Apostle Howell MADE CHASE GOODEN delete his page because Howell is in trouble.  Howell the man who said that he never ran from anything is now on the run.  COWARD!



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Then Peter said, Ananias, how has Satan so filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirt.............You have not lied to men, BUT TO GOD................When Ananias heard this, he fell down and died...................Then the young men came foward, wrapped up his body, and carried him out and burried him.


Acts 5: 3-6


LYING TO GOD!  ("Acts" of a desperate man)


It is sad, when anyone wants something so bad, or wants to seen as something or someone that they are not, that they have to lie about it.  All of us know people who act big, and talk big, but the truth comes out that they are fake.  God sees the fake, and God exposes the fake.  Saints, we are to trust God.  Whatever we do in the body of Christ should always be done in the spirit of humilty and honesty.  We don't do it for show.  Over here in Holiness, we don't care what the JONES are doing, we are not trying to keep up with the world.  We want the Lord to be please with our conduct; we want to hear the Lord say to us WELL DONE, MY GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT!  God is not pleased when we lie on him, OR TO HIM!  Only a fool, lies to God.  Only a fool LIES ON GOD!  Who wants a fool for a leader?


Do not allow the allurements of sin to bring you under its control.  The results are damning.  There is no peace to the wicked.  Sin is not pretty, it only gives the appearance of pretty.  It is because Satan was able to attract Ronald D Howell Sr with sin, that Howell now is the servant of sin.  You see, Brother Nettles, your false apostle does answer to a superior.  Yes, Ronald Howell belongs to a body, it is sin, Howell answers to sin.  Howell is under the controlling influence of sin.  What else would make a man use the death of another to ensnare, and intimidate people into obeying him, and not leaving his cult?  SIN!  Howell's overseer is the devil.  The devil tempts men to molest women, and children.  The devil tempts men into scheming against people, lying to raise money for causes he knew that weren't real.  Raising money for speakers, Howell knew weren't coming.  But that didn't stop Howell from lying on that Huntsville, Alabama Preacher, OR HIS CHURCH!


Great deeds of wickedness in the scripture are traced to the influence of Satan.  He influenced Howell to lie on God, molest women, breakup families, have women to commit abortions.  Especially, is Satan called the father of lies, so it is no strange thing for Howell to lie to his followers, the police, his own family, because I know that his family want desperately to believe that Howell did not do any of these things, BUT HE DID!  Howell acts like his SPIRITUAL FATHER!


In our scripture today, this was an act of falsehood, or an attempt to deceive.  When Howell was lying about all of his fund raising activities, he did not once consider the ONE WHO SEES FROM HEAVEN!  Howell was not worried about God, when he was doing all his dirt, no not once.  All Howell was concerned about was mega church, and phoning in his messages from some island, and Howell told us so.  All of this, Brother Ananias, and fallen brother Howell, their lying and deception, can be traced to the influence of Satan.


The sin of brother Ananias consisted to the yeilding to the temptation.  Nowhere in the bible are people suppose to be free from guilt from the mere fact that they have been tempted to commit it.  God requires us to "resist" temptation, and if we yeild to it, then we are to be punnished.  God is not mocked!  None of us gets away.  All of us need to repent.  And God will grant us mercy.  God is GOOD!


A person's heart, or mind is full of a thing, when he is intent on it, when he is strongly impelled to it, or when he is fully occupied with it.  Ronald Howell, for the past 17 years, has worked hard for sin, his mind has been fully on this thing called fame.  Howell is also fully occupied with his sex demon.  He has an insatible appetite for sex, as Howell himself taught us that this is what happens to people who YEILD TO SIN!  Yes, Howell taught us all of that, but he could not keep his pants up, or his nasty hands to himself.  But he still wants to preach to you over in Alabama, and the WordNetwork.  Who wants a sexual pervert leading them?  Howell doesn't have anything that a SANE person wants to hear.  All of this means is that Howell was impelled, or excited by Satan to these crimes.  Sister Tamara, it was Satan, working through your leader that impelled and excited you all of these years, and you thought it was hot flashes.  It was Satan, that put it on Bonny Williams to impell her to become the "international" liar that she is today.  Bonny, you owe it all to Satan.  Brother Ken, that lying you did, you allowed Satan to tempt you.  Brother Tom, it because you serve sin, that you allowed the devil to keep you in Germany.  Satan, working through your leader, to tempt all of you.  Satan, even got a mother to leave her sick child in the hospital, just so she could go speak at one of Howell's women's conference, that only members of LCI attend.  "Howell" patheticLOOSE HERE, DEVIL!


