Apostle Howell MADE CHASE GOODEN delete his page because Howell is in trouble.  Howell the man who said that he never ran from anything is now on the run.  COWARD!



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I'm in........

I don't know ya'll but I saw this and read about the girl that ya'll talked about very badly, sounded like a young person wrote it but grown ups allowed it.  I know those and continue to read on the news about people especially young ones commiting suicide because of cyber bullying and cyber stalking, it's like a really big deal.  My heart goes out to you all, you all don't deserve that, no one does. The many stalkers on here, I can't believe that adults are acting like this on a Preaching network above all else, nevertheless, all you being stalked along with your families from what I read they are calling you Apostle, Bonny, VJ and especially your children....I found this for you....


Cyber stalking is a very serious form of online harassment. At one level, cyber stalking is much like cyber bullying, as it involves the sending of repeated annoying and unwelcome messages. But cyber stalking goes far beyond cyber bullying in terms of motivations and tactics. Cyber stalking involves a disturbed obsession with the target, and a perverse desire to control that target in some way, even by attacking the target's family members. Cyber stalkers do not wish to just torment someone for an adolescent power rush... stalkers want to force the target into some kind of submission, and are willing to involve other targets to achieve that disturbed result.

If you are a Victim of Cyber Stalking

• If you know the stalker, send him/her a clear written request to stop (I see you all have tried this several times, but professionals say). Do this once only, then never again communicate with the stalker. Save copies in both electronic and hard-copy form (that you have warned them to stop).
• If the cyber stalking continues, complain to the ….

• File a report….

 The reason that many individuals in these categories are often considered easy prey is because they are thought to be too weak or frightened to retaliate in their own defense. This makes it very easy to control the victim with threats of violence made against them, or even members of their family. It is very important that victims of cyber stalking understand that they are not alone and there are steps they can take to prevent such harassment from becoming a permanent part of their lives.

The very first thing that a person should do when faced with threats or any other unwanted communication from a cyber stalker is to contact the proper authorities. This will ensure that if the problem persists it has been documented. Many times local authorities may be unable or unwilling to take action without further proof of this occurrence. If this is the case the best thing to do is to turn to a qualified investigator who is experienced in uncovering the identity of individuals suspected of cyber stalking.

One of the best ways to find out who a cyber stalker is involves…. This method can uncover many pertinent details needed to identify the alleged stalker. Some of the most common data that is often revealed during this process includes the….. This is a very important process in any occurrence of cyber stalking.

Many websites claim to be able to offer this service instantly and free of charge. However, these are largely ineffective, and the information is more often than not inaccurate. The best thing you can do if you are faced with unwanted communication from a cyber stalker is to turn to someone who is both qualified and experienced at identifying and locating individuals who may be guilty of cyber stalking. Investigations of this type can take anywhere from twenty four hours to fourteen days depending on the specific circumstances of a particular case.

Cyber stalking is a crime in which the attacker harasses a victim using electronic communication, such as e-mail or instant messaging (IM), or messages posted to a Web site or a discussion group. A cyber stalker relies upon the anonymity afforded by the Internet to allow them to stalk their victim without being detected. Cyber stalking messages differ from ordinary spam in that a cyber stalker targets a specific victim with often threatening messages, while the spammer targets a multitude of recipients with simply annoying messages.

There are a number of simple ways to guard against cyberstalking. One of the most useful precautions is to stay anonymous yourself, do not accept invitation to meet with anyone, these type of people are often mentally unstable and could be very dangerous, you never know who they are or what they are planning, they are criminals and should be treated as such.


I hope this helps, I have sent the dotted information to the often referenced lifechangers website.  I am tired of seeing people get hurt by these monsters that lurk behind computer screens.


