Would You As Pastor allow Homosexuals To Frolic In Your Church?

Vermont has just okayed what they call "same sex mariages". It is very sad that we humans who are supposed to be the most intelligent creatures on earth, dont even understand or appreciate the sacred purpose of marriage. The reason why God instituted marriage is for reproduction, plus nothing, minus nothing. The sole reason why we are created male and female, or exibit some form of sexuality is to reproduce. If we didnt have to reproduce after our kind, we wont have any devices for sex. Angels dont reproduce and as such are sexless beings. Everything else God put on earth comes in pairs of male and female. Even birds know this. Have you ever gone bird-watching and seen two male birds weaving a nest and trying to raise a family?
You dont have to be a rocket scientist in order to understand that another man's behind was neither designed by God nor evolution for sex. The anus is not a sexul organ, period. So that if you want to use a body feature designed to accomplish one task for a completely senseless one then there is something wrong with your perception. You are like the man who sees a deer and calls it an elephant. Something is wrong upstairs!! What is the purpose of a so called same sex marriage. Sexual pleasure so they speak. But pleasure is not the purpose for sex.The pleasure part is secondary. God made sex pleasurable, why? Because if it had felt like surgery, you would have to hold a gun to your partner's head to have children. Homosexuals have taken the "purpose" out and are going gang-ho after the "pleasure".WHAT DOES THE BIBLE SAY ABOUT PLEASURE-SEEKING IN THE LAST DAYS?
As A pastor the only way I would allow a homosexual in my congregation if they understand that homosexuality, just all other deviations , is wrong and they came to church to seek help like all of us do. But if a homosexual shows up in church all cocky and full of gay pride and trying to peddle his ware in the church, I will chase him out with a baseball bat!!! lol!
You just said "wow, he hates homosexuals!", right? Wrong. As a pastor you cant hate anybody because of their sin.It will be like a Doctor hating a patient because the latter has a form of cancer the Doctor dreads.But if the patient tells the Doc, "Leave my cancer a lone. I was born with it, and I am proud of it." Well, then get out of the hospital! I dont hate homosexuals, I hate homosexuality. You dont hate the sinner, you hate the sin. You have to hate the sin enough to be able to help the sinner. On the other hand if you love the sin, you yourself might just get caught up in it.I consider it a disgrace to the human race that we allow behavior that even some animals shy away from.

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There is LOTS of proof but the sad thing is NONE of you church folk care to even see it.
That is the funny part.
You can see some but you can't see all.
Wow, hilarious.
This is why the world sees the church as a complete joke.
And honestly I don't blame them.
I know too much and have seen too take some of you church folk seriously.
Here is something you need to read and be sure to read thoroughly!!!

The video has been removed, however, the article is still there. Do you believe there were NO homosexual relationships in the bible? Just a question bro...not accusing..judging or any of that.
OHHHHH sister!!!
Now you have opened up a WHOLE Pandora's box.
Do you know that there are people who actually believe that there were NO homosexual relationships in the Bible [other than] that one occurrence with the two angels in Sodom and Gomorrah?
See, I believe this but when you tell anyone else this [especially church folk] you become a reprobate.
Wow, I wonder if they are going to attack you for this one???
I'm glad I wasn't the one who brought it up lol!!!
Fine with me.
They can.
There were several homosexual relationships in the Bible.
Here are two WITH scriptural reference!!

Ruth and Naomi ~ Ruth 1:16-17
David and Jonathan ~ 1 Samuel 18:1-4; 1 ;Samuel18:20-21;
1 Samuel20:41 ; 2 Samuel 1:26

To become ONE spirit is to become one. There is NOTHING new under the sun. The problems we have in the world today were here LONG before we were. The thing is, now, things are done openly rather than in secret due to shame of KNOWING you're wrong (sinning).

And NO, I don't approve of homosexuality, just merely pointing out that it DID exist in the bible as it does today.
You know in all my 31 years on this earth you are the FIRST person [in the church] who will admit that there was a sexual relationship between David and Johnathon?
It's amazing how people have lied, and deceived and in doing this have hurt and abused people all in the name of God.
I feel sorry for those who will be standing before God with the blood of those they have "spiritually" killed dripping from their hands.
No disrespect to you, but where and how do you get David and Jonathan plus Ruth and Naomi having a homosexual relationship. You are taking things out of context and thinking how we view things today. Ruth is a beautiful story of a loyal young woman, Ruth, who would not leave her dead husband's mother, Naomi and cared for her. Ruth eventually married a wealthy relative named Boaz, who was KIng David's grandfather.

David and Jonathan were not homosexuals and if David were how in the world can you think God would have even considered David. David and Jonathan loved one another very deeply as two brothers would and that is all. You are putting your own interpretation in to these passages because they kissed one another when they saw one another. You are allowing your own mind to conjure up a picture of them kissing as two lovers and this is totally false. You're throwing sex into a relationship that was not that way. The scripture you provide gives nothing to the meaning they were homosexuals. The fact that David loved Jonathan more than he felt with any woman is not the meaning of being sexual. It is because of the pervertiveness we have in our society that you even imagine this. What you need is for someone that knows the Bible to help you with your understanding and more importantly to pray to God to ask the Holy Spirit to guide and teach you His Word because you have it twisted right now. As I stated with all respect you have no understanding in the relationships of David and Jonathan nor Ruth and Naomi.
First of all, how could David be a man after Gods own heart and be homosexual? God would then contradict himself and He in essence would have to repent for destroying Sodom and Gomorrah. Second, to become One in Spirit is to be on one accord. Why do you think they that worship must worship him in spirit and in truth. Isnt this intimacy? If so are we having sex w/God? Are the men being homosexuals those that worship God. Our souls should be knit w/our heavenly Father what does that make us with Him? As far as blowing breath into man, and the word soul, it is referred to in the Greek (I believe, I would have to look up) it means, man became another speaking spirit just like God-nephish.
Come on people lets get some correct interpretation!
Right now I feel like Jesus when he told Peter, The Lord rebuke you, you favors the things of man and not of Christ. This is a lie from the pits of hell. The bible tells us if you add to the bible you add the plagues of the bible in your life. None of these people were homosexuals, liars. What spirit are you of?
One thing I realised in this country is sex and sexuality dominates every aspect of life so that the first thing people judge you by is how they can relate your appearance, dressing or words to sex. You have to be extremely careful in that kind of atmosphere not to be misjudged. For instance if you make a statement such as " I like children" the first thing that come s to mind in a rotten society is "yahoo he has admitted to being a pedophile" Or "my kids slept in the same bed with me" Call the FBI, Call Child Protective Agency , we have an evil child moslester on the loose! How pathetic!!
Please and again PLEASE, let's not be ignorant, I hate that as much as any SIN.

To answer your question, I am not and do not know where you got your information on my status as a BISHOP. I won't personnaly attack you or whoever you associate with, would appreciate the same.

Slow down and just reply or leave it alone, Didn't say you were controlled by any just making a point.

And the answer is I am not a BISHOP.


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