Can believers of Jesus Christ assist or promote productions that showcase homosexual acceptance?

I would like to know if the word of God means abstain from all appearance of evil relates to those believers of Jesus Christ who are marketable and beckoned to help in productions that clearly showcase homosexual acceptance. Should they do the production and set aside their religious faith as it is just fictional characters or is their evil intent behind bringing these productions to the mass population... meaning subliminal messages.

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Matt 22:36 - 40. And I know it is in Deut 6 and Lev 19. I know this! To tell you my opinion, I don't think Jesus needed to study the Torah as you say because I still believe He is God in the flesh. I feel He already knew His Word and that is why those in the temples were amazed at His understanding even at the age of twelve. I know the disciples studied because they grew up studying the Torah. I'm not ignorant to that fact.

We need to do a study of Galatians about the law and don't say this is Paul's opinions because he got his message from Jesus did he not? Or you do it on your site so anyone that is interested can come there and discuss.

grew, auxanō, verb, 1) to cause to grow, augment 2) to increase, become greater 3) to grow, increase a) of plants b) of infants c) of a multitude of people d) of inward Christian growth

waxed strong, krataioō, G2900, verb, 1) to strengthen, make strong 2) to be made strong, to increase in strength, to grow strong

In both those verses both words are described for the meaning and not just waxed by itself. Go look it up in the Strongs.

For Luke 2:52

Jesus, Iēsous, proper masculine noun, Jesus = "Jehovah is salvation" 1) Jesus, the Son of God, the Saviour of mankind, God incarnate

Increased, prokoptō, verb, 1) to beat forward a) to lengthen out by hammering (as a smith forges metals) b) metaph. to promote, forward, further 2) to go forward, advance, proceed
a) of time: the night is far spent b) metaph. to increase, make progress

wisdom, sophia, feminine noun, 1) wisdom, broad and full of intelligence; used of the knowledge of very diverse matters a) the wisdom which belongs to men 1) spec. the varied knowledge of things human and divine, acquired by acuteness and experience, and summed up in maxims and proverbs b) supreme intelligence, such as belongs to God
1) to Christ

Now no disrespect to you either but you sound like the Jehovah Witnesses in that they can't seem to think that God's powers are limited to our understandings. God can't stand before us or we'd burn up so He came in the form of Jesus Christ and this is why no man could be with Mary it had to be God in the form of Him Self the Holy Ghost. Jesus was no ordinary child in the flesh as we are so no I don't think any of us can compare ourselves to Him as a child. He grew in these things because it was going to be and already planned by God's Plan. He wasn't tempted of Him Self, that's absurd but was tempted by satan as we all are and satan couldn't buge Him. And yes I believe He was tempted while in the flesh and knew all things better than any of us when we are born. Take this verse.
Luke 2:46 - 50 - Joseph and Mary had been looking for him when they were returning home.
Jesus was in the temple at 12 doing what, you think being taught by those teachers or questioning them for correction? You tell me.

doctors, didaskalos, masculine noun, 1) a teacher 2) in the NT one who teaches oncerning the things of God, and the duties of man a) one who is fitted to teach, or thinks himself so
b) the teachers of the Jewish religion

hearing, akouō, verb, 1) to be endowed with the faculty of hearing, not deaf 2) to hear b) to attend to, consider what is or has been said c) to understand, perceive the sense of what is said

asking, eperōtaō, verb, 1) to accost one with an enquiry, put a question to, enquiry of, ask, interrogate 2) to address one with a request or demand a) to ask of or demand of one

questions, eperōtaō, verb, 1) to accost one with an enquiry, put a question to, enquiry of, ask, interrogate 2) to address one with a request or demand a) to ask of or demand of one

Seems to me Jesus was interrogating them with questions to correct them, those who think themselves so to teach. If they were teaching correctly then why would He need to come to earth.

Now when Jesus replied to Mary He wasn't concerned about them looking for Him because He had business to attend to. I'll just use this in Strongs.