God Bless,





Since you are pretty good at research can you fine something out as well - What rights do a young woman has when she is vilolated by a clergyman - told that if she must be his concubine so his desires will be fulfilled?What about a man that has a chair thrown at him and is wounded by Howell? What about married women who are targeted and manipulated to leave her spouse for Howell's own purpose and, of course, the kids who now have to live in a house without the cohabitaion of thier parents. Well thats if you are really concerned with the kids and not Howell's agenda. I notice your heart faied to go out to the personnel who were abused - there are over 100 to be exact that fall in this category. Again, Howell is the victim and its the fault of of over 100 ex-members that they were abused by him - got it. My last queston is - what about the monsters behind the pulpit - let me quess he's on the Word Network so that excuses his crime abusing his authority as a clergyman. Now do you want everyone to come forward publically disclose how they were violated by you? Howell, Just like Jezebel, you tend to come with the element of suprise. Tomorrow or the next day it will be something else but never how you should be ashamed for the lives you have destroyed when you should have been a avocator of life. I have nothing else to say on the matter for I believe my point is well known - I beleive this is the cosensus of most of the group, but when you come on here with your manipulative (Jezebel) tactics you just stir up the hornets nest. Howell(REPENT) has said his part and pray that one day you do just that - REPENT adn get it right with God and the people you maliciously violated.

Tiffany is no doubt one of Apostle´s nymphs. 


We are on here telling the truth, so Tiffany-Howell says that telling the truth is cyber bullying.


When Apostle Howell is calling someone names like "ratarded," "stupid," or using is media against them then Tiffany, Lacie, Bishop, BWH, a Growing Christian, Nobel Son and John-boy call it the word of God.


First Lacie with her lies about IPs addresses, now Tiffiany with her cyber bullying lies. 


We have a right to share what HAPPENED TO US at Life Changers.  Apostle is afraid of the truth because truth brings light. 


I would like to know how it is cyber bullying when we are trying to warn women, married couples and families from becoming victims of the evil things that happened to us.  Our intent is pure and honest which is more than I can say for Apostle, Bishop and BWH.


Again, Apostle Howell must be having kittens about now because of all this "Revelation."


Tiffany, you are invited to join all us in the Solemn Assembly of prayer and fasting April 20-22 while Howell is making a mockery of a shepherd´s appreciation, and celebrating the evil he has done these past 17 years.


We have not "threatened" or "stalked" Apostle Howell, but I am sure that he feels threatened.  If Tiffany cares to look further back in these posts she will read where both Lacie and Bishop Nobel son use threats,  Hmmm, Bishop and Lacie are "cyber-bullies."


Lastly, please, by all means NO ONE should ever meet "again" with Apostle Howell, it is not safe.  Apostle refused to hear us when we were members, and we should all remember that we were "banned" when we left.  To return to LCI to meet with Apostle would be dangerous. 

Tiffany Howell,

As I was driving today, I realized I failed to mention two facts: First, I agree with you that an innocent child has nothing to do with what’s going on in this forum, but I would add that her Mom does. Her mom BW has been an advocator of  a known abuser and the breaking up of many families. We know that sometimes we find the retribution for the sins we commit recompensed through our children - this is biblical by the way. David, who you often speak of, had children who reaped some of the negative benefits of what happened between him and Bathsheba. What I am saying in the nutshell, BW has more to do with what has happened than anyone else but it will be the fault of everyone else not her. I am not the one to say how and when God repays - but He does.

Secondly, you have outlined this forum as bullying. Now Howell, you bullied innocent broken people who looked to you as guide to teach them how to encounter the ultimate Healer. You used these weaknesses as the opportunity to make yourself god in their eyes and being babes many of them did not know better – you did this to satisfy your own selfish lust!!! That was the purpose of the rapid promotion and demotions - dangling the carrot to make them do whatever you desired. Now let's get to work - when you bullied them, they had nowhere to turn or hide; they simply had to endure it becoming more broken than they already were. The table has been turned for God will not be mocked. Whatsoever a man soweth THAT (emphasized) shall he also reap. Now a table has been set before them as they have the opportunity to express what happenedto tham and how they actually feel and this time you are the one who has nowhere to turn or hide. Not a good feeling, is it? You have been right in future post vengeance is of God, so take your punishment like a man – from the looks of it you dished it out like one. As long as you come on here with these manipulative tactics, I and many others will be here to meet you. Now my take is you will go on about your business while we stand on the wall. I have said all I need to say and hopefully I can stay gone this time - but if you insist, I will return.

