Is this one of the "taboo" topics where you worship?

Do you or does your Pastor or Ministry leader dare talk about such things with the Body of Believers??

And if we don't teach the people about the various sub-topics under Sex/Sexual Relationships, then where will they get the information from? Will it be a godly source?

Why do a lot of leaders give the impression that sex education is for teenagers and young adults and singles and should not also include the milddle aged and senior citizens who are also dabbling or habitually paticipating in sexual immorality of ANY kind?

Is this a topic that we are embarrassed to even discuss here on BPN??


Many Belivers refer to masturbation as "Onanism"

According to the text in Genesis 38, after God had killed Onan's older brother Er, Judah asked Onan to have sex with Tamar, Er's widow, so that the offspring could be declared Er's heir. Onan had sex with Tamar, but performed coitus interruptus each time, spilling his "seed" (semen) on the ground, so that there would not be any offspring which he could not claim as his own. The passage states that this displeased God, who killed him.

Why was God upset with Onan? Is it what we have attributed to Onan's name or could it have been something else?

What are your thoughts and/or comments?

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Can you provide a scripture that addresses this issue? This will be a good place to start if it is to be addressed within the church.
There is no scripture for masturbation. Torah does not forbid it. The sin of Onan was not actually masturbation. His sin was that he did not give his dead brother's wife children, because he "pulled out" and his seed spilled on the ground. But Torah does not forbid such act.
@Chaplain Pat - Hey sis how are you doing? The reason I posted the discussion was to ask YOU GUYS to give me YOUR thoughts and comments. I already posted a scripture that has been and is still being used either correctly or erroneously... I wanted to open a discussion for anyone to participate in and to post any scripture foundation for their teaching on the topic of masturbation. With that said.. what say ye? What do you or would you tell a person who asks you if they should or shouldn't masturbate whether for sheer pleasure or to obstain from fornication/adultery?

@ James - My point is that the only scripture folk have been using to "specifically" discuss the topic of masturbation is the one I posted. However, I question the use of that scripture because of its context.

1. Is it a sin to masturbate (if so why? if not, why not?)
2. What would be your comment to the person who says, "I'm not hurting anyone so why would it be bad?"
3. Why do some Believers feel guilty about it and other Believers do not?
4. We talk about fornication and adultery from the pulpit ad nauseum...why don't we delve into the area of masturbation while on those topics? Its seems to be glossed over (no pun intended)

5. Should we not talk about topics that the God's Word doesn't address specifically?
6. "What's done in the dark stays in the dark"? - should this be our motto as Believers?

1. Is it a sin to masturbate (if so why? if not, why not?)

Because it is done against SELF, although with no one else, the imagination has taken control.

2. What would be your comment to the person who says, "I'm not hurting anyone so why would it be bad?"

2 Corinthians 10
3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)
5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
James 1:13-14:
13 Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man:
14 But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.
Romans 6:11-14:
11 Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.
12 Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof.
13 Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God.

3. Why do some Believers feel guilty about it and other Believers do not?

Because they themselves know it is only flesh gratification. And the others that don't feel guilty have just excepted the evil thereof.

4. We talk about fornication and adultery from the pulpit ad nauseum...why don't we delve into the area of masturbation while on those topics? Its seems to be glossed over (no pun intended)

Fornication and adultery covers all sexual immorality, but the ones that don't want to feel convicted comes up with excuses to appease their flesh.

5. Should we not talk about topics that the God's Word doesn't address specifically?

God's Word don't specifically address alot of topics, but His Word is precise, we just don't want to include OUR imaginations, desires that the Word of God shines light upon. We want to excuse it by saying, but God didn't say it, but we know what falls under SIN...ANYTHING contrary to the Word of God. And masturbation is a sexual desire of the flesh that one yields too and have NO CONTROL and if we have no control then who is leading?????

6. "What's done in the dark stays in the dark"? - should this be our motto as Believers?

There is NOTHING done that will not be uncovered.

In Love Sis. Denise
OOOOOOOOOOOOOO...I dislike it when I come in all Sorry, hope I didn't make you all go backwards.

In Love Sis. Denise
Masturbation has nothing to do with Onan. Onan did not masturbate. Onan actually had sex with his deceased brother's wife. The purpose of spilling his seed was to keep her for that purpose. He was punished because he had deceived her. The only reason she let him "hit it" was because she wanted a child. In my opinion this was the same as "Date Rape". You expect one thing but you get deceived and used for your body. It had nothing to do with masturbation which may or may not involve sex and may or may not involve the spilling of seed (women can masturbate without spilling anything).

Furthermore, spilling seed was more than likely a common practice to avoid impregnation. Onan did not invent this procedure. Obviously, people in ancient times liked to have sex because it felt good and they did not always have sex for the sole purpose of producing children. The bible says the marriage bed is undefiled. There is also a rule in Torah that you could not be away from your wife too long because you were not allowed to deny her sexual relations. The sexual union was and is an important part of marriage that helps to maintain natural relationships. Catholic priests, giving up this natural relationship sometimes turn to the unnatural. That's not what YHWH intended.

