I wonder how many of you saints were in "love" with Rev. James Cleveland back in the day???


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This is far from news to me. As I child, I grew up in a church with this type of behavior amongst the LEADERS! As the article suggests, folks just sweep it under the rug! What gets me is the fact that it's NOT just homosexuality, but also, fornication, adultery, theft, pedophilia and then some...WE need to be more accountable as leaders and STOP the madness in the temple. Plain and Simple. It is NOT okay to "overlook" OUT RIGHT SIN in the congregation!
But the sad thing is he is known as the "King of Gospel Music."
Even to this day you better not DARE say anything about James Cleveland.
HA! I will...about him..Bobby Jones AND Kirk Franklin! YEP..."I" said it...lol
At least somebody knows truth when they see it.
Hallelujer lol!!!
It is sad but this shows us that when these ministers are protected and ordained by the state under a hiearchy of men and not God, it's false. Most of these prosperity preachers today are under that same umbrella and why people are getting false doctrine. There a way too many James Cleveland's in the churches, leading them to the lake of fire. Most times all you have to do is turn to TBN and there they are. I know no one will like this statement but I'm not here to please men.
RIGHT ON MY BIG BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cry loud & spare not! You all may not remember this, but when Mr. Cleveland dies, the entire gospel community was in fear of who had the plague. Everyone was sleeping with each other. Men & women! There are some cities that still to this day, have harlot houses for preachers when they come to certain towns. The bible does say that God gives gifts and callings without repentance. The gospel music industry as well as our pulpits is in need of much prayer. We should pray for the church as a whole. There's an old song we use to sing called So Many Falling By The Wayside, Lord Help Me To Stand. There is much more going on besides sexual sins. There are liars, thieves, over eaters, gossipers, mockers, scoffers, etc in the body of Christ. Let's pray for one and another.
Your last sentence is the bottom line.
Amen Minister Busby!


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