"Then I heard a voice from heaven say:  "Come out of her my people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not received any of her plagues;"


Revelations 18: 4


Today, I begin with  a couple of warnings:


Some of the members of LALC have made contact with a person named "Felisha."  Do not, "I REPEAT," do have anything to do with Felisha.  Felisha is an alias.  Felisha gave us a picture on Chas Gooden´s site, but this picture that appeared was "treated," and in actuality is someone else.   The person posing as Felisha is an imposter UNLAWFULLY using the identity of another person in attempt to gain our confidence so they can gain entrance to LALC site.  Undoubtedly, this is another leader from Life Changers: Apostle, Bishop, BWH.  Apostle desperately wants to know who and what is being said about him so that he may try and gain the upper hand at "control."  Howell would do this by using some old information about one of us, and then doing just as he did to others when he created his own LALC site.  For those who made contact with Felisha via email, do not delete her emails, KEEP THEM.


Secondly,be careful of ministries that receive offering for one purpose and use that money for something else.  Over three years ago, Apostle Howell told us that a guest speaker was coming to Life Changers for his Shepherd´s Appreciation service.  We were told that this man was the pastor fof Union Chapel, Huntsville, Alabama.  Apostle told us that this pastor was going to allow us to use part of his church´s facilities to help Apostle Howell begin his own church in Huntsville.  The leaders, primarily Bishop and Pastor BWH asked families and individuals for $400.00 each.  Later it was discovered that the pastor of Union Chapel told Apostle Howell and his leaders that he would be unable to attend, but Apostle Howell did not give us this information and the leaders of LCI continued to ask for the money.  When it was publicly brought to Apostle Howell´s attention about this lie he told, the leaders got upset and Pastor BHW in a fit of outrage used her position as a so called "Prophetess," to speak a curse on us.  Apostle Howell also lost his temper during a week night service and began yelling at us: "IF YOU DON´T WANT TO GIVE $400.00, OR IF YOU THINK IT IS TOO MUCH - THEN YOU CAN JUST STAY HOME!"  Some of us have the DVD/CD, so it is NOT a lie.


All of us witnessed how Apostle Howell created an environment of fear in leaving LCI.  Any deserters are punished by shunning, and are vilified and marginalized by ridicule before and /or after they leave.  All of us have read the recent post Bishop a.k.a Nobel Son where he blasts particular people, and some of us have the information from Apostle, a.k.a Nimrod that he put out on his wife and other people.  Apostle used his media to do a series on "Honor;" Apostle publicly vilified serveral leaders who left his church.  Several of us have the DVD/CD.  Over the years, Apostle has publicly blasted several people, and churches.  


Apostle Howell did this to create a profound deep subconscious fear in the existing members to never leave, so this won´t happen to them.  A good example is the constant nagging about women who leave LCI and choose to marry someone who Howell does not approve.  Both Howell and BHW call them names like retarded and make up ridiculous accusations about them.  Sisters, we are the worst target of Apostle Howell´s abuse as he has zero respect for women.


Any time someone leaves the Life Changers cult, Apostle Howell personally "villifies" them as inferior and of Satan.  It is evil.  There is no rule or doctrine more pure, or better, than the group´s.  According to Apostle Howell, outside of LCI is failure and disaster. 


Apostle Howell tightly controlls information, he restricts the ability of his members to think critically and make sound judgements, especially by publically putting out these abusive "Gag order" instructiong followers not to talk to people who left and any other outsider about LCI matters.


Apostle Howell methodically embedds fear of leaving Life Changers and all the bad things that will happen if one leaves.  People who leave the cult are considered as associates of Satan.  Both Apostle and Bishop often "misuse" the death of one brother that left LCI as an example what will happen to anyone who leaves the cult.  Remember that a Growing Christian loves being associated with that kind of fruits.


For years, Apostle Howell has been getting by with name calling, fear mongering and using his expensive, but weak air time on the Word Network to ridicule people and many of us are witness to this event.  But just put Apostle Howell in front of an audience in a court room and you will see a weak and lying man who quipps about "I am not on trail here."  He will lie and forgot about the fact that what he denied in the court room was entirely different than what he said on television.  My sisters and brothers, can´t you see how sin makes a person do stupid things?


I can only speak for myself when I say that the moment I went through to cursed gates with LCI at my back, I have been enjoying life ever since.  I now don´t have to at "Midnight Cross," a.k.a "MIDNIGHT CURSE."  I can enjoy a Saturday without having to be at the cult to sing, clean, sweep, mow, work AV, administration, public affairs, cook, watch someone elses sick and out of control children - "for free," or sit at that stupid door and wait for Apostle to come in that demonic infested place.  PRAISE THE LORD!