It is so sad, that people think that God cannot detect fraud.  I know for a fact, that Howell did not get away with not one thing he has done over the years, and the day will manifest this truth, so that no one will doubt the Word of God, and so that all may fear before His Holy Prescence.  God will see to it, not people.  God got this.  All we need to do is remain on the wall as watchpersons, and warn the people.  All who will hear the truth, and obey it shall be saved.


Think about this, there is a lot of deception in our world today, especially in the name of religion.  All Life Changers International is - is deception, it is waiting for those who do not have th spirit of God, and those who refuse to obey the voice of the Lord and get away from this abomination.  This is what is driving John-boy-Howell so crazy, he can't shake the truth.  There is no way out, and he refuse to repent.


The Bible says that Ananias, fell down dead, that is, death by the hand of heaven.  God is the same today, yesterday, and foreever.  Today, if you hear the voice of the Lord, turn away from the controlling influence of sin, and live.  GET A LIFE!  The life in Christ is available to whosoever will come to him.  People in sin, do not have a life, they are dead to God.  All of those LCI followers, are dead in sin, supporting a reprobate, sexual predator.  They are dead in singing, dead in attendance up to five days a week. dead, just plain old spiritually dead.  They need a life.  Right now, the members LCI do not have life, they don't have Christ.  They are not connected to the TRUE VINE.  Please, help me pray for them, that they will get a life and regain their sanity.


I am greatful that Ronald Howell continues to allow me to confront him with the truth, with all of his character names.  Maybe, he just might get convicted and let them people have this Friday evening off.  (smile)


My sisters,  I Love You ALL!


Sister Shelly


PTL:  Stay in the Lord!  Those who are annointed don''t have anything to fear.











And when Saul inquired of the LORD, the LORD DID NOT ANSWER him, either by dreams, or by Urim, or by prophets.


1 Samuel 28:6




It is a terrible thing to be a leader, especially a spiritual leader and don't talk to you.  The only way you can lead is of your own understand.  Once you have alienated yourself from Christ - you are cut off.  Jesus said, that without me YE CAN DO NOTHING!  The only remedy is to stop and repent.  Don't take another step.  Repent, and seek the leading of the Lord.  Any person calling themselves a member of the christian ministry witout Christ has no business up in front of others.  That person is dangerous, and that person is going to cost you your life.  Imagine being in place, and you call it a church, but you don't have no rights.  You are bound to an oath, and nothing short of death, YOU CAN'T MISS!  You have to be there.  Your leader don't care about your children.  Don't care about you getting no education.  Don't care about your view, because YOU DON'T HAVE HIS FALSE VISION!  You are to do what you are told to do.  That is Life Changers International New Horizon's Cult Ministry.  But God is not talking to Ronald D Howell Sr, because Howell refused to hear the Lord.


Ronald Howell's greatest mistake 17 years ago, was leaving his church, and going to his living room.  It has all been downhill ever since.  Howell's spiritual leader, told him not to go.  They told him that he was not ready, but Howell went anyway, like Judas Iscariot, Satan filled his heart, and to Satan, Howell went.  He has been a spiritual fugitive and a traitor ever since.


King Saul used three methods by which supernatural intelligence was ordinarily given, in recieving revelation from the Lord.  The Lord did not recieve his prayer even by dreams, or by dreamers, diviners, who PRETENDED (Bonny Williams) to give answers by dreams.


