Titles give identity, distinction and clarity to who people are and what their
job and responsibilities are, for the calling, position or office
that they hold. But some people abuse the authority or power that
comes with their title or office. They may be controlling, abusive,
discriminatory and belittle those that are subservient to them. When
our title or position causes us to be any of the above, indifferent
and offensive toward others, our titles don't mean a thing, nor do
we. A title can never be a substitute for godliness, holiness, good
character, integrity,and Christ-likeness. And just because some one
does not preface their name with a title, it doesn't mean that they
are walking in humility, compassion, truth or love. Titles or  not,
may we all exemplify the fruit of the Spirit, Christ-likeness,
holiness and righteousness in how we live, what we say and what we
do. And when we strive to do that, we won't have the time to point
out any one else's faults because we'll be too busy working on our
own selves.


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Thank you Sistah for this post. 

I greeted someone who visited my church a few months ago.  I ask what her name was and she distinctly said "I'm An Apostle" I thought to myself.  Wow... I didn't ask what your title was, I ask for your first name.  Yes I do agree, a title gives the identity of what ministry God is using you in, but that doesn't establish the fruits of the Spirit in your life.  Some can have the titles and misuse that gift.  The Word of God says gifts come without repentance.

Thank you so much...

She did not want you to see her..but Lord Jesus who sent her to your church!


She was being ridiculous.

The holy apostle Paul referred to himself as a 'brother'

That sister asked her name and she should have replied with a name.


Yes, titles are important. A title is nothing more than your anointing for service unto Almighty God. If your title is used to elevate oneself..pride. How can one claim pride , honor and distinction  when one is marked, (by the anointing) as a servant..service as a slave unto Lord Jesus?

     Titles in the church have lost practical relevance and subsequent meaning.  Anyone and everyone can obtain a church title today with the greatest of ease.  Go to seminary a few years and you are an ordained minister, no more bit called to pulpit ministry than...   A title does not make a person relevant, it is the person who gives relevance to the title. 

     Job 32:21, "Let me not, I pray you, accept any man's person, neither let me give flattering titles unto man."  Elihu says he did not know how to flatter anyone. He meant to state the exact truth; to treat each one impartially; and not to be influenced by the rank or wealth of those whom he addressed. He meant to deal in plain and simple truth.

     Matthew 24:11, "And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many."  A practical test for you to follow is to listen to what people are saying, usually the person who cries the loudest is not really whom they are claiming to be.  They really want all the benefits, praise and self-worth associated with a certain title.   1 John 4:1, "  Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world."


I'm new to this site so I'm surfing the site and commenting on some posts tonight. I noticed something interesting while studying years ago. Paul an apostle, Philip the evangelist. Notice the work they did came after their given name. Paul told Timothy to do the work of an evangelist, not wear the title of an evangelist. God bless you!

Titles aren't important to me. . . a person's fruit (character) is. Even Christ said that people are known by their fruit, not by their titles. Even though in some cases, a person's title reveals their fruit or character. For example, the Pharisees gave, sought, and received self-exalting/honorific titles (see Matthew 23). . . . such as "Rabbi [meaning "Master" or "Honorable One"]" and "father." These titles revealed their prideful character and condescending attitude towards others. The 'pope' reveals the very same character by receiving the titles "holy father," "your holiness," "your eminence [meaning "supreme one" or "chief one" "superior one" "having the highest rank, or first place"], "vicar of Christ," and the list of honorific titles goes on and on. Many "Protestant" leaders do the same (i.e., Senior Pastor, Chief Apostle, Presiding Prelate, Archbishop). All of the above are self-exalting/honorific titles, which belong to Christ alone - who is the only one worthy of being called the Highest-ranking/Senior or Elder Shepherd, the Chief Apostle, and the Highest-ranking Bishop. Although some receive these titles out of ignorance, Biblical illiteracy, or tradition. Many others receive these titles out of pride, and a desire to elevate themselves above and apart from other Believers. Something which Christ spoke against in Matthew 23, by reminding His disciples that "One is your Master, even the Christ. And the rest of you are all brothers and sisters." In Philppians 2, Paul wrote "let this mind be in you" speaking of the mind of Christ, whose main characteristic is humility. He made of Himself NO reputation, but instead came in the form of a bondservant. Now how many ppl in the church are striving for that title? BONDSERVANT? Ah. . . But there is no glory for self in that title hm? Who wants to be a bondservant? Who wants to humble themselves and be baptized in the sufferings of Christ? All for the glory of the FATHER and the benefit of His flock. Like Jesus said, many are called, but few are chosen. So few are actually willing to serve as bondSERVANTS, but so many want to LEAD and be over others with a title.

A lot of trth to this. Thank you for sharing.


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