Father's business, patēr, masculin noun, d) the Father of Jesus Christ, as one whom God has united to himself in the closest bond of love and intimacy, made acquainted with his purposes, appointed to explain and carry out among men the plan of salvation, and made to share also in his own divine nature 1) by Jesus Christ himself 2) by the apostles

Seems to me He was teaching them and not them teaching Him. But then I don't try to view God or Jesus with my puny mind and thinking and understanding. No way I can do that like how some of us can. Jesus wasn't an ordinary child as we are. He was God growing up human but not human like us in a sense.
I answered you Brother. You seem to be the one who is what you accuse me of being. You are the one with the blockage in what I responded to. You seem to me to use your own intelligence to understand Him. You're the one that says He couldn't possibly be this or that not me. I don't deny His deity at all. We both read something and you get your understanding and I get mine. You call mine false and yours correct. You know I said this in the beginning, that we will all find out the truth in the end. Much love and peace my Brother.
OK one more time. God manifested in the flesh as Jesus Christ. He wasn't born of man as we are but of The Holy Spirit. God can not come before us as the Father because we couldn't stand the heat. So He came to us as Jesus Christ. He had supreme intelligence unlike us. You're ears and eyes are closed but you feel mine are. You already won't see what I'm showing from scripture because you have your view already. He was getting stronger in the Spirit as he was growing up and God was the One providing Him with this. He was already disputing with His questons to those teachers that felt they were something that they weren't. This is why they wanted Him out of the way because He was setting them straight, you know those that had the Hebrew teaching from Moses.
See lets get the bible right and have a full understanding ! Sodom & Gomorah had nothing to do with one being gay or not in the story of Sodom & Gomorah if one reads the full stury God was useing the city of Sodom & Gomorah to teach the world a lesson and that lesson is God wants us all to be in committed relationships and not to have sex so freely and not to rape children and his angels it so just happen that the city of Sodom & Gomorah was a gay city
You were trying to be funny or something right?
No Brother that was to Bishop28. I can't help where they put my replies. Lately I havent' been seeing the "Reply to This" for some blogs I want to reply to so I have to scroll up and find the first one to use. Sorry it came out to thinking I was replying to you. I am with you all the way on this one.
That's your lack of understanding not mine Brother. I don't deny God's character and ability to be The Father , Son and Holy Spirit. His thoughts and ways are far greater than mine. I just read and study what He provides me and accept the understanding I receive. It makes perfect sense to me that He is The Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
I can do all things through Christ Jesus that strenghthens me..sarcasm Brother your Highly Conceeded and think that your the chosen one and we're sheep headed to the Slaughter..put that on you ning
We all can continue to believe what we read and our interpretations, but until the Lord reveals we know nothing. The book of Revelations is a testiment to this. Bro. Moreh I will read the first 5 books, I have read some of the Torah in past times, but leaned more to my Holy Bible that incased the Old and the New Testaments. I am aware of the books that were omitted, but as Rom. 10:9 gave me understand and I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, I look no further. I rely on His spirit to lead and guide me to all truth and understand. Not to say history doesn't play a very large part in my spirituality, because it does. The Gods promises, laws and prophets has foretold me of all these things and have prepared my way to this understanding, because if God did it once, I know he can do it again, MAKE WAY FOR THE COMING OF THE LORD as He tells us in the Word. We can call Him what we want, even when Mose asked Him who should he say told him God said the them I AM.

Also, I thought ALLAH was God in Arabic? So, there is so many words yes, but there is only True and Living Christ!

Look what else is out there:

Many topics in ancient Egyptian religion can be fraught with complexities. Trying to understand the changing roles of gods such as Re, Osiris and Amun are difficult if not impossible with the limited text available to us today. However, there are none of these more difficult, or certainly more controversial than the Moon God, Yah.


It is interesting that the earliest references to the name Yah (Yaeh) refer to the moon as a satellite of the earth in its physical form. From this, the term becomes conceptualized as a lunar deity, pictorially anthropomorphic but whose manifestations, from hieroglyphic evidence, can include the crescent of the new moon, the ibis and the falcon, which is comparable to the other moon deities, Thoth and Khonsu.

Of course, the complexity and controversy of Yah stem from the term's similarity to the early form of the name for the modern god of the Jews (Yahweh), Christians and Muslims, as well as the fact that their ancestors were so intermingled with those of the Egyptians. In fact, this distinctive attribute of this god makes research on his ancient Egyptian mythology all the more difficult.

Little is really know of this god's cult, and there is no references to actual temples or locations where he may have been worshipped.

However, among ancient references, we do seem to find in the Papyrus of Ani several references to the god, though here, his name has been translated as Lah:

"A spell to come forth by day and live after dying. Words spoken by the Osiris Ani:
O One, bright as the moon-god Iah; O One, shining as Iah;
This Osiris Ani comes forth among these your multitudes outside, bringing himself back as a shining one. He has opened the netherworld.
Lo, the Osiris Osiris [sic] Ani comes forth by day, and does as he desires on earth among the living."