The explanation of all this is to be found in the fact that inquiring of the familiar spirit was positively antagonistic to inquiring of the Lord.  That Saul received no answer - when he inquired of the Lord by dreams, which was an immediate revelation to himself; by Urim, which was an answer through the high priets clothed in the ephod; or by prophets (REAL PROPHETS) which was an answer conveyed through some seer speaking by the Word of the Lord.  No man of God, goes out of his way to antagonize God, at least none with any ounce of brains.  Molesting God's daughters is antagonistic, a serious offense in the eyes of God.  I know that John-boy, and Desiree Mitchell impersonator Ronald Howell is tired of hearing the same message, but it is not really the same message.  I want Howell, and all leaders like him to know that they are an offense in the eyes of God.  How does any leader expect to have a successful ministry if they antagonize God?  Besides, I sat through many a boring message from Howell, but it paid off, I know his voice, and his teaching method.  If I wanted, I could mimic Howell.  Any of Howell's leaders, sound just like him.  It does not matter what name they use - it is him, IT IS HIS SPIRIT!


God's silence is NOT a good sign, it is a sign of trouble.  Saul was listening for God, but not hearing Him, BECAUSE HE LEFT HIS FRIST LOVE, he was no longer focusing on pleasing God, he was no longer obeying what he knew God had told him to do.  So often, many of us former LCI members sat there, and watch Howell in a confused state of mind, wondering how come his plans did not work out as he had planned.  We witnessed failure after failure, conference after conference, prayer vigil, after prayer vigil, BUT NO ANSWER FORM THE LORD FOR HOWELL.  Afterall, this was busy work for us, to keep us occupied and tied down. That is all every Saturday is about, just to steal time from families IN THE NAME OF THE LORD & MINISTRY!  It is all a big fat juicy lip lie.  The next time Victor Jones says something about it being for the ministry, I wish an angel would reach out and slap him in his mouth.  STOP LYING!  Saints, please be listening for God's voice today, don't leave your first love, stay connected to the Word of God, not the word of a lying false apostle, and his common law conubine.  If Sister Tameeka had been listening to the voice of the Lord, her testimony would have been entirely different.  In fact, both she and her family would no longer be at Life Changers.  They'd be free.  Our brother Grant heard right, it was the leading of Lord telling him to get out of LCI.  It was not your idea, you like our brother Thomas actually heard the voice of the Lord calling you,  the Lord was showing you an OPEN DOORTAKE IT!  Get your families, and get out of that abomination!


Samuel said to Saul, Why do you ask me, seeing THE LORD HAS DEPARTED FROM YOU AND BECOME YOUR ENEMY?  WHY?  Because Saul did not obey the voice of the Lord.  Ronald D Howell Sr, over the past several years has heard the vioce of the Lord, telling him that the way he was treating people was wrong.  Desireee Mitichell Ronald Howell was confronted about his adulterous behavior by former members, but Howell chased them away.  He would not listen to voice of the Lord, telling him somethng he knew was wrong.  To the members of LCI, why would you want to follow a man who the Lord has become his enemy?  I would not accept a crumb from that man, let alone a title.  I don't want to sit in his chair, I don't want to shake his hand.  I don't want no fellowship with someone who God has become the enemy of.  That's dangerous.


You famlies in the United States, that have loved ones serving in Life Changers International in Germany, you should be concerned about your family members, and encourage them to come out of that whore, that Howell calls a ministry.  You loved ones are in danger.  Just like those people in Waco, and Jonestown.  You see, Howell-Desired, John, Keith, Colm, NIMROD and all the other names that Howell uses does not want the truth to get out, he is tired of reading the same thing over and over.  I have done this for a purpose.  As Ronald D Howell Sr reads our blogs,  I want him to rehearse what he is reading, until it gets into his black heart:  HE IS A SEXUAL PREDATOR!  HE IS A LIAR!  HE IS A CHEAT!  HE IS A SCOUNDREL!  I want Ronald Howell to be able to stand in front of that mirror and say these things OUT LOUD to himself.  If the liar can't admit it publicly, then at least he can admit it to himself in the privacy of his home.  Howell is one of my most faithful readers, he might as well get something for his time.