I am sorry that you and all of us have suffered this blasphemy at the hands of such cruel and sadistic types of religious fraudulent leaders.


While he may not want to lose his empire, it is already lost.

"In that day I will perform against Eli all things which I have spoken concerning his house; when I begin, I will also make an end."


"For I have told him that I will judge his house for ever for the iniquity which he knoweth; because his sons made themselves vile..."


1 Samuels 3:  12-13


Eli and his sons Hophni and Phinehas are priests in the sanctuary of the Lord at Shiloh.  Hophni and Phinehas are two rascals that take sacrificial meat for themselves, and have sex with the women who minister at the sanctuary door.


Sexual abuse of female members by clergy is a extremely prevalent problem.  A study by Baylor University revealed that "one in every 33 women who attend worship services regularly has been the target of sexual advances by a religious leader.


Sexual relations between clergy and congregation member is an abuse of power.  Clergy members use the trust invested in them by their female parishioners to manipulate and coerce women into having sexual intercourse.  Such relations have a damaging effect on women's psychological well-being and personal relationships.  Abusers use their position of authority for sexual grooming of women.


A good example, is of Reverend Thomas Szdlik, he used information he learned during confession to seduce a woman by the name of Holly Force.  This preacher developed a scheme to make every effort to get her further involved in church activities and during those instances would "continuously bring up Holly's personal situation and seek deeper engagement with her" and encourage her to confide in and trust him.  When Holly became pregnant with Reverend Thomas' child, he coerced her into having an abortion.


The primary psychological nature of such assaults confuses the victim's own understanding of whether he or she'consented' to the sexual relations.  So there goes Lacie's remarks right on out the door.


Such was the case with Carolyn Waterstradt, who stated that her pastor of 10 years told her that "[their] relationship was ordained by God" and "[she] believed him because [she] was looking for direction and for help.


I strongly urge my sisters to act now to help end the clergy abuse by reporting this matter, even as "Lacie suggested."


Report it to the National Organization of Women.  You can go to www.now.org/issue/violence/clergyabuse_factsheet.html


If each of us come forward and give them our information, they may not can do anything to Apostle while he is in Germany, but they know about his Alabama church and can certainly bring some results.


Today, a very vile and wicked person accused us of committing "cyber-attacking."  Again, none of us are criminals; we are not retarded as suggested by NIMROD or Lacie.  None of us have any intentions of "EVER" meeting Apostle Howell as the invitation has been extended several times by Bishop Nobel Son.  We are not angry or bitter.


Remember not to associate with a person masquerading by using another woman's Identification on this site named "Felisha" as she [her name] is an LCI operative hoping to gain our confidence so that they may gain entrance to LALC.  If you have received any emails from this person - please save them as this is a cyber crime of illegally using someone elses identification.


Please, do not forget about our Solemn Assembly for 20-22 April.  We will be going before the Lord on behalf of those who remain in bondage at LCI.  We will also be praying and fasting for that band of wickedness to be broken; for women to be healed; for families and marriages that they be strengthened.  You may pray and fast for any length of time as the Lord leads.  We shall also pray for the leadership that God will grant them repentance.


May the Lord bless all my Sisters and Brother


"I have seen the wicked in great power, and spreading himself like a green bay tree."


"Yet he passed away, and, lo, he was not: yea, I sought for him, but he could not be found."


"But the transgressors shall be destroyed together: the end of the wicked shall be cut off."


Psalms 37: 35-36, 38


There is an end to the wicked.  Trouble don't last always.  I thank God for what Bishop Nobel Son said previously, about whatever has been done in the dark will come to light.  He is exactly right.  God will not allow a wicked leader to continue to lie, cheat and steal money for parking lots never purchased, or collect money for visiting speakers that they knew would not come.  God certainly is bringing it to light.


God is bringing to light the past abuses and the meaness of the man who despises the flock of God.  He shall be cast out and another will take their place.


According to the scripture, death and destruction comes to those who betray the Lord's trust.  Again, both Bishop and Lacie are correct that they all shall reap what they sowed.


The money gotten by fraud has become a curse to them.  The wages owed for all the years of the Saints service for the works that we did in HTOD and LCI are not forgotten by the Lord. The years we sacrified untiringly, sometimes as much as six day/nights a week; then only to be casted out and maligned.  We shall reap a reward for our labor.  Bishop tired to marginalize some of the former members sacrifice, but God has not forgotten. 