"[A spell to] cross over into the land of Amentet by day. Words spoken by the Osiris Ani:
Hermopolis is open; my head is sealed [by] Thoth.
The eye of Horus is perfect; I have delivered the eye of Horus, and my ornament is glorious on the forehead of Ra, the father of the gods.
Osiris is the one who is in Amentet. Indeed, Osiris knows who is not there; I am not there.
I am the moon-god Iah among the gods; I do not fail.
Indeed, Horus stands; he reckons you among the gods."

The high point in Yah's popularity can be found following the the Middle Kingdom when many people immigrated from the Levant and the Hyksos ruled Egypt. Hence, it is likely that contact with the regions of Palestine, Syria and Babylon were important in the development of this god in Egypt. George Hart, in his "A Dictionary of Egyptian Gods and Goddesses" believes that these foreigners in Egypt may have associated Yah with the Akkadian moon-god, Sin, who had an important temple at Harron in north Syria. Like Thoth, Sin was a god of Wisdom, but his other epithets included "Brother of the Earth", Father of the Sun, Father of Gods, as well as others.

Later during the New Kingdom within the Theban royal family, and not so strangely, even though it was they who expunged these foreign rulers from Egypt, the name of the god Yah was incorporated into their names. The daughter of the 17th Dynasty king, Tao I, was Yah-hotep, meaning "Yah is content". The name of the next and last ruler of the 17th Dynasty, Kamose, may have also been derived from Yah. His name means ""the bull is born", and this might be the Egyptian equivalent of the epithet applied to Sin describing him as a "young bull...with strong horns (i.e. the tips of the crescent moon). Also another interpretation of the name of the founder of the 18th Dynasty, Ahmose, is Yahmose, which would mean "Yah is born". However, this was not the only name associated with Hyksos gods to be adopted by these Egyptians.

In the tomb of Tuthmosis III of the 18th Dynasty, who is often called the Napoleon of Egypt, and who was perhaps responsible for Egypt's greatest expansion into the Levant, there is a scene where the king is accompanied by his mother and three queens, including Sit-Yah, the "daughter of the moon-god". However, after this period, the traces of Yah's moon cult in Egypt appear to be sporadic.

At this point, and because this is a scholarly work, we need to point out several important elements surrounding the name of this ancient Egyptian god, beginning with the fact that most Egyptologists throughout the history of that discipline have had difficulty agreeing on the translation of names from ancient text. Of course, this is not unique to Egyptologists, but is a problem throughout ancient studies.

Secondly, the references on Yah as an Egyptian moon god are slim. The best available documentation is that of George Hart, "A Dictionary of Egyptian Gods and Goddesses", but few other scholarly references make mention of this specific Egyptian deity.

Now as an observation, the fact that this deity's name appears so similar to the early form of the Hebrew God, may mean little if anything. A powerful god of one region was often taken by another, including the Egyptians, and almost completely redefined.

In any event, this god did not attain a very high regard within Egypt, and it is unlikely that he had any major effect on the religion of others in his Egyptian form. Rather, it was the Egyptians in this case who were influenced from without.


Most of the information for this article was derived from "A Dictionary of Egyptian Gods and Goddesses by George Hart, published in 1986 by Routledge.
Sister Denise I pray that I'm not using my own interpretations when I read and study His Word. I don't ever just pick up the bible and start reading. The first thing I do each and everytime is ask this in prayer:

Heavenly Father, God of Mercy and God of Grace, in the name of Christ Jesus my Lord and Saviour, I pray for you blessing in your Holy Word as I read and study. I pray Father that you will bless me with Your Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding in Your Holy Words. I pray that you reveal to me all You will reveal. I pray I don't try to figure out your Holy Word with my carnal mind but accept Your Words in all Its truth, honor and glory. Please shut down my wisdom, knowledge and understanding for who am I to try to understand you. It is You Who provide me with the understanding and not of myself. Heavenly Father I pray for this blessing in Christ Jesus Holy name. AMEN! When I finish my study and reading I give thanks to Him for His blessings.

The bible to me is a book that is alive and the only one so I can't treat is as just an ordinary book because it isn't. It is His Words to me. Just what I do that's all. God bless.

May God continue to add a blessing to the reading and understanding of HIS WORD!



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