless of what any church, conference or denomination is doing. Our responsibility as Christian leaders is to continually call people to REPENTANCE! follow me on Twitter @ApostleRick
sister so true but what i meant is that money does change people either for worse or good. like you said GOD waits to give us money, but what about the case with david. GOD waited to give him power as a king, ultimate reign over everything, yet what do we find david do, he uses it to call bathsheba to himself useing his kingly authority in a wrong way. from my perspective and scripture i see and read where GOD says he sets people up as he wills. so to say we wont get money until were cleaned isnt nessarily true. there are many examples and people in the bible who werent ready for what GOD gave them. look at abraham GOD said he would be a father of many naitons and look how he gave his wife away, or sampson, moses who at the end doesnt get to go into the promised land, elijah how he ran away when he was being chased, or gideon, so many examples of how GOD uses people who arent ready for what GOD gives them. GOD knows what we need when we need it. so does GOD wait to bless us, yes at times sometimes no. but my statement was more for people who have recieved posession of money, and used it to look good for themselves and put there names in the light, and not GOD. the bible says the love of money is the route of all evil, but yes money itself is not the problem, its mans heart and what he allows himself to do with what GOD gives him in his life time. i see alot of pastors say give me give me, give me, but when do you see them give back. they ask for planes, cars, sow a seed, help me, for what?...... so they can roll around in a exspensive car and this is how GOD hooks it up. no the bible teaches us to have discerment. like in 2 cor. ch: 4, paul says we do not tamper or rearrange the gospel for gain. in other wards they didnt do it for pay. if you were to ask all these pastors on tv to preach for free for 2 yrs they probably wouldnt do it or could do it cuz they have to much debt. yet they will preach dont use credit cards, be debt free, then at the end of there telecast they say for only 19.95 you can recieve this blessing on audio or dvd, come one what they think everyone is clueless. last time i checked the scriptures were for free. but its not all there fault for a couple of reasons. 1- most people are to lazy to preach so they buy what one man has studied for them cuz they wont study or read themselves, 2- they dont know what the scripture say, and believe anything, 3- they follow man and wont challenge him or are to afraid cuz of backlash from that ministry, 4- people have abondoned the scripture in these last days and are fullfilling scripture. so does money change people yes it does, why cuz it either brings out the best or the worst in them. hope this helps clarify what i said. GOD BLESS, and have a great week.
The truth is there is not much we can tell anybody if we ourselves are out of order. Every mainstream denomonation use the the gifts of their gay members as the church plays a game of don't ask don't tell. The Black church has played this game for years. Homosexuality was our not so secret secret until the late 80's and HIV/AIDS as well as the influence of the White conservative religious right and their dollars. During the last few decades we have begun a gay cleansing from our churches verbally while still using the gifts of our gay brothers and lesbian sisters.

The church has a nerve to turn a nose at the gay community while they turn a blind eye to their own denomonational mess.

What I tell a gay brother or lesbian sister?

God created you and He loves you for you. He made no mistakes when he made you and your sexuality. Now with that sexuality comes responsibility, we must remain Holy. Living a life of celibacy is a must for those of us who are single and for those of us in committed, monogamous relationships; we must stay committed to the one we love.

I would sit down with them and we will have a Bible study and view those scriptures that have been used by the Church to beat the Hell out of them; we will study them in proper context.

You ask the question and this is my answer. Bless you.

Minister Gerald Palmer, MSW
Word 4 The Soul Ministries
PO Box 18369
Kansas City, Missouri 64133

Have you ordered your copy of "The Church Has AIDS: Essays On Sexual Orientation, Sexuality, Taboos and The Black Church"? WWW.AMAZON.COM
dats some straight talk. aint no more preaching like that no more. when im asked to preach at other churches the pastors make me luagh when they ask me not to talk about, sex misconduct, women pastors, order from leadership, gay & lesbians, gifts, and sin!... its funny cuz i tell them then what book do you want me to peach from cuz if thats what you want then i cant used the bible. they look at me like i got the problem, when in fact its them who has the problem. if anyone out there wants some fire feel free to call me, i preach for free!..... . dont need no money to break the word open, and definatley wont be shy to address on topics the church is struggling with. if you want a real preacher who is normal, knows the word, and wont ask and ask the church for money for his ministry, then give me a call. i would love to minister in JESUS name. (509) 985-738 hildo.


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