They did not learn from the past mistakes when he tried to defraud the contractors, calling them crooks.  He accused another of stealing money as reason they had a new car.  Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord.  They drew to themselves a curse.


One of the favorite sayings at LCI is: "the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the just."  The man's personal wealth is laid up for the just.  God is going to take it away in due season.


Sisters, I hope that you are preparing your reports for the National Organization for Women (NOW). There are chapters in every state, and I am sure they will be interested in a member of the clergy that has zero respect for women and even call us "bitches."  At least proper attention will be given towards this awful conduct, and I am sure when they see the many women that were abused by this leader it will gain public attention.  They can't treat us that way and get away with it.  I ask for brothers to step up and help us as well; you too, can make a report about anything you witnessed or experienced wrongly in LCI.  Please read my previous post for the website. 


I am looking forward to our Solemn Assembly of fasting and prayer during 20-21 April. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.  Even this morning I did not sleep, but I was given over to prayer that the Lord will do a new thing before our very eyes.



To Andrea,

I was informed that the real reason you allowed your ETS to come up so you can get out of the military was because you got a Field grade Article 15 and was forced to separate when your ETS came up.  Apostle said that he tried to help you, that he spoke with his friend CSM Ira Daniels, he was informed that you were a liar and lacked integrity, and so he backed off.  Now you didn't actually get an article 15 did you?  This isn't really the real reason that you got out at your ETS is it?  This would be proof that you are a liar if it is.  

You also said that you saw Apostle in 2000 when he visited Creflo Dollar's Church.  Why were you there again?  Did you go to see Creflo Dollar or did you go to see Apostle.  Did you track him down while he was in the states and stalk him to Atlanta?  I'm confused if he molested you or forced himself on you why were you in the same area as him when he went to the states?  I know that Creflo Dollar's church is a pretty big church so did you just happen to run across him?  Were you living in Atlanta at that time? 

I ask you these questions to get to the bottom of this whole matter.  If you got out of the military because you got an article 15 then you weren't upfront with us from the beginning.  If you went to Atlanta to see Apostle Howell then your story is missing something that you're not telling us.  Why do you really want to put your stuff out there like this?  Are you mad at Apostle for what he did to you or for what he didn't do to you?  Did he reject you and you are lashing out at him? 

These things will come out but it would be nice for you to tell the truth just this once.  So we can all be on a level playing field.

I'm not trying to find some small insignificant reason to defame or marginalize anything.  I'm trying to see if she's lying.  If she lied then there's no crime.  For it to be a crime a law has to be broken, for example if you can't prove Apostle has done anything wrong then you may be guilty of cyber stalking him, and actual defamation of character.  Andrea can't be defamed if she came on here and gave her story.  Now if I started a group called Andrea and put things on there that I heard about her written by other people and I kept the blog alive and posted a link to the blog on other sites and went around everywhere that I saw her name and tried to get people to post bad stuff about her, then that would be defaming, that would be a crime.

But me asking her a question to find out what is true and what isn't true to try and gauge the type of person she is to draw a clear and logical understanding of the situation, that's not defaming or disrespectful that's me getting all of the facts.  You don't think that these same questions wouldn't be asked of her if not worse at Apostle's hearing do you.  Because you're so convinced that he's going to jail.  She has to be prepared to give a deeper more in depth answer because a man's reputation is on the line so any holes or flaws in her story will get exposed and exploited.  So I might as well start now.  As I said the truth will come out.  It would just be nice for the only person on here that has actually said Apostle did something to them personally to be as upfront as possible since she wants to be as graphic as possible.

I know you people think its horrible to attack or question women that are victims.  I know that you think everybody that says anything negative about Apostle is a saint and the model christian.  I know that you guys think that if somebody comes on to a Pastor and gets him to stumble that person is the victim and not the Pastor.  I am aware of this.  Just know that not everybody that says that they're a victim is a victim and not everybody that you say is a victim is.  I am not insensitive to the severity of Sexual assault, I know it can leave a scar.  But so can rejection.  Some women cannot handle rejection to the point that they would do and say anything to get the person back or make them  feel the same hurt that they feel or felt.

It is not your place to question Andrea, besides, the authorities will do it, and she is not the only woman that is going to talk.  Go question your wife.


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