In our daily lives, understanding turth is vital to success.  Without understanding, it's much harder to find self discipline in our lives.  And discipline is very important in overcoming the SNARES OF THE EVIL ONE fot it begins with making GOOD CHOICES, and GOOD CHOICES ARE MADE WITH UNDERSTADING, YOU DON'T HAVE TO TAKE A "CHANCE," risking your life, and yor family's life on the path to predtion.


When saints understand, they do not forsake their duties to God OR FAMILY; they will not follow a stranger, that is, a man who, PRETENDING TO BE A SHEPHERD OF THE FLOCK OF GOD, is a STRANGER to that salvation which he professes to preach.  HIs mode of preaching soon proves, to those whose hearts are acquainted with the truths of God, that is a STRANGER!  Sister Shelton, your leader is a STRANGER to God.  Allow your heart to get connected to the Lord, and you will stop following a STRANGER and BE HEALED OF YOUR SICKNESS!  Let hm who steals from you, steal no more.  You just came across my mind, I am praying for you.  Therefore knowing that this stranger has gotten into the fold IN AN IMPROPER WAY(let's say - HIS LIVING ROOM) even as Christ does, we too are to consider him a thief, a robber, and a MURDERER; and who can blame anyone if they WHOLLY DESERT HIS "MINISTRY!"  There are preachers of this kind among all classes.


Consider the depth of what is written in James 4:17, Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin.  WHY?  Why is it a sin, because it is disobedience to the Holy Spirit - "NOT MY MAN OF A GOD!"  The key words here are "WHO KNOWS."  Truth is revealed by the Holy Spirit and if one knows, that revelation has come from none other than the Holy Spirit.  Therefore to him who KNOWS to do good and does not do it, this one is not OBEYING the voice of the Lord or keeping the "word" of the Lord that has been revealed to him.  Brother Petty, you said, that the Lord had revealed to you that it was time for you to go.  Brother Grant, it was the Lord who revealed to you, that you needed to leave LCI.  Until you obey God, you cannot be right with God.  YOU KNOW!  Each of you know more than the Wards', Forbes', Patnets, Pattersons,  Teloris & "SWEETIE PIE" etc. YOU KNOW!  They do not know.  Elder Nettles, it was you who told others, that you did not agree with your apostle, and it was your wife's own mouth that SPOKE TRUTH:  "I WOULD NOT JOIN HERE IF I WERE YOU!"  Both of you know, therefore, IT IS SIN TO ALL OF YOU WHO KNOW THAT YOU SHOULD BE OUT OF LCI The longer you remain in sin, the harder your hearts will become, and then there is no escape.  You will be like Howell - LOST!


Just think, Petty disobeyed the Lord when He was telling him that it was time for him to return to the United States.  But because Petty believe the lie of  Ronald Howell, the false apostle, that:  PETTY COULD NOT HEAR FROM GOD WITHOUT HOWELL, he is now stuck in a cult, him, his wife, and his child.  The whole family is stuck in deception.  I imagine their are a lot of lost souls from Jonestown, that wish they could have one more chance TO GET IT RIGHT!  They can't come back from the dead, but all of us should allow the memory of the awful disaster of Jonestown, to pray for the lost in every cult.  We should not cease to warn, watch and pray for them, regardless of who objects.   Don't care what names you call me.  Don't care how I appear to the world, this about saving lives.  I don't care how much time it costs. 


Elder Walker, you could have a happy life, instead of one of disobedience.  You hear the Lord calling you to come out of that mess.  Why are you ignoring the Lord?  Do you want to be damned?  Your fake shepherd is doing you wrong; he is robbing you of happiness.  You don't have to be another man's play thing.  You can have a husband - all to yourself.  Let Bonny have Howell, that is all the happiness she has coming to her.  Let her have him, a false apostle is not worth your whole life.  You are still young.  Don't give your life to the devil.  Ladies, when you share your bed with a devil, you are going to get confused.  You will not be able to rightly discern.  Elder Walker, I wish you would stop making excuse for Howell, because sexual molestation is more than:  "EVERYBODY MAKES MISTAKES" kind of thing.  No, everybody does not make that mistake. 