Spilling seed does not mean you prevented a child from being born. Even if a man doesn't have sex at all he does not keep the same pool of sperm until he does. There is no such thing as a 4 year old sperm cell that then becomes a 3 month old child. Sperm cells die on a continuous cycle just as eggs do. And there are millions of sperm to one egg and only 1 of them can usually fertilize an egg. That means it is natural for millions to go to waste even if you don't pull out and even if you do have a baby. So I think it is ridiculous that Onan is connected with masturbation since he did not have to touch himself at all in order to do what he did. And if he is guilty for wasting sperm then all of us men need to constantly have sex because that is the only way to keep from wasting sperm and even then millions of sperm cells are still going to die. So if that's what masturbation is about then I am masturbating right now because right now I'm producing and wasting sperm cells.

YHWH created our bodies to have these natural processes. He also designed sex to be enjoyable and for us to want to do it more than once every year. And there is no law in Torah that says you should not have sex with a woman who cannot conceive and bear children.

People often try to make things wrong that aren't wrong in order to look righteous on the surface. This only helps to make the concept of righteousness into a burden. Masturbation didn't begin last year. Therefore, since YHWH did not say anything about it then it should be regarded as sin. It doesn't hurt anyone else and studies have shown that it can be healthy for you. The story of Onan also involves prostitution but I'll leave that one alone.


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Zealot, I enjoyed this blog, very informative.
Did you mean to say that "since YHWH did not say anything about it then it should be regarded as sin."? The whole time it sounded like you were in favor of masturbation?
Also.... the guy in the clip is talking about adultery. Adultery is getting involved with someone who is taken. You are committing adultery in your mind if you are wanting to be with someone who is already taken (betrothed or married). These laws were meant to protect people. I don't want other men fantasizing about my wife. That would get me upset because she's mine. By the same token she would get jealous if another woman was flirting with me. Even thinking to do these things is wrong because that's where the wrong actions begin. David was given multiple wives. He had 8 in total I believe. But he was punished, not because he had more than one, but because he wanted Uriah's wife and then had Uriah killed in order to get her. Not only would Uriah have gotten jealous if he found out but the situation even resulted in Uriah's death. And that is why David, a man after YHWH's own heart, was punished.

I do not believe any married man who doesn't look at other women who are attractive. It's like looking at a beautiful painting and admiring the artwork. It doesn't necessarily have to go deeper than that. I didn't get all bent out of shape just because my wife thought Ray J looked good and would joke about how he wanted to get with her through the TV. She finds Ray J sexually attractive just like I find other women sexually attractive. Doesn't mean she wants to be with Ray J or that I want to be with any other woman. We are very happy with each other. And that kind of honesty is one of the best things I think in our marriage. Otherwise, if she hid her attractions I would be more worried about them because of simply not knowing. This kind of thing doesn't have to hurt your partner at all. If your partner wont even let you look at other women or think they are attractive it is probably because she's been hurt before and has trust issues with men.

So what is "cheating"? We may define it as different things but I think its more about wanting or attempting to have a relationship with another woman or man illegally in anyway that hurts your partner's emotional well being. If I was looking at another woman and saying how I wanted to get with her that might make my wife feel jealous and insecure as if she is not enough. It depends on the woman and how insecure she is already what will make her feel bad. To intentionally make her feel bad, even by looking, in my opinion is sinning against her because the definition of sin is basically that which hurts her and hurts the loving relationship between you both. Different women allow what they are comfortable with. It's even possible for some men to look at porn without hurting their wives or girlfriends. Most of the time the woman is mainly concerned that he might leave her or that he will stop loving her. Love is what has to be maintained and if by watching porn a man is not loving his wife then he is wrong. If someone masturbates in a way that isn't abusing his wife's love then that action becomes wrong. But masturbation in and of itself isn't wrong.

ZEALOT, you said:

If I was looking at another woman and saying how I wanted to get with her that might make my wife feel jealous and insecure as if she is not enough. It depends on the woman and how insecure she is already what will make her feel bad. To intentionally make her feel bad, even by looking, in my opinion is sinning against her because the definition of sin is basically that which hurts her and hurts the loving relationship between you both.

You make a point that Mark Gungor (the guy in the video) states on a regular basis. He says, if you are doing something that hurts your spouse... DON'T DO IT or STOP DOING IT! Just because it may not be a big deal to you, it may be a big deal to them and even hurtful to them.

As for his topic being about adultery you are correct, but he mentioned masturbation in such a tastful and tactful way to an audience of men and women and I have not often seen it expressed in such a way with "church folk". "Church folk" don't like to discuss or hear such things coming from the platform of the pultpit.

Again, you've shared some great info with us!


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