Have You Seriously Thought About What Will Happen To Believers Once The Anti-Christ Steps In?

We sing songs about deliverance and how one day we will be with the King. However, if we truly study our Bibles, whether we want to face it or not, a day is coming upon this world such that eyes have not seen. Read the book of Matthew 24 for the signs of that day. It talks about the signs of the end times and how the Anti-Christ is going to step in, and how those who are in Judea must flee to the mountains. These people will be hidden for an entire three and a half years from their persecutors, according to scripture. What will they eat? What will they drink? What wil they wear? Who will take care of them? Will God pour manna from the sky as He did for the children of Israel, or are we who are alive today expected to love Him enough to feed them at the proper time, which, because we do not know the day or hour of His coming, is now? What are your thoughts? www.myspace.com/believersairline

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Much of what Jesus spoke of concerning the things of the end were referred to the people of his time. Virtually all of what he said in Matt 24 is about the people of his time. Sayings like,"Abomination that causes desolation." and," all those in Judea will flee to the mountains", have to do with the Jewish revolt that took place from 68ad - 70ad.

Josephus wrote much about what happened at that time. Many of the Jews turned to cannibalism, and other inhumane things to survive. The Gentile Christians of the that time hid underground from the persecution of the Romans. There were some churches that were free from persecution, and there were churches that were not. We must keep scripture in its context, and by doing that, we can rightly handle the word of truth

The Church are those people to whom you refer.

The people of God will suffer like you aint seen no suffering.

Its gonna make the days of American slavery look like a walk in the park and holocaust look like May Day.


Saints, gird your loins.


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