My sisters, I pray that when we inquire of the Lord, that our most precious God will answer us.  Let us keep the lines of communication between us and God clear.  We don't need anyone between us and God, except Jesus.


I Love You ALL!


Sister Shelly


Get a life lady........

you really need to get a life or a job or a husband...  read a book or something or go to the gym.......

How long will you simple ones love your simple ways?  How long will mockers delight in mockery and fools hate knowledge?


Proverbs 1:22





Today, I want to write about our Brother Ezekiel; his job is perhaps most clearly outlined in chapter 33.  Ezekiel was called to be watchman.  The job of a watchman was to sit at the top of a city's gate and warn the city if danger was approaching.  That was Ezekiel's job for not only the Israelites, but for the surrounding nations as well.


God was saying through our brother Zek, particularly to the nation of Israel, if you continue to turn your back on me, and reject my love and my commands that give life, then I will leave you with the consequences of your sinful choices.  I will remove my hand of protection and leave you to your own devices and you can see how that goes for you. 


We has a wonderful glimspe into the heart of our God, found in Ezekiel 33:11,  "Say to them, 'As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign Lord, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways and live.  Turn!  Turn from your evil ways!  Why will you die O house of Israel?'"  God is graciously offering them a last chance to turn, even begging them to return to Him and receive His love, grace, protection and life.


Sadly, so many people choose to ignore God and go ahead with their plans.  In the Bible we read about people who chose to ignore God,and all were destroyed.  You know, I was only recently able to understand spiritual blindness.  It is so powerful, and it is an awful condition when one cannot spiritually see.  If you find that you cannot spiritually see - STOP!  Stop where you are, fall down and pray - "Turn,"  turn to the Lord, our God is gracious, He will pardon.


My hearts desire is that no one will be lost.  Hell is not a good place.  I heard someone teach, that hell represented the raw prescence of God.  When I read what Jesus said about that place,and when I read about the how the rich man lifted up his eyes in that place of torment, just even when Ithink about all that darkness, it gives me the shakes.  You read the testimonies of modern day near death experiences, and the awful excuriating things they describe.  From this place, there is no return.  Just think, God could call your name today, would you be ready, or would you be playing with sin?  Anything began in sin will not be blessed, and none of us should ever think that they can outsmart the Lord.  That is spiritual blindness.  Anyone can rearrange a mess, but it is still a mess.  If you are reading this, and you are in sin, and all you do is make a few adjustments-all you have done is made an adjustment to your sin.  God can see you.


Wisdom's call says;  If you had responded to my rebuke, I would have poured out my heart to you and made my thoughts known to you.  But since you rejected me when I called and no one gave heed when I stretched out my hand, since you ignored all my advice and would not accept my rebuke, I in turn wil laugh at your disaster; I will mock when calamity overtakes you.  Proverbs 1


Death's night is coming.


I will be out for the rest of the week, and I am requesting your prayers; Iam going to have surgery.  After my return, I will no longer post on Wanzo's page, but I invite you to join me on my page, right here on the black preaching network, and you are invited to join me on my FaceBook.  Please look for me next week - Friday 17 August 2012.  Until then, I will be enjoying some recuperation time.


Looking forward to hearing from all of you my sisters.


I Love You ALL!


Sister Shelly


As I sit here an think, I realize that the truth will always stand and lies and deceit eventually become obsolete. I realized people like Lacie, Nobe Son, etc. just to name a few came on so strong and radical but became obsolete. The reality is, they could only defend a lie for so long, but the truth is still being shared and will stand for eternity.

LCI, I mean no harm in my attempt to get you to see the error in the teachings of your leader. This is what Paul did in his day and it was unpopular, nonetheless. My prayer is for the men to step up and lead their families for the spirit that Howell operates under demands that the families be ran by him, indirectly of course – it’s your decision as a man to determine if your family will go on vacation or if it’s time to PCS or go out of town for the weekend etc,. If you pray and receive peace upon doing so, all Howell should say is - may the Lord be with you . However, he will make you feel guilty and disobedient for standing in your rightful place. If you don’t stand in your rightful place, your wives will eventually look to the man you have allowed to stand in your place - Howell.

