I've had many discussions with both men and women on this topic.

I would love to know your thoughts on how far it too far when you are both believers?

What (besides the obvious...) should be totally off-limits?

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Yes, John, I agree, some get married just so they won't "burn" in the flesh and are then able to have "legal" sex in the sight of the Lord. LOL... but dare I say, those folks have not counted the cost of such a decision and they are also taking the covenant of marriage lightly.
AMEN! But again how many people truly think about or put God in the equation even if they are believers. I mean who are honest about this issue you started. Most couples don't even plan for children, it just happens and "it's ok because we're married". Needs to be education from a young age to me. I know I was stupid!
If you are not going to marry keep your hands off
you get to test drive a car but you can't try out God's
dwelling place you must have God giving permission to
touch and only if you are going to marry her or him.


See the flesh is what it is
Aint that the truth. But remember, when we are led away, we are lead by our own STRONG desires...

James 1:14
But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.

Like Canton Jones' lyrics: You're cute, but not cute enough for my salvation...LOL

Here's the video:

I have that video on one of my blogs and I also got that song for my son who's a freshman in college away from home. LOL
are you sure that is what that scripture means? Why exactly was that passage written? Who was being spoken to and whay were they being told to lay hands on no man. Was there a cultural significance to that statement?
Amen to that brother. Why does one think he/she can touch in the wrong manner and not put fire in their bosom.
I think talking on the phone, going out, holding hands, and a hug is enough while dating. Maybe a short kiss. I don't know about anyone else, but a certain type of kissing gets things too heated for me. You really can't trust either partner to stop if things start going too far, so I suggest staying away from the lingering kisses that weakens you. I know it's hard not to kiss when you are dating someone that you care about, but we have to rely on God to be our keeper, so it requires much prayer from BOTH partners.
Lol! Amen Jaja!
The Bible says we can't put fire in our bosom and not get burned. My mother used to tell me when I was a teenager kissing leads to petting and petting leads to other things. That's so true. When dating as a Christian couple we shouldn't be at home alone with the lights dim and soft love music playing. God warns us but sometimes we think we can handle certain situations and things ourself. Warning comes before destruction.
and so many have fallen.... soooo many
Being a Single's Ministry Leader in my church (Victory Outreach) my attitude is this... nothing about dating is casual, therefore it should not be taken lightly. And this is just me... but I don't date at all. I have decided to allow God to bring it all together for me. I have strong views when it comes to dating and not everyone can accept these things. But I realize that the wrong relationship is a tremendous hinderance to my spiritual growth. God has ordained only one man for my life and me looking for him is like looking for a needle in a haystack. I know that a man CAN truly love me but still not be the one for me. I have placed a value on my heartbreak therefore I will not allow Just anyone to have access to my heart. And spending time alone with an attractive Man, listening to him tell me all the things he likes about me, noticing all the things we have in common, will only lead me to develope feelings for him. Once we develope feelings for each other we are more willing to overlook things that might seem small at first but grow to be unbearable. Prayer really does change things, however each of us have the final say in what we will and will not change. We might be willing to change we might not. So we teach our singles that dating is the second most important decision that one can make in salvation 2nd only to being saved, because your mate may not be able to get you on the right track but they CAN and WILL take you places you may not want to go. And ask anyone who has gotten involved and married someone who was not the one...It CAN cost you your calling.


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