Dear anonymous person, im sure you have read some of my previous posts, so ill keep it short as reason seems to have no place in your thought process.  I have never seen the accused do any wrong, so im not able to act as his judge, jury and executioner. So he is innocent until proven guilty, im sure you have heard of this before, if not i would suggest that you goggle this, it is standard practice in the developed world.  We should afford it to everyone, even the pagans will ad-hear to this law.

Amonymous person, i can understand why you dont want to identifiy yourself and really not be held responsible for what you write.  Question... on your judgement day, questions are going to be asked as to how you came to your conclusion, if you have first hand testimony and you feel that your mind is realable then you will be a good servant, if you have sir-come to gossip and ill-founded internet information then there may be an issue.  So if you believe what you say you believe then stick to it.  i hope you are sure.  and let it be recorded.  I will record this fact..... as i am not in full prevy to all the facts regarding this man i can not make a verdect in any direction.


Good day and let’s talk about reason. Reason tells me that if over 100 plus members of a small Church have been abused in some way by the Pastor, this cannot be their fault and the Pastor the innocent victim, that goes completely against reason.  Larger ministries with thousands of members don’t even have this type of scrutiny; however, Howell has to use the same people under different names to justify why this Cult leader should be allowed to further abuse God’s sheep. When you look on the LALC site, there were over 100 “real people” that were a part of that group because they were in some way abused by this leader. Bottom line up front, Howell is the problem not over 100 other people – that’s reason.

I don’t need to catch him in the act nor wait for the courts. Either all these allegations have some truth to them or over 100 people are liars and Howell’s the innocent Lamb, now that’s not reason. I do understand that pagans have to wait for the human judge to tell them if someone is guilty; however, Christians should have discernment and revelation from the Holy Spirit. Howell is a Cult leader and that’s all there is to it. His messages are full of manipulation and controlling tactics. Listen to him on you-tube and the Word Network; if you have the Holy Spirit, you will find reason, for any Christian with any ounce of Holy Spirit can discern the selfish ambition and controlling measures of Howell’s messages; nonetheless, we should not wait for a pagan judge to tell us that. Jesus said he would leave us a comforter to lead and guide us into all truth not an unbelieving judge.

On this Day of Judgment that you speak of, I prefer to see the number of souls who were deterred from getting divorced their children growing up away from their parents because they are in Church all week, or that young woman who avoided being womanized. Yeah, that’s what I plan to hear: well done thy good and faithful servant. That family never got divorced nor that young woman taken advantage of. Howell, will you hear these words – just food for thought.

Amen. The truth has always and would always prevails no matter how long it takes. Thank you Lord Jesus.

You can fool people sometime but you can't fool them all the time.

Amen Ute, you have said a mouth full.


I have mentioned the Agape Church in many of my post. I believe in exposing error but wanted to show you where you can go and be healed once your eyes are opened. Bishop Neal is a Pastor after God’s own heart. You will not be manipulated, yelled at, made fun of, taken advantage of and your wife being targeted by the Pastor. Howell has done great damage to numerous women and families. He has lied on ex-members and attached these lies to the web. There are many places in Germany you can go but I wanted to give you a start when you realize that what over 100 people have expressed is correct. You will immediately tell the difference between a messenger of God and messenger of self. As you will see, he has spiritual sons who are a splitting image of him throughout the world. Who does Howell have outside his doors that he can call a spiritual son? The answer is - no one because it would be difficult for him to control or dominate someone outside the LCI walls. Furthermore, Howell will not allow anyone to leave for the fear of their eyes being opened. An effective Apostle can set up churches and leave pastors there to run them while the Apostle moves on and only returns to ensure things are running smooth. Not sit in one church and control and dominate everyone that walk through the doors.

LCI, I have attached a link with one of Bishop Neal’s messages so check him out:




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